Do You Think We Need To Go To College

Do you think college is for everyone?

The snobs here think the whole world should go to college.I have 2 sons, both are doing the same job, one has a college degree in the field and the other quit high school. Both are getting the same pay. (which is excellent, by the way)
And another corollary to this. If you decide to go to college, a degree is a degree is a degree no matter from where you get it. There. I said my piece. Thank you for the forum!
I have a two year degree in my field. I work side by side for the same pay as my co-workers who have four year degrees. That is because we do the same work!

Should I go to college?

Wow, that is some story.

You might want to take that year (or two) off right now and go to Europe or Africa. Maybe join the Peace Corps or something similar, or do it on your own if you can. Then you could return to America with a different view of the world.

If you are going to start community college, don't just do it half-azz. Commit to finishing it if you are even going to start. You are probably better off at a 4-year school from the beginning though. Probably not a huge state school though.

Going to college can open doors, but you are right, it isn't all it is cracked up to be unless you study something worthwhile that has an immediate need in society. If you study nursing, engineering, law, medicine, physical therapy, etc. stuff like that you can get a job with. Alot of people make the mistake of just getting any random bachelors degree and thinking that is enough, It isn't.

Also, I have learned from experience that WHERE you live has an awful lot to do with success. Don't live in a small or medium sized town if you want to be successful. Go to a big city, there are far more opportunities.

Whatever you do, don't just stay where you are and feel sorry for yourself.

Do you HAVE to go to college?

If you don't want to struggle, then you need to either go to college or get into a trade. Those people without any higher education almost always end up in food service or retail.

As for college, the picture you paint is simply not true. If you go to a state school, the rates are usually reasonable. And you get to choose where you live. When I was in college, I lived in the international dorm where almost everyone there were foreigners who actually wanted an education.

If four years is still too daunting for you, try a two year college and get a career as a health care technician.

Careers in health care generally pay 50-60k/yr, which is twice the median US salary.

Should everyone go to college?

It's unnecessary. Not everyone wants or needs to go to college. Not everyone has the intelligence level to do it. I also disagree with the idea that we're somehow going to have a better economy if we're all college educated. Not every job requires college education. What's more, if everyone graduates college, a college degree will hold no more value than a high school degree, so there will still be an income disparity between those who go onto post-graduate work and those who only have bachelor's degrees. Plus, just look at countries like Egypt where education is subsidized and the youth are overwhelmingly college educated. Great economy? Stable, peaceful society? Absence of bigotry and hate?

The main benefits are intangible - how you feel emotionally, psychologically, and intellectually for having pursued a four-year degree.

Why do I have to PAY to go to College?

Because it costs money to run a college. Life is not free. It's your fault for not educating yourself on the financial aid application process, you are an adult and that's part of being an adult. Most people's parents don't pay for their educations. The majority (the actual percentage is 2/3) of Americans don't have degrees because most people that start college don't finish, not everyone needs a degree and not everyone is intellectually capable of college level work. The poor economy does not excuse your (not your parents, it's YOUR life and future) poor planning and it certainly doesn't make it any cheaper for a college to educate students.

Get a job, go to a community college and get your grades up so you can get offered a better financial aid package to a 4 year school. Life isn't free and plenty of people have to work their way through school, myself included.

Why do people think college is the only way to go in life when it is not?

Because they’ve been brainwashed by a system that benefits when kids go to college.High schools, even public ones, live and die by their “stats”: 80% of our seniors take AP classes! We have graduates attending every single Ivy League school! 93% of graduates attend a four-year college! This is their “evidence” of success.Forget about the fact that most graduates can’t balance a checkbook and will be in crippling debt within five years.And the universities themselves are businesses. We like to think of them as altruistic, staunch educators and upholders of free speech and progressivism, but no. They exist to make money. And no one makes money without customers.Thankfully, though, the system has begun to break down. The greedy colleges who only wanted more paying customers and supported lots of government school loans raised their prices in response. More money and customers (demand) means fewer available spots for students (supply). Price increases were inevitable. But prices are now so high that customers are scrutinizing what they get for their money.Uh oh.Of course, if everyone has a degree, the value of that degree goes down.When you charge thousands of dollars per class, and the classes are things like, Getting Dressed (at Princeton), and Sport for the Spectator (Ohio State), or Learning From YouTube (Pitzer), your customers are going to balk.And when every class is taught by a liberal professor, and class time is wasted on political rants rather than focusing on the subject, customers are going to walk.Of course there’s value in education. But college isn’t the only way to become educated. Watch for alternatives to boom in the next decade: trade schools, apprenticeships, internships,specialty schools for those younger than college age. A smart entrepreneur would take note.

Do I need to know German to go to college in Germany?

You have no need to learn German language if you want to do study in International Language (ENGLISH).-You are exempted from the German language requirement if you want to study an International Degree Programme ( Master's and PhD). The language of instruction in these programmes is mostly English. You acquire your German language skills by attending courses parallel to your normal studies.-Unless the courses are in English, which should be relatively easy to find out, then yes definitely. You would need to focus on learning the language first, and that would take time and dedication. However it can be done.-If you speak German you will generally find life in Germany easier. While many people speak English, knowledge of German helps you feel comfortable in Germany and settle in more quickly.I would like to explain some Pros if you know German.1)Pros:To know about there culture and interact with people easilyChances of getting admission is very high.Its easy to find some good part time jobIts really very helpful for finding internship for your master thesisAfter completion of course if you know German than getting a chances of selection in Germany core companies are really very high as compare to other candidates who do not know German.Now its your decision what you want to do if you want to go in your home country after complition of course and also have some good financial background for survive in germany during studying than you have no need to learn German language