Does Anyone Here Want To Help Me Start An Occult

Does anyone have any information on the occult?

Look up Aleister Crowley, and also John Dee and Cornelius Agrippa. (Although in my opinion Crowley was a real Froot Loop...but he did write some good stuff. Just throwing that out there.)

The Occult is not a religion, as it is defined as 'hidden' or secret (from the word, 'Occultus'.) and it pretty much covers everything from Telekinesis to Witchcraft, Alchemy, ect...

There aren't so much 'rules' but there are 'guidelines.' We (who are called 'Occultists') study the Esoteric, secret, hidden things as we look under the surface to find answers and look for deeper meanings or truths (Our religions can range anywhere from Kabbalists, or even to Eclectic Christians who find the Esoteric within Christianity, or even Catholics who practice Witchcraft and find a deeper spirituality in that.)

I'll be completely honest and say that the learning curve is CRAZY fast, and that some people go power-trippy and start spouting phrases in latin while wielding an Athame and wearing a cloak.

So to study the Occult is to study one's self and the mysteries of this world that go beyond the physical. We question, we ask, we observe. We don't follow blindly.

To study the Occult, one must already have great respect for the planet, and other people and the self, a strong spirit and a determined one. Or things can go out of hand fast, especially if they start messing around with the 'Dark Arts' or whatever you want to call it. Because if you summon something, you sure as hell better know how to banish it/send it on it's way, dosen't matter if it's a Demon or an elemental or thoughtform or whatever. That's practically one of the BEST rules: First know how to banish, then know how to summon/invoke/evoke.

That's all, and have an enlightening day. :D

P.s.: We don't worship the devil. And I really don't think that needs an explanation!

I want to start practice occult magic , can anyone tell me where should I start?

1. First and foremost, read, don't do. Most people who practice any form of occult craft study for multiple years before doing anything.

2. Understand that there are various traditions of occult and arcane practice. You should familiarize yourself with the notion that not all "occult" things are culturally the same, and understanding the culture from which a tradition hails will be very important. High Kabbalistic Ceremonial Magick is not Hoodoo is not domestic witchery is not spiritual Satanic spell craft. You need to learn this stuff in context.

3. Old grimoires are good for a) reference, b) laughs, c) understanding Medieval Christian counterculture. Real occult practitioners write their own workings when they have need. They study magical theory and learn why stuff works the way it does. Real magic is real, but it doesn't go Pooff! like in Harry Potter. It takes years to learn how to gather, focus, and release energy with intention, and that's all magic really is.

4. Don't bother with "spell books." They're garbage. Spells aren't cookie recipes and they don't work because you have a certain color candle and a certain herb and you say a certain poem on a certain night. They work because the caster has skill. Unless you study energy and intention and focus, you're not casting spells, your playacting. Read "The Compleat Magickal Path," by John Cross. Spend a year doing the exercises. Then you'll have taken the first step toward actually understanding what spell craft is about.

5. For the sake of all that's holy, don't play around with Ouija boards and other oracle devices unless you know how to ward and consecrate them. I can't count the number of times I've been called in to clear a house of unwanted paranormal activity because somebody thought it would be "fun" to "play" with a Ouija board. It's not a game. Parker Brothers notwithstanding.

6. Seances are not for the untrained. Inviting spirits to come into your space unless you are highly trained to deal with them isn't a good plan. And fer Pete's sake, don't try to "summon" anything. See number 5.

You may message me if you want. I'll answer your questions as well as I can. I have over a decade of formal training as a spiritual practitioner and I work with the paranormal.

I want to start over. Help me?

I'm glad to hear that you acknowledge your mistakes. It's true that you've done some horrible things in your life but who wasn't? I too have done so awful things to the people closest to me. It's really hard to start over but you're already at that point!
I hate to tell you, but turning from your old way of life is probably going to attract the demons. It says in the Bible that Satan hates Christians and he'll do everything he can to pull us away from God. Thankfully, nothing can take us away from God and Jesus loves us too much to let anything bad happen to his children.
I think that the first step to starting over would just be praying. It's simple. There's no right or wrong way to do it. However you feel you should approach God. Praying for strength to stay away from the ocult and pray for protection from Satan. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be in you and help you to stand strong for God. Step two would be finding a church that is true to God and base everything they do on scripture. Talking to a pastor at a church would be the best thing for you. The pastor could find you a Bible and get you connected with a group of people your age to hold you accountable and to love you.
No matter what you do, make sure that Jesus is at the center of it. All sins are equal to Him. I struggled with that for a long time but it says in the Bible that no sin is greater than any other. No matter what you've done in your life, everyone else is just as sinful as you. The most wonderful thing in the world is that if you ask Jesus to be your savior, He no longer sees any of your sin. All He sees is a blameless child that He loves and adores.
I hope this helps you.
If you need more help pleease I would love to talk to you just message me.
I'll be praying for you.

Does anyone know how I can start to learn about the Wicca faith?

If you're looking to do some reading, I'd recommend "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham, and "The Triumph of the Moon" by Ronald Hutton. I advise you to stay away from anything by Silver Ravenwolf, for reasons outlined in the following essay:

If you're looking for Wiccan services in your area, I highly recommend the Witches of the World section at Witchvox:

Just use the pull-down menus on the left to find individuals, groups, shops, and events in your area.

