Do You Think This Is Fake

Do you think CNN is fake news?

The 2016 Milwaukee RiotsIn August 2016 Sylville Smith was the victim of an officer’s bullet, and Milwaukee quickly became ground zero in a series of riots. CNN was on the scene to keep their viewers up to date. They were able to capture footage of smith’s sister begging her community to end their violence . However, instead of showing viewers the real footage, they showed an edited version of her plea. They completely forgot to add the part on the end when she tells the rioters to bring the violence to the suburbs.Hands up, don’t shoot!In August 2014, Michael Brown was killed by a police officer. The details surrounding the case were unclear at the time, but that didn’t stop CNN from promoting their narrative. Some anchors at CNN went on the air and put their hands up as a symbol against police brutality. The only problem is, “hands up, don’t shoot” never happened.WikileaksIn March 2016, Wikileaks released thousands of emails that were sent and received through Hillary Clinton’s private server. (For those who don’t know, Wikileaks is an organization that publishes secret information, in an attempt to make the public more aware of corruption.) Anyway, when Chris Cuomo went on the air to share the information that he obtained from Wikileaks, Cuomo told viewers it is illegal for anyone outside of the media to see those emails. Cuomo lied to the public.Those are a few of my favorite examples of CNN being dishonest and misleading.So, is CNN Fake News? No.Does CNN have a massive bias? Absolutely.Does CNN rush to conclusions without facts? Of course.Do some news stories end up false? Yes.Are they really “The most trusted name in news”? Hell no.

What do you think of Fake News?

I think it's a good example of how naive most of us are. Not a day goes by without reading some post here about Fake News. It's treated as if it's some new thing, something that never existed before, a modern evil just discovered.Fake news is this: News stories that are untrue on purpose, not mistakes, but intentional untruth. Well that's been around in the form of propaganda for as long as there have been ways to disseminate the news. But - because the phrase "fake news" is newly coined - people react with horror and amazement as if they are facing something the world has never seen before.To make things even more fun it really doesn't exist in mainstream media. Instead you'll find it on partisan Web sites as well as distributed on fake links posted on social media. And, in almost any case, a person who follows the news even casually can easily spot it as fake.There are so many things in the world that are worth worry. But fake news isn't one of them.

Was this real or fake? What do you think?

I saw this on a TV show recently. An attractive female college student worked 3 days at a local coffee shop that had a tip cup by the cash register. This coffee shop is a very busy one with a lot of customers.

On day one she dressed so it appeared that she was flat chested. The tips for that day were $4.60.

The second day she wore a sweater that showed she had VERY BIG boobs. The tips for that day were $14.10.

The third day she showed A LOT OF CLEAVAGE. The tips for that day were $22.30.

Do you think this was real or fake?

What do you think of fake toenails?

I thought the idea was really weird, but then my friend had two of her toenails removed. To look nice in her sandals she had fakes put on. They looked really good. I also just met a girl who has all fake toenails done in a french manicure, and they were beautiful! I was really surprised that they looked so good, almost better than real.

Do you think fake hair is "tacky"?

I think the best solution would be for you to go around to your local salon and gather up stray pieces of weave and then sew 'em right in! No but seriously, You can always get a weave or extensions. Go to a professional though! This is imperative, because if you don't you'll run the risk of looking tacky and triflin'. They're expensive. Or you could always let your hair grow?

How fake do you think the mormons are?

I have many Mormons and actually I think they are very sincere in their beliefs and desire to be good people and citizens.
However, I think the book of Mormon is an extraordinarily badly written book, but if they find inspiration in it that's their business. (Plus every time I've read it it gives me the creeps totally!)

Do you think the below email is fake?

Yes, this is obviously a fake. There are many ways to recognize this but here are the top three: 1. They use the names of real winners so that they can link to The Guardian story, but in the third paragraph is the revelation that the friends who will receive money have already been informed.2. The language is so weird it cannot have been written by anyone who is a native English speaker.3. They ask questions that are completely irrelevant to someone who just wanted to give away money (occupation!) but which are useful for a phishing attack.Nobody who wants to give away good stuff EVER picks email addresses at random from a spam list. You can safely ignore all of these scams.