Does Anyone Have Any Financial/legal Advice For Me To Help Terminally Ill Parent Meet Financial

Getting financial aid appeal approved?

Hello all,

Okay so here is the deal, I have two more semesters and a summer session left to graduate. And in order for me to graduate in Dec 2011, I needed to take five classes this semester(15 hours), but this semester only. And now I am in jeopardy of failing two classes. :(

I have NEVER failed a class before and I have only gotten ONE D, in which I felt miserable for days about. My GPA has never fallen before a 2.75. But I may lose my financial aid because, I have not met ALL the requirements to maintain my financial aid. One of the requirements is 73% course completion of all courses attempted. By failing two classes, that would put me at a 60% course completion.

My question is how do I get my financial aid appeal letter approved? I really just overhelmed myself with taking all these courses. It was not a "easy" load(business finance, small business finance, management of organizations, internation economics, business law) and it was really hard for me to keep up with the material. And in one of the courses, my professor knows that. But I feel horrible that I did this, ya know, I DID THIS! :( It sucks. But we live and we learn. Thanks for all your answers.

My parents don't let me live my life and I am 23 years old. What should I do?

As others have said, you put yourself in this very undesirable situation because by being financially dependent on your parents at an age when a young adult should be providing for himself, you have aided and abetted your parents in making you their hostage, and keeping you as such. You've never had a job before? Well, there's a first time for everything and you are long overdue on this important step. Get out there to look for a job that will earn you enough income to be self-supporting. If you are unwilling or unable to do this, or if you'd rather make excuses for why you can't than to try, you will probable be stuck where you are, completely dependent on people who see you as a child in dire need of their constant supervision and suffocating rules.The choice is yours.

Why do single men without children go on dates with single mothers, then tell her after the date that they don't want to date someone with kids?

I’ll answer this from the other side. I’m a man with children. I have three. I have an unusual parenting schedule. Any woman I have dated knows immediately that my children come first. Now, after a little time I’ve made a concession here and there. The first few years I never missed a weekend. Never. Now, after 7 years I might miss a few per year and fight for make up time. Also, their mom will take them on trips where I’ll miss a weekend. I do not want the kids to miss out on a ski trip or other fun excursion so I don’t put up too much of a fight. I’ll plan “us time” around their schedule. “My Kids will be away X days. Let’s get away and do something.”Women with kids understand. Women without kids or empty nesters understand…at first. Eventually, it wears thin. I get that. My relationships with women without kids never worked out and it was always about the kids, my time and what I put myself through to get time with them. I enjoyed those relationships as each one enriched me in some way, but I have no regrets.To answer your question, I had one woman with whom I had a great relationship who did not have Kids say to me, “I think to myself, he is good and kind. He has amazing emotional intelligence. He treats me great. We have such a great connection. Why should I hold it against him that he has kids?” Ultimately, she was trying to sell herself on me and clearly put my kids in the negative column. It was not the only thing that broke us up. I have to take responsibility beyond the kids, but in the long run, she would never be able to relate. She had never dated someone with children before me. We had a great connection and she thought she could get past it, but she couldn’t.My current (and possibly last) girlfriend has 3 kids, each a couple of years older than mine. She is very understanding of my situation and aware that I give our relationship all the attention I can. I’m lucky we found each other. I should tell her more often.

My landlord wants the keys back early, but I paid rent for the month?

I recently moved to a new house.

When I moved into my old house, I paid first, last and deposit.
I gave my notice to my landlord on Oct 22 that I would be moving out at the end of November. My husband and I decided to move sooner. My landlord now wants to meet with me on Nov 8th (tomorrow) to get the keys and do a walk through because my neighbor informed they we had moved out.

I have already paid my rent for the entire month of November, so why do I have to surrender the keys this early?

Can they legally rent the house out again this month if I already paid the rent?

I offered to give them the keys back if they rented it out, as long as they pro rate the rent and give me part of my money back, otherwise the house is still mine until the end of the month.

What should I tell them, they are persistant on wanting the keys but not giving me my money back.

They are also wanting to show the house to possible new tenants, without my permission, while I am technically still the tenant.

What can I do about this?

I really dont mind giving them the house back early, but its the proncipal that they are trying to come up and its irritating

My mother law doesn't seem to like me?

My husband and I got married in 2016. We met in 2015 his 36 I'm 28 now . We met through a mutual friend and hit it off. He is everything that I have ever wanted and he feels the same about me. He lived just 25 minutes from me we just never knew each other. Everything was going great until I met his mother and father. I feel they don't like me much or they don't like that he got married to anyone for that matter . I don't know if it's me or if they wanted him to stay single. They didn't seem happy at all when we got married because they told him to wait a little while . After we where married he told me that they said things about me like asking if we was both dividing are Money out for the Bill's and told him not to tell me she asked that and that I probably didn't tell him everything , he told her he was going to tell me anyway because I am his wife. I decided not to say anything to her about it. The things his Mother says seems harmless sometimes at the same time it doesn't.I get hot easy so we keep are heat around 70. If my Husband gets a little cold he puts a thin jacket on . He got outside in the cold and got a cold from it. His mom asked where we keep are heat and she said we should keep it higher & she said there is two people in a marriage. Of course she didn't say that to me only him. He told me about it because I asked what she was talking to him about.