Does A Hypothyroidism Screening Tell You If You Have Hyperthyroidism

Kelp for hypeRthyroid?

maybe i am misinformed about what alternative medicine is. Maybe i am mistaken in posting this question in the alternative med listing. first of all i am VERY sure that i have hypeRthyroid. Confirmed by a Dr., a endocrinologist, and a radiologist. my TSH when i started this was 0.01. Herbs have change this number to 0.03 and i have a dr. who is supporting my decision to TRY a natural approach at the same time monitoring me very closly to ensure that i do not have any serious complications as a result of hypeRthyroid. also i am on beta blockers. I am not totally against modern meds i just think that i should exhaust all of my options before i go radiating myself or cutting open my throat and taking glands out that are pretty important. so the reason for me posting this question here was to find out if anyone has had success in using kelp with a hypeRthyroid condition. Not to be told what i should do and should not do. Thank you very much though for your concern.

Thyroid: Is hyphothyroidism hereditary?

Hypothyroidism is hereditary. If someone in your family has hypothyroidism there is a higher chance that you will as well. However, this could also mean that you will develop a different thyroid problem. A family member may have a problem with a low supply of thyroid hormones while another may have a thyroid gland or goiter.Hypothyroidism is usually caused by hereditary diseases, such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and thyroid cancer.Hashimoto's thyroiditis affects up to 10 million people in the United States, including an estimated 10% of women over 30. Hashimoto's hypothyroidism can result because the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. This can cause the thyroid to create less hormone.Other hereditary diseases that increase the likelihood of hypothyroidism are the Type 1 diabetes, Addison's disease and rheumatoid arthritis

Has anybody had both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism together? What did you do about them?

Greetings Kim,Sorry for the delay in answering you, I just published my thyroid book and all attention was on that for a bit.Has anybody had both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism together? Absolutely! But, not in the classic allopathic sense. You see, your thyroid gland has follicles and they require minerals that most of us are deficient in providing. Otherwise, RAI wouldn’t be a factor in “destroying” our thyroid gland, or ablating it would it?So, let’s take a moment for me to relate in crystal clear terminology about your body. First of all the medical industry has their own “speak” their own language. Just like when I worked in the legal industry. Perhaps for a moment we can veer outside of the confines of strictly defining your thyroid status as a disease. Your thyroid does not get enough of 1–3 key minerals I speak about in my book and why, so it slows down, you “congest” it with eating foods that are not foods at all and cause it to stick and sludge up another problem which originates from the the use of “mucous” foods.Now, you go through some stress; positive or negative and you create a surge of thyroid hormone and your thyroid gland begins to race or become “hyper.” So, yes, you can sure have experiences relatively close in time that would cause any reasonable person to believe their thyroid was at a time hypo or slow, and hyper or fast. And, since this thread is not the place to insert the amount of text in my book, for less than $20 you can be reading my ebook tonight and in most instances be on your way to healing your own thyroid.Interesting, is to note that radioactive iodine would NOT work to destroy your thyroid and take up the space in the follicles in your thyroid gland if you were not DEFICIENT. Case in point.Hope this helps~I write real truth, real healing for real people from a real heart!Home | www.naturallywithkaren.comunder books and you’re a click away!

What does Wilson's disease have to do with the thyroid?

Excessive copper can get deposited anywhere and thyroid gland, though very uncommonly affected, may therefore get affected. Therefore the necessity of thyroid tests for ruling out any consequences. However, you may like to confirm the diagnosis of Wilson’s Disease yourself, which is quite easy. Look for a 2-3 mm brownish circular ring on cornea about 1-3 mm from the periphery of the cornea in both the eyes of your sister. The presence of this ring is a definite sign for Wilson’s disease and thereafter you may continue to trust and follow whatever advice he/she may provide. In early diagnosis, this ring may be incompletely formed and may not encircle the whole cornea.

What would happen if I took synthroid even though my thyroid function is normal (2.0 level)?

I’m not sure what the number 2.0 is supposed to indicate. TSH, maybe?If you show signs of hypothyroidism and have a TSH reading above 2.0 mIU/L, you’re at risk for progressing to hypothyroidism. Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, depression, and brittle hair and fingernails.Source.It’s tough to say.You might make yourself hyperthyroid, for a while, if you do not have any hypothyroid symptoms. If you are truly ‘normal,’ then your body would produce less TSH and your thyroid levels should go back to normal. It’s possible no hyperthyroid hormone levels would occur, your body would just think it didn’t need to make as much TSH (the hormone that signals the thyroid gland to ‘make more thyroid hormone!’), and your thyroid hormone levels would stay normal.If you do have hypothyroid symptoms (as above), then some or all of them should go away. If this happens, it’s time to ask your doctor for other tests, T3, T4, free thyroid hormone, thyroid antibodies, etc., to see if you have one of the ‘hidden’ cases of hypothyroidism.The only real way to determine what would happen is to start taking the thyroid pills. I’d have to recommend against it, (even though I think it wouldn’t do very much that’s bad, and might improve your symptoms, if you have any), unless your doctor has suggested this. If it’s all under doctor supervision, fully medically approved of, then I would certainly go for it.

How much does a thyroid health blood test cost?

Well, the crux of the matter of cost associated with thyroid test is, it varies from hospital to hospital. Furthermore, if you are a disabled individual and have a medical card made, it won’t cost you anything. That being said, if you want the accurate cost of this test, then you can get to the hospitals in Delhi that can provide you as such. One such facility of Fortis Memorial Research Institute comes to mind if you want accurate tests. However, you should not deny the Lal path labs either.

What causes thyroid disease and is there a cure?

I am not a doctor but have Hashimoto's Disease and have read a great deal about it in an effort to get well. Most thyroid disease is Hashimoto's, which means specific antibodies are attacking the thyroid. It is not known why certain people, mostly women, have such high levels of them. A virus or bacteria, stress and hormones, are among the things suggested. There is no cure but, generally speaking, we take a pill once a day for the rest of our lives to replace thyroid hormone. This works pretty well for most people; the most debilitating symptoms subside on the treatment. On the other hand, there are theories, suggestions, research that say that a low gluten diet, adding selenium and B vitamins can lower thyroid antibodies over time. There are many lifestyle and diet suggestions, such as eating high protein, that are being tried. I feel that if we are suffering from this it is worth while exploring such simple possibilites for improving our health.