Does Anyone Feel Like Helping

Anyone feel like helping me with a quadratic equation?

jesus, i just started quadratic equations, if this is the stuff i'm going to need to know how to do then lord kill me now D:

I feel like im drowning and nothing is helping?

No, please do not cut your head off. You will be okay. It seems like runny nose, stuffiness, coughing and crap in your throat are major problems. If Claritin is not working then stop taking it. Benadryl is one of the best medicine for runny dose and the other related problems that you have. It causes drowsiness so take it at bedtime. Make sure that you are not sleepy in the morning. Try it on a weekend( so that you do not have to drive in the morning) and see how you feel. If you are groggy in the morning then take Benadryl early at night. Nasal sprays are good for your symptoms. One of the side effects is bleeding nose. You might be using more, if you are using two puffs then lower it to one. Make sure that it goes up in your nostril. Block one nostril and then spray in the other one. Make sure that your nose is not dry. There are many steroidal nasal sprays. If you were using a different kind then you can start Flonase. Make sure that you read the directions and do accordingly.
There are some other things that will help you for sure.
Use special kind of air filter at home so that pollens cannot come inside your home through ventilation. You can go to home depot or any other like store and get the one that says "recommended by pulmonary association" or something like that. You can also ask somebody at the store to help you in selection. Keep the doors and windows closed. Keep you car windows closed.
Start doing gargles using salt water.
There is saline nasal spray and you can get it over the counter. Start using it regularly along with the Flonase spray(or any other steroidal spray). This saline nasal spray washes away pollens in your nasal passages and then worse reactions get less.
Well, spring is in the air so do all the above. If you still suffer then there are more things that you can do before cutting your head off.

I don't like helping people. I am not proud of this fact, but I cannot deny it. I just don't want to concern myself with other people's issues and lives. Is this fine?

I’m not a caretaker type of person and I’ve taken flak when I would mention this or back off from someone who was real needy. Flak mostly from people who are great care takers, nurses, social workers, co-dependents, etc. I do like to work for the group, for the whole, but individual’s needs overwhelm me and sap my energy, while taking on a community project energizes me. I am good for the occasional hit and run, where I come upon a needy person and I have good energy and feel an interest, and thus help the person with their immediate need and move on! Like helping a older person across the street, provide a heating pad for my neighbor with an achy joint, etc. But it needs to be spontaneous! Otherwise, I run from needy folks. I care deeply about others, but I’m not a caretaker! I have my very own special way I contribute to society and I don’t have to be like others or be what they expect me to be. I’m very analytical and use my time wisely. I’d easily let an individual’s needs go if it would mean that I could use that time and energy for a group. I don’t go around “feeling” for others! What a waste of time and energy!

Do you like helping others?


Helping others makes me feel like I have a reason to be here. I get a sort of fulfillment out of making other people feel better or helping them out in times of need. Helping others is like helping yourself, it gives you this pride in yourself to know that one person can make a difference, no matter how small it may be. It makes me happy, and I enjoy it and I feel like I have a purpose. And the care you give out can only give you good things in return.

Parents, how do you feel about helping your children financially?

I cannot believe some of these answers. This is why people should at least have to take a class to have children. From the majority of answers here you get the feeling that a child is a toy with a lifespan of 18 or so years.

Parenting is a lifetime commitment in my opinion. I feel great about helping my children as well as the children of anyone else where I am able. I don't believe in "tough love". I think it is a cop out for those who are just too selfish to admit that they don't enjoy sharing.

If a person raises a child and that child is not yet prepared to completely care for themselves by age 18, then there is an equal responsibility for the people who were supposed to raising the child to become an adult. One size does not fit all. We aren't raising crops or cattle here, but human beings. Human beings develop at different rates.

So, if the child is lacking in confidence or just not smart enough to get into school, someone is going to kick that child to the curb because he/she hasn't matured yet? This is cruel and irresponsible in my opinion. Children with learning disabilities are more in need of help than those who are at the top of the class, but people are saying they only want to reward the winners and let the weakest learn to fend for themselves. So much for the theory of human evolution.

The weakest need the most help because the world is already going to reward the cream of the crop. This is just not a private issue as it effects us all. When the parent shrugs off a child in need, that child might very well turn to crime, drugs, or other unhealthy lifestyles that end up costing society a heck of a lot more in the way or prisons and rehabilitation centers. The loss of potential can not be measured financially.

I am also quite aware that people are very fixed in their own chosen style of parenting. Those who are harsh will probably taste the same some day, if what comes around goes around. Or if they are judged by the same measure they use to judge their own children.

As for me and mine, I will continue to share finances with my children as well as my parents. I will never give up on teaching them, giving them the tools to make it on their own. I will not turn away my children to the streets, no matter how old they are. When they fall down I will help them get up again and again. It isn't the easy way out, but I don't have any trouble sleeping at night.

Why do you like helping people?

The only problem with this answer is, no matter how much I try not to, still it’s gonna sound like I am bragging about myself. But, I am just stating the facts which is the need of this answer.Yes, I do!I am a helpful person by nature. I have been helping others to my best possible extent.I do small donations to the NGOs every year, usually for the kids’ welfare. My office selects NGO every year and circulates email to all employees, and immediately, I do my bit without having any second thoughts about it. This year, I have donated some school stationery and some money.I have been helping my office colleagues as well. I train them for software and for work related matters. In fact, I am very good at mentoring people. I help them in troubleshooting something that they can't figure out themselves.I also make short macros for them, so that their work gets done quicker. Mind you, things like this don't come under my job profile. It is just that I know some things better, so they ask if I can think of something quick that would reduce their time and effort in repetitive work. I am a very approachable person.Sometimes, I get poem requests from my colleagues for their kids as well. Writing poems for them makes me a kid, too. So, I enjoy it very much.On Quora, I am the ‘Silent Editor'. I edit other users’ answers, either on my own, or on request by users to check and edit their answers. I enjoy doing this task very much.I provide guidance to many new users here on Quora. Some of them have turned pro now. My help includes helping them understand the importance of grammar, dos and don'ts of writing, explaining function of Quora, and troubleshooting.Some of my answers here are intended to help new users with their writing. Some are helpful for existing users, too.Helping, in general, helps me learn a lot of new things which I may not have known without being helpful. I am always looking for situations where I can challenge my existing skill sets, or just utilize my skills for helping others.However, like everything else, there are always downsides of being helpful as well. There are a few (read: just a few) people who think (and behave) like I am available just for them to be ‘used' the way they like (for their benefit).But, my thinking is, if 9 people out of 10 are genuine in asking for my help, I am gonna ignore that 1 greedy person, and continue doing what I usually do - being helpful.Is there anyway I can help you?Smiles! :)Shail 'The Helping Hand Flash'