Does Anyone Like Or Unlike Questions Just To Balance It

Why is Quora so successful as a question-answer website, given that it was pretty late to the game and similar sites failed in the past?

This is an interesting question, and I think User-9321647196036314135 has the main point, which is that Quora provides dimensions of a social experience that neither of the other two attempts mentioned in the question did--their design was relatively two-dimensional, which would have been OK if superlative answers were available, but they were not.To take Erik's point one step further, I think that part of Quora's success has been to retain and attract a very high level of users in terms of knowledge base and writing skills, and that this comes about partly because the social dimension of Quora provides a kind of intrinsic motivation to answer questions in ways that are thorough and interesting--a sort of virtuous cycle. When an answer I provide is upvoted by someone whose own work on Quora I follow and respect, it provides an incentive to keep using Quora, in the same way that finding a really interesting and nuanced discussion of a particular question does--often one about which I have only small knowledge beforehand. There are a lot of facets to Quora that are partly social in nature--the comment feature, the ability to message others, the ability to blog and follow blogs--and yet Quora has managed to bound these elements in a fashion that prevents the site from falling into the pitfalls of FaceBook, on the one hand, and Reddit, on the other.I almost started doing answers on Yahoo Answers, a few years ago--there was some pay involved, but it was tiny compared to what I generally make in my spare time from consulting--and I realized that there would be no pleasure in the work for me because of the way the interface worked and the very thin opportunities for dialogue and intellectual exchange it offered.Quora strikes an extremely interesting and nuanced balanced between the social and the intellectual, and I am sure that managing this balance as it grows will be a challenge. For me, it has been a place where I can hang out with other intellectuals, learn a lot and share knowledge in a way that gives me some pleasure, and experience just the right amount of social interaction--not very much, but enough to humanize the experience and make it something more than merely an exercise in participating in an online Q & A site.

What does like charges and unlike charges mean ?

Like charges are the same charges, unlike charges are opposite charges
Negative(-) and positive (+)

Work-life balance as a pediatrician?

First and foremost, I love working with children its a passion. I enjoy just being around them and helping them! I've always been told to do what you love in life and that why I want to do this. I want a big family that's why JUST doing what I love wont really be enough when I have kids to put in school, take care of,etc. That's why I need to know the work-life balance of a pediatrician I want a big house, I want my kids to be well taken care of and I want to be in the lives of my children verses being a neonatal doctor where I hear they rarely are even home and that's why I changed my mind from a neonatologist to a pediatrician because I think they have more free time for family and don't usually get called in at 3 or 4a.m ,or am I wrong?
so I guess my questions are...
1.Will I have enough money to care for eventually 8kids(I plan on having), a big house for us, basically enough money for us to be well taken of?also I know the pay varies on location but I plan to live some where north once done with med school and all.
2.Will I be able to see my family and spend time with them unlike a lot of doctors(correct me if im wrong)?
again I love working with children and I don't want to help them because im getting paid but the type of life and family I want to have i realize im going to need money help?

While I do not like Donald Trump at all, does anyone else think many people's EXTREME reaction to Trump to be just as distasteful?

No.I believe Donald Trump to have very extreme views. Views that are intentionally spoken to incite anger and warfare.I don’t know the man personally, but man, sometimes I do think that Trump cannot be harmed by anything he says or does. How many times has he poked fun at former CEO’s of Hewlett Packard (not that I’m defending Fiorina), POW’s, whole ethnic groups as well as the President of the United States?Trump has most certainly become the Republican Party’s Frankenstein monster. And his off-the-cuff style has done nothing but reveal the hatefulness of many within his own party. His views on “illegals,” women and minorities are EXACTLY what many people in the Republican base say to one another at fund raisers, but won’t come out and say in plain English in front of those who would disagree with them.So no, I don’t consider my views/reaction of the man extreme. As I don’t think of him all that much outside of a random channel flip or answering questions about Trump here on Quora. I don’t wish him harm. I don’t wish his assets to dry up. Or even for the man to lose the rest of his hair.So how can my views be extreme?

Balanced chemical equations showing complete and incomplete combustion of alcohol.?

Unlike the hydrocarbons burned in the hood, the alcohol in the lamp contains oxygen and has the formula C2H6O. Write balanced chemical equations showing complete and incomplete combustion of alcohol.

Did congress during the Clinton administration take funds from social security to balance the budget?

Yes, they did use Social Security to "balance" the budget. All Congresses have used the Social Security surplus since LBJ.

October 19, 1999
White House, Congress promise not to raid Social Security

Promises vs. realities

"We're still troubled by the CBO analysis that we're using Social Security trust funds, at least $19 billion," admitted Daschle.

"Most government experts acknowledge that Social Security’s trust fund is little more than a ledger entry. Indeed, in last year’s budget documents, experts within the Clinton’s own Office of Management and Budget wrote:

"These balances [within the trust fund] are available to finance future benefit payments and other trust fund expenditures – but only in a bookkeeping sense. Unlike the assets of private pension plans, [government trust funds] do not consist of real economic assets that can be drawn down in the future to fund benefits."

