Does Age Determine Amount Of Damage A Bone Can Take

Can you determine a person's age through some sort of medical examination or testing?

If somebody wants to use the scientific techniques for sports persons and young refugees, there is no known foolproof, scientific test that will allow doctors to determine an young individual’s age correctly . There are a few methods like a lone wrist MRI test, using x-ray imaging to look at bone and dental ages but details obtained in these tests will be insufficient for determining a person's age accurately because they don’t tell you about their chronological age. This is because several factors determine a person's bone growth, not age alone.Dental scans are used to determine the maturity of wisdom teeth. These can reach full maturity as early as age 15, as late as 25, or in some cases never fully develop at all.In wrist scans, age is estimated by looking at 20 or so bones initially separated by cartilage, but which progressively move closer to one another until they fuse in the mature wrist. The reference used for this test is a 1959 atlas compiled for doctors to assess healthy bone development, not age. It includes 1000 X-ray images of wrists of white middle-class American children, and the fully mature wrist of a 19-year-old. Yet wrists can be fully mature in children as young as 15.However, the DNA has a process of gene expression called methylation, which gradually changes by turning on or off select genes over a lifespan. This can be used in forensic science to determine a person's age. Using some 200 nanograms of DNA for each age prediction, scientists found its margin of error was 3.75 years for blood samples and 4.86 for teeth. Roughly 80 percent of the estimations were within five years, either older or younger. The prediction error is the smallest with younger individuals and increases with age. The longer people live, the longer their epigenome is influenced by the environment, and consequently the larger our prediction error will become .But remember, this is also not a full proof method to determine accurate age.

Does age determine amount of damage a bone can take?

A 75-year old woman and her 9-year old granddaughter were in a train crash in which both sustained trauma to the chest while seated next to each other. X-rays showed that the grandmother had several fractured ribs, while her granddaughter had none. Explain these different findings.

Does anyone how much force the average human leg can withstand before breaking?

I don't think you can ever get an accurate average. Leg bones of all different ages, cultures and density are too influential to give a set number. I myself should have fractured my skull 3 times already(very hard impacts from heights) but no one in my entire family has ever broken a bone....we just end up damaging what we slam into.

When do various bones stop growing?

Depends on the individual. For men, they can continue developing until about the age of 25. The rate of development bit by bit backs off after puberty. For women it can be about the age of 21. Stature is controlled by a mind boggling mix of hereditary qualities and environment. The fundamental guideline of the thumb equation for human stature may be abridged as: (Genetics + Hormones + Nutrition) - Stress. We have been hereditarily modified to quit growing after the end of puberty. As of right now the perplexing exchange of qualities, supplements, and hormones achieve their peak. Once our qualities have arranged the development and improvement of the body to the point that it can imitate, the reason for development is finished. This more often than not happens at the normal age of 16 years for young women and 18 years for young men. The greater part of men on the planet achieve their full and last stature when they turn 16. Their muscles still keep on developing, despite the fact that their stature chiefly increments amid the development spurt from the time they swing 12 to the time they turn 16. Amid this time, young men typically add around 12 inches to their stature and they additionally put on weight, somewhere around 15 and 65 pounds. For the most part, young women achieve their greatest tallness amid the development spurt that happens just before the onset of menstruation. Most young women get their first period when they are 11 or 12 years of age. When they start discharging, they increase around 1 to 2 inches in their stature and achieve their complete grown-up tallness when they are 14 or 15 years of age. Be that as it may, the pubescence age for young women fluctuates a lot. A few young women hit this moment when they are 8 years of age while other may hit this development spurt when they are 14 years of age. It is crucial for each girl to keep up an adjusted eating routine and take after an activity arrangement amid her pubescence period for guaranteeing legitimate advancement and development. You can read the science of it here: Grow Taller.