Does Anyone Else Feel Bad For Batista I

Why do I feel sad over someone else's pain?

If you like someone seeing them in pain is painful to you as well because you don't want them to have that pain. It's your brain telling you to act so as to improve the situation of the other person, so that you in turn are happier. Often this emotion misfires, though, and isn't accurately keeping track of what you consciously think is good and bad and what is solvable and what is chronic.

Doesn't anyone else feel like the "shortage of good guys" is just women picking the same wrong guys?

I mean you hear it all the time: women complain about there not being any decent guys and the good guys complaining that women won't give them a shot. In all fairness, there should be an equal amount of quality women as men (and don't lie to yourself that all women are good and men are bad. And don't like that all men are good and women are bad). I think women are just picking the wrong guy. You don't hear any guys complain about there not being any good women and the decent women complaining that guys won't give them a shot, do you?

I'm not attacking women and I'm not saying all, just most. Don't you agree that this average woman is just picking the wrong guy. Ladies, how often does a guy you meet not have a job but some a "reason" why? Some guys are unemployed for a good reason but most can't hold a job and make up a reason that you will accept. How often did he stop going to school for some "reason"? Many do have reasons but most are just lazy bums. What do you think?

Wrestling: Am I the only one who felt bad that Batista did not get a proper run in 2014?

Don't get me wrong, I like Daniel Bryan and I am a fan of the guy, but I kind of feel like if the fans weren't so harsh on Batista for returning and winning the Royal Rumble, he could've had one last title run until Payback, which he didn't. I kind of feel bad for Batista because after that, he lost to the Shield and then left WWE. Anyone else felt bad for the guy?

Why do i always feel bad for everyone?

i never think of myself. i just think about the people around me. even if they are total strangers.
when i see old people eating all alone at restaurants, i feel bad for them.
when i see someone struggling in class, i feel bad for them.
when i see a homeless, i feel bad for them.
when i see someone sitting alone and not having anyone to talk to i feel bad for them.
when i see someone being yelled at, i feel bad for them.
when i see something really cool happen and the person next to me didn't see it, i feel bad for them.
when someone is thirsty/hungry i feel bad for them.
i could go on forever. but for example, for that last one i just said, if someone is hungry or thirsty since i feel bad for them i go through a bunch of trouble to get them something to eat/drink. even if i'm thirsty or hungry too. i just care about the other person. I DON'T KNOW. it's weird. i'm 13.

why do i always feel bad for everyone?
and i never feel bad for myself...
is that bad?
this probably sounds like a stupid question...

How selfish is Batista's daughter?

There are many younger people that do that kind of thing. It is not very smart, but it is their choice to make. I know many fans won't like hearing this, but Batista isn't exactly the greatest guy in the world. There have been many times when he has been a major jerk. Also just look at how he was back when his wife (now ex wife) had cancer. He wasn't exactly a good husband. Now I don't pretend to know if he is a good father or not. But given how he has been towards others, for all we know, he might not be a good father either. I'm sure she didn't do this to get back at her dad for anything, but that still could be the reason. More than likely she did it, because she likes showing off. I have known people that are like that. They do have that right, whether I or anyone else agree with it or not. I would have never done anything like that, but again see no problem with people that are into that kind of thing. If she decides to be a porn star or something that is her business.

Why do I feel sad over someone else's sadness and pain?

We call that empathy, the ability to feel another’s pain or happiness, or at least sense what that might be like for them based on your own life experiences. It’s usually considered a positive personality trait, especially so because it enables you to take the feelings of others into account when considering an action of yours. BTW, empathy is not just about feeling sadness when they are sad. It’s also about feeling their joy, which is rewarding in its own right. I think that feeling empathy for another requires that we are acutely conscious of our own feelings, because we cannot know what another’s internal life is like without having once felt the same way, or at least felt something similar to their inner experience.

Why don't I feel bad for others?

It sounds as though you’re a sociopath, who is an individual who lacks empathy. Sociopaths can work well in occupations that provide structured guidance (about what behaviors are acceptable and what are not), particularly in occupations in which a lack of empathy is an advantage. A sociopath who is a surgeon will be more comfortable cutting open and patient than a surgeon with a lot of empathy (who will probably drop out before becoming a surgeon). A CEO who is a turnaround specialist can lay off people without being bothered about what is going to happen to them, and sometimes such layoffs are needed.It is good for sociopaths to be given guidance through a structure that clearly draws a line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, since they lack the internal cues that others have. There’s a condition in which a person cannot feel physical pain, and they are usually quite scarred since the pain conveys a warning that most cannot occur. If you have a cast-iron skillet in the oven, roasting something, and you bring it out and put it on the stove top, it’s easy to forget the handle is hot. A normal person grasping the handle will immediately let go of it; a person who cannot feel pain might hold on until the odor of burned flesh alerts him to a problem.Snakes in Suits - Wikipedia discusses sociopaths in business. Psychology Today has a number of articles about sociopaths at the link.In her 2005 book The Sociopath Next Door, psychologist Martha Stout stated that sociopaths make up four percent of the U.S. population; last spring, journalist Jon Ronson detailed his search for psychopathy from prisons to boardrooms in The Psychopath Test.See also How to Spot a Sociopath (Hint: It Could Be You)

Was Cuba any better under Batista's rule?

No, Cuba was not any better under the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, and the control of Havana by the American Mafia families. As for the economy, the majority of the people of Cuba lived in excruciating poverty with no access to health or education - all of this changed after the Cuban Revolution in 1959, For many years the Cubans lived a much better life under Fidel Castro's rule than they ever did under Batista's regime. Cuba's economy is now improving, and may yet see more gains for the people in the future.

Did dave batista cheat on his wife n if he did why?

Well I read his book and from what I got from it is that he feels he has a serious problem with women and keeping it in his pants at times.
He's done some shi**y things but I am still a diehard and not a fair weather fan.