EDITED TO ADD: Regarding the recommendation for the Yvonne and Gavin Frost School of Wicca... Their attitudes about the deflowering of pubescent girls in a ritual context have some Wiccans up in arms. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Bottom line: they are not in any way representative of mainstream Wicca, and I personally find many of their philosophies revolting in the extreme. And yes, I've actually read interviews with them. This has only reinforced my opinion.

I want to get into the occult, and black magick, and witchcraft and become superhuman. Can anyone help?

Don't do any sort of dark magick at all. Stay the F*CK away from the Goetia or any sort of dark magick at all costs. I had some really bad sh*t go down after my ex-boyfriend and I dabbled in the Goetia that took me months to eliminate from my life. Just don't go there.

That said, I don't think that witchcraft will give you superhuman abilities. I understand them more as tools that you can use to improve the quality of your life by focusing your intent rather than a means of acquiring supernatural powers.

The mind will stay sharp with meditation. Really feel your intent rising in you. Take a moment and focus your desire as intensely as possible. Spells you can get either from Wiccan texts (take careful note of the author though. Fiona Horne is not considered as reliable as Scott Cunningham, for example), or you can write them yourself.

Hope this helps.

Making money out of the occult is a big no-no. Anyone who does this is considered a brother of the black.However, the good news is that you don't hav3e to set out to make money from the occult. It happens automatically. Your progress on the occult path will not go un-noticed. Study all of the information you can, and appl;y it through a lens of love and compassion. It you do this, money will automatically flow to you. I have a book out on amazon called Power Mind, which describes the techniques exactly. If you start a new business for example, don't do it because you want to make a lot of money. Do it because:1. You want to build an excellent business which is successful and can pay good wages to staff. 2. You want to surround yourself with the brightest and brest people around. 3. Big rule - be happy. Enjoy your business bnuilding. In your case, say you wanted to make a small library specialising in particular subjects.Make it a source of pride, and treat all of your customers with kid gloves, and a God-like reverence. Even if an order is only for $10, be very appreciative, thank them very much, bend over backwards to help them. This attitude will rub off on them, and they will tell all of their friends. The word of mouth advertising is priceless. It costs nothingSome occult societies say that you should never charge for anything you do. I disagree. While it is wrong to make large sums of money from the occult, surely everyone is entitled to a reasonable standard of living?I hope this helpsRgds

Yes, it's probably the worst decision any living human can ever do. Most people that practice occult are depressed, and sooner or later mentally imbalanced. They are giving power to something or someone, called them what you want. It doesn't matter…it's what's behind it…it's evil and treasureous because you are dealing with demons. And once they are stuck to you they don't leave. Their aim is to separate you from the only true living God Jehovah, by whose name alone they tremble (Psalm 83:18) Any religion is fine, since they are all pagan, whether you go to a church or a Buddhist temple. As long as you don't practice the truth, Bible based faith ( they are happy. Satan only want you separated from the true God. They are sadistic and viscous spirit creatures they enjoy enducing people to do cruel acts. That is what you hear many times on the News, acts carried out in such a manner that it's completely inhumanity ( No don't even think it's childhood, brain failure, etc ) Drugs and mental illness can sometimes facilitate their influence, but it's not imperative. This only happen when a person are connecting themselves with that domaine, or sometimes any ideas that has connection to Spiritism, or person practicing it as well as false religions like crosses, religious idols etc. I hope I answered your question, take a warning from someone that knows. All that is in store for them and those practicing it is complete destruction and nothingness, and they know it. Versus everlasting life on a restored Earth (Psalm 83:18) Choise is yours, you will either be above the Earth or under it…(Please go to, for more information)

In a paradox, its danger is also its power.Even if we drop the more out of the ordinary ideas in the occult, you are still left with a highly complex intellectual challenge.The question of danger should be there, but it might not be what you think.First of all, most people are really … rigid structures.(Taleb’s Black Swan). Introducing occult, esoteric, spiritual, etc, knowledge, has a very precise effect, in that it affects your fundamental belief systems about the world.The uneducated-in-the-matter will tell you how its not true, this is true, or this is wrong, that is right. They are precisely the perfect example of this topic, the effect on complex ideas on simplistic minds(not in a insulting way, just in the lack of ability and commitment to actually have the independent thinking to think things trough)If you can’t maintain different belief structures, if you can’t entertain different ideas, in your head, then you can have what is known as “crazy wizard syndrome”.That’s what happens when a person with a too rigid, too fragile psyche encounters ideas that are out of the main stream, and gets too attached to them.The key to avoiding that is actually in the esoteric traditions as well. You have to prepare your body and mind with meditation, maybe yoga, tai chi, chi gong. Most of these practices are about gaining a certain level of control over your faculties, you need that.I would recommend not to fret too much. This knowledge is one of the most interesting things that you could read, even if its purely from the perspective of entertainment and education about differences in thinking about the world .The danger is always the same- a lack of balance.Frankly, in my own opinion, you are … in a way, in more danger when you are not aware of systems of thought like that. (pretty much every tradition goes in to how unaware of anything most of us are. Realizing how unaware you are is miles away from being unaware how unaware you are)