Does A Virgo Woman Has Sincere Apology In Her Genes I

Are Virgos good actors and actresses ???

Well I've been fooled by a virgo many times so I'd say yes.
But then I've been fooled just as much by quite a few different star signs, so it's not the sign that makes the actor/actress it's the person and how much confidence they've got to be able to pretend to be something other than themselves

What Zodiac sign do you think has the highest percentage of ugly people?

For some reason I freakin laughed at the question when I first seen it. I don't know those Air signs are looking kind of....jk. I really don't know the answer to your question.

Why do virgo women look so innocent?

You hit the nail right on the head! Virgo women look innocent because their star sign, Virgo, is the sign of the innocent maiden, the virginal youth born at the time of the harvest.

Don't let that "innocent look" fool you though. The Virgo woman is a crafty young woman! She is known to some astrologers as the "Virgin and the Tart" or "Saint and Whore" because she tries to project innocence while in truth being a very wanton type (in some cases- not all of course!) And remember, this is just a stereotype. You'll meet Virgo men and women who really ARE innocents. It's just that Virgo is a secretive, repressed type who stresses over the possibility that others will judge them as slutty.

Virgo is one sign that can quietly and competently carry on with two different lovers at the same time, and feel no guilt or shame over this. She is able to service two people because she can compartmentalize her feelings. Virgos spend their entire lives trying to find the best bargain, the best fit, the most efficient car, the perfect filing system. They would probably tell you, if you pinned them down somehow (tough to do!) that they are trying to see which one of these guys is the real deal!
And they probably are. Virgos are not dishonest, just very prudent in what they say.

Another possibility for this "innocent' air about the Virgo has to do with their incredible mania for hygiene! These people worry more about cleanliness and hygiene than any other sign. They can reach the level of obsessive compulsive behaviors in some cases. They tend to have that fresh-faced, scrubbed look.

Do virgo men typically act cold to girls thay are dating?

Speaking as a Virgo, I must say that I don't feel comfortable when people get too close to me - in an emotional way, I mean. I feel like I'm being overwhelmed with too much commitment and pressure. Someone who needs (or wants) my attention 24/7 terrifies me - I don't really know why, it just happens. I'm not proud of it, but I don't know how to change these feelings. That may be unique with me, but you should ask your bf if he has these fears. As far as drinking - I don't drink so I can't comment. Best wishes!

Is having an aries rising attractive for a girl?

I'm an Aries Rising/Pisces Sun person, too. I don't know if Aries rising says anything at all about our appearance. There are differing opinions on the matter.

But if you want to believe that Aries Rising does determine appearance then - For Aries rising women I think Shakira is the best example of the Aries Rising body type to aspire to. We don't have the doey eyed softness of a Cancer Rising when it comes to appearance but we are striking in a confident and spicy way. We are predisposition to have an athletic/toned/carrot shaped body type, and we tend to be taller than average. Our eyes are said to be sharp but soulful and sleepy like a Pisces. Eyes are windows to the soul in my opinion so I think they will have a Pisces appearance. When I say 'predisposition' I don't mean that we are all athletic looking and sporty I'm actually terrible at sport but it's easier for us to get that way without much effort.

Other than that, other people believe Aries Rising only has a very small affect on appearance and more affect on our outer mask and how we behave on the outside. The way you carry yourself, walk, mannerisms and they way you are when you are not comfortable around people. How people see you on the outside. I tend to agree with this better. After all we look like out parents and family, right?