Does Gall Stones Keeps You Skinny .

Does smoking weed make you lose weight?

Possibly. scroll down to "c" for cannabis in this blog post:amateur attempt at preventive health: (a

How long does it take to lose weight on adderall?

So you hope to lose weight with your adderall prescription. Well, straight might begin losing weight immediately. Adderall is an Amphetamine....which is a strong stimulant. Stimulants will cause a decrease in appetite, so you'll simply just eat less. However, at some point you'll build a tolerance to your prescribed dose and the appetite loss will no longer be there. At this point, it's likely to gain the weight back and possibly more! You're other option to maintain the loss of appetite is to up your dose. And this is how a cycle of abuse and addiction begins. You know the "super evil" drug Meth? It's also an Amphetamine. So you know when you see a tweaker, they're always so skinny(and pale, cracked out, paranoid, ect)? You'll look like that at some point.....get a diet and workout routine

If i have gallstones can i eat maple syrup? i never ate it and i want to try.?

A reasonable amount should be fine Make sure it is pure maple syrup. . Foods to avoid include:
All animal fats such as beef, pork, butter and lard.
Dairy products such as whole milk, soft and hard types of cheese.
Hydrogenated oils and fats such as mayonnaise and margarine.
Refined carbohydrates such as rich cakes and pastries, white bread, beans, corn, candies, cookies and candied fruits and nuts.
Deep-fried foods such as chips
Stimulants such as black tea, coffee (stimulates gallbladder contraction, causing a gallbladder attack), alcohol (especially cocktails and hard liquors).
Carbonated beverages such as colas and sodas
Artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings and preservatives
Certain vegetables such as cabbages, cauliflowers and legumes
Fruits such as oranges and grapefruit
Eggs should be avoided as they contain high amounts of cholesterol
Foods rich in sugar such as chocolates, candies, ice creams, desserts and sweets should also be avoided

Should a skinny person go on a fast or liver cleanse diet?

Cleansing has absolutely no medical benefit and is in fact harmful to the digestive tract.
There is no "build up" of bad plaque or sludge in a normal system. If this was the case we would have people dying left and right from malnutrition since their bodies couldn't absorb nutrients.
Since we reabsorb most of the water in our food and drink through the large intestine, If it was coated with "mucoid plaque", we would all be sloshing around like sponges yes?
We "cleanse and detox" 24 hours a day through respiration, sweat, liver, and kidneys.
We can help by eating a healthy diet with minimal added sugar and salt. Lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans, peas, and brown rice keep a system as healthy as it can be.
Minimal alcohol, caffeine, soda.
Read food labels. If you can't pronounce it, don't put it in your body.
Cleanses actually flush out the beneficial bacteria and enzymes in the digestive system.
A high fiber diet works every time.
Spend your money in the produce department instead of giving it away.

Will I become thin by smoking cigarettes?

A definite: maybe a littleNicotine is known to acutely suppress the appetite. How effectively depends on personal susceptibility. Just like the physical dependence on nicotine varies greatly with individual smokers.But the problem is that your brain and body will get used to this effect and compensate. So, when you quit nicotine after long term use, it is very likely tht you will gain weight because of the compensation.Another problem are the health problems that can come with smoking. They usually take years to develop. But they are at best rather annoying.If you are still determined to try nicotine to lose weight, you could either try the rather vile, unappealing NRTs like the medically approved gums, sprays, and patches, Or you might go for vaping ecigs which offer a plethora of tastes which may also be enough to satisfy your sweet tooth without those nasty calories. But don't expect any miracles. Just like all those "light" products, your body will soon learn that it doesn't get the expected calories and adjust for that.

Gastritis or Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm?

I am very freaked out. I went to the hospital last night with pain at the center of my body in between my ribcage. I'm really freaked because it feels swollen and I can feel my pulse there. The doctor told me it was gastritis, but I hear about AAA and am getting scared. I'm a healthy, skinny 15 year old and have no family history of aneurysms. It also hurts at other places around my belly when I push down. Someone help me out!