Do Young White Women Have Daddy Issues

Why do I attract only women with daddy issues?

Some Women with daddy issues are looking for validation. They are more likely to defer to your judgement. A lot of men feel more appreciated when a partner defers to them before making a decision.Some Women with daddy issues are typically more vulnerable. Men feel more masculine or empowered that this vulnerable person trusts them or looks to them to care for them. It brings out a white knight in some menWomen with daddy issues tend to have a passive demeanor with men. They want to make you happy. They will go along with male perspective because it's what some of them crave. For men it's an. Ego boost knowing a woman needs to do what they want or will unquestionably follow their expectations.Some women with daddy issues are more sexually promiscuousSome women with daddy issues are less mature in a relationship. A lot of men find this adorable. Some men really dig pigtails and lollipops

Do I have daddy issues?

Also- please don't bring religion into this, regardless of your intentions or religion. It really does not help me since religion has been forced down my throat since I was very young. I really would like some non-biased help with this.

Daddy Issues, Older Men, Interracial Dating?

I need some advice. Say that there's this young girl: 21, beautiful, yet slightly insecure African-American girl who does not have a good relationship w/ her father. She meets an older, Middle Eastern gentleman who says that he is 30 yrs old but then she finds that she doesn't trust him & when she does a background check on him, she discovers that his true age is 40.

However, all this girl seems to attract is older men who have a slightly possessive streak. She doesn't dress like an old woman & likes to do things w/ her peers, so why does she attract these men?

She then proceeds to break up w/ the gentleman who has been very gracious towards her yet at the same time pressures her into sleeping with him (she is still a virgin) yet she gives him sexual favors but doesn't allow him to penetrate her yet because the 1st attempt he didn't want to wear a condom...Since the breakup, she has been moving along quite nicely...

2 weeks later, she feels like there was no official "closure" & text messages him, simply saying "Hello"...he then immediately calls & sends her text messages, saying "I miss you", etc. & when they finally have a phone conversation, he asks her for another chance...

Why did this girl do this? She's not an idiot, on the contrary, she is very smart yet naive when it comes to relationships. She wants to see the best in this man & still has feelings for him. Does she have daddy issues? How can she fix the situation?

What exactly are 'daddy issues' and 'mommy issues'?

When a guy has "mommy issues" that means, to me, that no woman he meets will ever be as good as mom. He will constantly refer back to mom's cookies, mom's meatloaf, well, mom used to let me stay up and watch TV. It's the same as "tied to the apron strings" or "mama's boy".

But there are some people (*cough cough*) out there who hate their mothers--some with good reason, some not really. I don't know what that would be called. Mother-hater, I guess. But they come to think that AL women are evil, and rarely have good relationships.

When a woman has "daddy issues" it's almost the opposite--her dad left when she was young, so she seeks constant approval from men, dates older men trying to replace her dad with a lover. Her dad left her, so she's trying to prove her worth to "him", in effigy, with these other, usually inappropriately older, men.

This is NOT the same as being a "daddy's girl", where her dad treats her like a little princess and no man can live up to him.

I'm sure there are "daddy-haters" as well, who are truly broken and incapable of having good relationships.