Do You Think That People Actually Know Whats Going On In The World

Do Navy sailors actually get to see the world?

A large advertising ploy that's used for recruiting people is the ruse that you get to see the world if you're in the Navy.
But do you really? With the liberty restrictions, and making port for only a couple days at most, would the majority of being active entail seeing the world, from a boat? And with that, mostly just seeing open water?

I guess I'm confused on the actual travel experience that sailors receive.
And are there certain ratings that'll ensure a travel 'position'?

Do insane people know they're insane?

Unfortunately they often do not. But those who do, live with terrible dread about their fate. This is why many choose to end their lives. Mental illness awareness and compassion for the illness continues to elude the public consciousness. It’s really no different from other diseases or illnesses, yet there remains a stigma that hinders those afflicted from getting the help they need. I hope to live long enough to see this pattern change. Life can be better for all if we supported one another rather than casting judgement. If you know someone with mental illness, try learning more, being open to hearing and understanding them, and, above all, treat them with patience and kindness.

What do blind people see? Do blind people see complete black, or is it an absence of any perception of color in a way that I could not experience?

You can try yourself.Writing on Mindhacks, Vaugn Bell—perhaps one of the best neuroscience writers around —explains the trick:"If you don't believe me, try this simple, but startling demonstration. First, hold your eyeball perfectly still. You could use calipers to do this, or a drug that paralyses the eye muscles, but my favourite method is to use my thumb and index finger. Using the sides of your thumb and finger, press on the bone of the eye socket, through your upper and lower eyelids. Do this gently. Try it with one eye first, closing the other eye or covering it with your hand."With your eye fixed in position, keep your head still and soon you will experience the strangest thing. (You will have to stop reading at this point. I don't mind. We will pick up when you have finished). After a few seconds the world in front of you will fade away. As long as you are holding your eyeball perfectly still, you will very quickly discover that you can see nothing at all. Blink, or move your head, let go of your eye and the world will come back."What's happening? Essentially, your eye is casting the exact same pattern of light on to the retina. Because nothing's changing, the receptors in your eye start sending messages to the brain less often, so the brain is passed information less regularly. Gradually, that means the image fades to nothing. Put crudely, it's like bad smells that disappear when you're exposed to them for more than a few minutes.

Some people complain about the USA being "world policeman" but what would happen if they actually stopped.....?

To be the world's policeman is very difficult - for any country - but particularly so for the US because they are so unpopular. The economic crisis is blamed on the US in total (not the greedy so and so's looking to make a fast profit) and our military action into Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, if a country or region came to the US and asked for help I would like to think we would consider it - but what if the reason for doing so would harm another country or region? It seems to me that if we went to the aid of one we would be criticised for not helping the other - that's a no-win situation.

I believe the US should always be ready, willing and able to come to the aid of another country. The US is a country founded by immigrants and people identify themselves not only as Americans but, also from where their families originated. That makes them very interested in what the world does and what the US role should be. All countries should be interested in preventing the growth of oppressive regimes and the denial of basic human rights. If the US is more interested in ensuring the downfall of political despots and providing assistance to countries in social turmoil and economic upheaval, then so be it. Someone has to do it and traditionally the US has always been the first responder.

Seriously, we're living in sick world...?

By reading my text you may say that it's nothing , like "so what?", but I watched a documentary film about Columbine's school shooting, what happened in 20.April.1999, it was so sick and I felt sorry of those people who died, people cant just kill (one of the reasons why I hate all politics around the world and religion ((wars))...

I've never tried to hurt anyone and I understand that I am not perfect, like one of my mistake is that I think I'm right of that people shouldn't party and drink an alcohol and 'enjoy' life.. (I've had 2 girlfriends who found new friends and then turned out to be like that, they all cheated on me, all party people who I've met are cheating), Life is serious and you can't waste it like that. (My mistake is I even don't try to understand those party people)
My question is that how can I help people? I don't know... I wanna help people and make World to a better place, but I am nobody, so I feel I can't do it, but please try to suggest me, what can I do to make this world better? Can we get rid of these sick people? ( Actually, maybe i'm the one, because I've tried to commit suicide, because of school,teachers were telling that I have no future and stuff like that for years, so I found out that I have no point to live, but I've never killed/even hit somebody else.)

*Star if you want this world to be a better place
(English isn't my first language)

Do you think college is for everyone?

The snobs here think the whole world should go to college.I have 2 sons, both are doing the same job, one has a college degree in the field and the other quit high school. Both are getting the same pay. (which is excellent, by the way)
And another corollary to this. If you decide to go to college, a degree is a degree is a degree no matter from where you get it. There. I said my piece. Thank you for the forum!
I have a two year degree in my field. I work side by side for the same pay as my co-workers who have four year degrees. That is because we do the same work!