"Here's how the raid works: The surplus payroll tax dollars go into the Social Security Trust Fund, which in turn uses them to buy special issue bonds from the U.S. Treasury.

Then Congress can use those dollars, in the Treasury, to spend on anything it wants. All that Social Security has are the bonds. The bonds pay interest, but Congress raids the interest, too, by simply placing more bonds in the trust fund. The trust fund itself is a FILING CABINET in West Virginia — it doesn't have any real funds in it and you probably shouldn't trust it."

July 29, 2005
"Stop the Raid": Fiction vs. Fact

"FICTION: “Stop the Raid” legislation would increase the federal budget deficit by more than $1 trillion over 10 years, without fixing Social Security’s long-term solvency problem.

FACT: “Stop the Raid” legislation does not increase the long-term national debt. Eliminating hidden borrowing will appear to increase short-term deficits, but this is because Congress only looks a few years into the future when it does its budget. Look a few more years out and neither the amount of spending nor the amount of borrowing will change. The only change is that Congress is forced to report the actual level of its deficit spending instead of using Social Security as a slush fund to conceal part of it from the American people."

I'm 29 and I still can't ride a bike. I feel ashamed to ask anyone to teach me. Unlike car driving there are no professional trainers for riding a bike. What do I do?

29!?  I didn't know how to ride a bike until I learnt it at the age of 45.  When I first started 7 years ago I remembered how very frustrating it was.  For 2 weeks of daily intermittent attempts I just couldn't work it out despite all my determination.  My kids who had learnt it in their younger days were so amused by it all but kept urging me to keep trying.Finally a kind and much older gentleman came to me and told me of his attempts to learn cycling in his younger days.  He advised me to use a mild declining slope and miraculously I learn how to nervously ride a bicycle in 15 mins.  You will not believe how elated and thrilled I was to finally learn how to cycle.  That was however not the end of the story as just simple turns and doing bends were major efforts for me that I was not able to do steadily for months.Since then I have taught a few friends how to ride a bicycle and the key is actually learning how to balance.  This is not as natural as it seems and it is similar to how we learn how to walk.  For those of us that do know how to cycle we do it intuitively but it is learnt process.  The slope allowed me to have initial momentum without needing to pedal.  From it I learnt how to balance without pedalling.  Pedalling shifts our weight and unbalance us unless we know how to counter it by moving other parts of our body.When I taught my friends I would grab the back end of their seat and front of the bike and run very quickly for them to learn how to balance.  Once you have learnt how to balance then when you pedal you will be able to adjust.  Keep this in your mind a bicycle is like a gyroscope, as long as you are in motion you can't fall.  Please put on a helmut, wear elbow and knee guards too.  I have a lot of scars on my knees and some on my elbows from all my initial falls as I didn't wear any.  One last point, please get fitted properly for your road bike.  There are a lot of cyclist that are seated too low and will seriously injure their knee over time.  The golden rule here is if your toes can touch the ground while you are seated upright you are too low.  Out of fear you might initially have your feet touch the ground while seated but you need to quickly learn how to elevate your seat until you can't even tip toe.  Today I compete in cycling races and cycle a few hundred kilometres a week.  Good luck and it is a lot of fun.

How can I balance homework and exercise?

I'm a high school senior. Lately, I've felt lousy, both academically and physically. My grades have been slipping, and my health deteriorating. I'm tired of feeling sluggish and tired all the time, and I'm also tired of not being motivated to keep my grades up. I need help.This is so unlike me. Any advice?

Why was A.africanus unlike any primate fossil skull that Dart had ever seen?

In November 1924, there came into Dart’s hands a small fossilized skull from a limestone pit at Taungs (now called Taung, and, since 1977, located in the ‘independent homeland state of Bophuthatswana’). The teeth suggested that it would have been that of a five-or six-year-old if human, or two years younger if an ape.

Dart believed the find had human features (e.g. the teeth and jaw, the skull, and what he claimed was evidence of upright posture) and ape features (e.g. facial characteristics and brain size). He therefore said it represented a group of creatures ‘ … intermediate between living apes and primitive mankind’14—what he called a ‘man-ape’. He named it Australopithecus africanus, meaning ‘southern ape of Africa’.

Dart's claims were challenged
in 1970 by British anatomist Sir Solly Zuckerman
In 1973, by South African geologist T.C. Partridge
in 1994, evolutionist Fred Spoor did CAT scans of the inner ear region of Australopithecus africanus skulls, including Taung. These showed that their semi-circular canals, which determine balance and ability to walk upright, ‘resemble those of the extant [living] great apes’.

The fact that sapiens-like fossils have appeared in the fossil record before australopithecines … reveals that the australopithecines had nothing to do with human origins.