Does Anyone Else Do This Or Am I Just That Weird

Does anyone else think sex is weird and nasty?

When you think in terms of a literal sense, yes, sex seems kind of strange and messy.
But it's a natural bodily urge vital for life. It's also a great way of expressing affection and releases endorphins!

Maybe you're asexual, and there is nothing wrong with this. But maybe you're just young and unable to realize how good sex can be. Or maybe you just walked in on your parents once. I know, it's traumatizing.

Your attitude might change.

Does anyone else love cereal?

how do you eat your cereal and whats your favorite brand? i eat cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner. does anybody else do this? and i also put 1 or 2 icecubes in my cereal cuz i like my cold milk....anybody else do this...or am i just weird?? -.-
i know it sounds like child food but im 18 going on 19. is it weird? i just think it taste good.

Does anyone else Like to Kiss eyelids? OR Am i just weird? lol?

No your not weird at all my husband and I do it to eachother it's a very sensual thing it gets to me *lol*

Does anyone else feel weird just being alive?

I can't, I can't put into words, this feeling of all my senses noticing that I am on this big blue ball in the middle of space, looking up at the moon and stars right now as the translucent clouds roll pass. The full moon's beam of light that peers down upon us... How am I in control of all my movements. And I'm just here, apart of everything, this veil of nature that surrounds us in a subtle, intangible, and an inexplicable way. Or is it just me... This peace of mind I've just found, that many search for and few seem to find, in this, I see god...

Is the world weird or is it just me being weird?

A2A. To properly answer your question, it's important to first define what you mean by "weird."A simple google search turns up this definition:weirdwird/adjectivesuggesting something supernatural; uncanny.Something supernatural is beyond the laws of nature, and since the purpose of the laws of nature is, in fact, to describe the way the world is, it would be strange to say that the world is beyond the laws of nature. It would seem then that, by definition, the world itself is not weird.This changes your question: Instead, you must ask if people in the world are weird or you are weird. It should be noted that (1) "other people in the world are weird" and (2) "I am weird" are not mutually exclusive statements. What you might consider weird, others might consider normal, and this relativism might lead one to believe that everyone is weird in a different way.This is purely anecdotal, but in my experience, people these days like to think of themselves as "weird" because it makes them feel special or unique. Whether or not any of us is actually special or unique is up for debate, and if you are interested in this topic, you should look into the philosophy of personal identity. But either way, we all like to think of ourselves as unique and special in some way, and if that means labeling ourselves as weird, so be it.According to the great Dr. Seuss, "I am weird, you are weird. Everyone in this world is weird. One day two people come together in mutual weirdness and fall in love." Some might say that I am "weird" for even answering this question or approaching my answer in the way that I did. To them I say, I guess we will never fall in love.

Do you have a weird condition that no one else has ever heard of?

Aspbergers Syndrome.......but its becoming more in the public conscience by the day...

Feel awkward jogging in public. Anyone else?

This is just a random question I have, but does anyone else feel awkward jogging or running in public? I don't feel at all strange working out at the gym even though it's the same thing as doing anything outside on the streets, but for some odd reason I feel self-conscious jogging in front of others. The way my face jiggles, whether or not I have good form, etc. It's nothing major -- I'm just curious lol!
