Does God Want Me To Do My Due Dillegence Or Am I Mentally Ill

Should two mentally ill people be allowed to have children?

I don't think it is anybody's business except you and your fiance.

Here are the factors I would consider when planning kids:

1) are you stable enough to handle the sleep deprivation and stress? If you or your fiance/spouse relapse, do you have relatives that can help?

2) how concerned are you about your child inheriting your illness? some illnesses have a heavy genetic component, and others less (genetic counseling). If you get genetic counseling, it is up to you to take that info and decide what to do. Generally, mental illnesses are much more treatable than in the past. However, some researchers think that mental illnesses get more severe thru generations (I suppose until folks have too severe an illness to have any kids. This is how it went in my family). So there is a lot to weigh here.

3) do you have enough income? If you are on disability, how do you feel about raising a child when you are on SSI or SSA?

OK that's what I thought of. I decided not to have children (I am 43) because I have bipolar and it is chronic and severe,so I just wasn't stable enough. And in my family's case, the bipolar/depression certainly was more severe in my generation that in my mom's. We are almost all on disability (5 out of 6 children). My mom and her siblings have all kept jobs. It hurts me that I didn't have kids, though. I cry about that periodically - it is a great loss.

It's BS for anyone else to say you should or should not. It is good to get some outside input if you aren't clear on how severe your symptoms are, though. I had a friend who had borderline personality disorder (I am pretty sure) and I hope to god she didn't have any kids, because there is no way she could be a good mom. She was way too volatile, just like her mom who was emotionally abusive and neglectful. A tragedy yes, but you don't want to pass that on.

so good luck to you, and I hope you two make the best decision for you and any children you may have!

Can mental illness be cured?

yes, contrary to popular belief mental illness can be cured. after 19 yrs on medication, i am now med free & doing fine so far. what was the cure? i did something i had never done before - asked god to heal me. who would ever figure this would happen to me but i believed it would happen and it did. you see i just figured that miracles happened in the bible back in the day, so why can't they still happen today? the answer is they can! i am still in a phase of disbelief myself. but the freedom from those chains being broken and being made whole again is so incredibly liberating.

for all the naysayers out there (& there will be plenty I'm sure), i don't care what you think! i'm sorry you are missing out on miracles in your life. thanks be to god for blessing and healing me!

so to answer your question - please don't resign yourself to accepting this state of brokeness as permanent. it does not have to be this way. may god bless your friend too. prayer is more powerful than a man with a psychiatry degree or anything in a pill bottle.

If an individual commits a sin because of mental illness, will god still punish him/her?

Thanks for the A2A.This is a tough question because the Bible does not state categorically about the punishment of the insane for the sins they have committed. But just as Abraham asked, “Should not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?” (Genesis 18:25). Yes, God will always do what is right because “He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.” (Psalm 33:5)If by human standard of justice, people who suffer serious mental illness are not held culpable for crimes they commit against the state, then we should not expect a stricter judgment from a loving God when dealing with the sins of the mentally sick persons.However, it is pertinent to remark that there are various degrees or kinds of mental illness which make it justifiably to say that some mentally sick persons will be morally held responsible by God.Agreed that some mental illness natural or demonic, but there are those victims who are just depressed, or bi-polar. It is those of a delusional nature or which prevent the victim knowing right from wrong that are not culpable but those still knowing right from wrong may be held responsible for their sins.The testimony of one Mike, a former demoniac, shows that salvation from Jesus Christ is what everyone needs in order to escape God’s punishment, even the mentally sick persons need it badly:I was a kleptomaniac from the age of six until sixteen, the difference was simply that I was delivered from a life of sin through simple faith in Christ. Most of our generic mental ills are just the ills of sin,which require nothing more than repentance and faith in Christ, followed by a total intent of surrendering our life over to him and his word, both internallyand externally. From a general standpoint from our modern perspective we would call a person whoenjoys watching others killed as a great mental illness, but in the Bible in the Roman amphitheaters this was just called entertainment and is regular sin. We must limit mental illness to real medically understood anomalies that aredifferent from just intense sinful cravings. Only the church is qualified to administer medicine for sin through the gospel.https://christianity.stackexchan...

Is God responsible for mental illness?

O.K. First of all, if you don't believe God exists, I don't care.

Second, let's say hypothetically speaking Adam or Eve had a mental illness. Then who would be responsible?

Third, if somebody commited a sin due to a mental illness he or she had that was out of her control, would she be held as accountable as someone who commited the same sin of their own free will?

He says mental illness is stopping marriage?

I have been with this man for 15 years.We have two children.I have been wanting to get married since we had our 1st child 10 years ago.He has Obcessive Compulsive Disorder.His case is very bad.He will not marry me because he fears change.We have been seeing a counciler for about two years to deal with just living with him.We own the house together and has'nt had a job in 5 years.Nothing seems to work to make his OCD better.I'm very bitter supporting him all these years living with all his rules due to the OCD.And he still won't marry me.I'm very bitter and angry and I can't get past it.I really try.I know deep down I love him,I saw a paper about him from his counciler that he sent to himhe's trying to get disability.It said he fears marrying me cause he thinks something else better might come along.He does'nt know I saw this he has'nt even read it himself yet.Most people who don't know us well think were married.I want to go to church but I feel like a hibacrit .Will God understand???

Has Anyone Ever Gotten Over Severe Depression or Any Mental Illness?

Several Years ago I had sever depression. I went to counseling and was on a lot of medicine. I was experiencing panic and anxiety attacks. There were times when I did not think life was worth living. I was finally hospitalized and had 5 EST therapy. About a year after that and regulating my medication, I did get better. I can now function and do not have to spend all my days in bed or living in fear because of the panic attacks. I an now physically healthier.

There are times when I may have a day or two of depression but it is not the severe dibilitating kind. I am only on two medicines now. One is for depression and the other for panic and anxiety attacks

Since I believe depression is a chemical imbalance im most people, I do not think you ever completely get over it. I think we can get much better and able to function in society. But, I think the clinical illness is always there even if it is dormant. It takes a lot of personal work to keep from going back down and even we try our best, sometimes it is difficult to overcome because for me, I am freightened of having a major relapse. I just try every day to live in the moment and live by the serenity prayer.

God Bless those who do suffer and don't give up. Every day they are closer the healing this dreadful dibilitating diease.

What helped your mental illness the most?

I asked Jesus into my life through a Billy Graham Crusade and Jesus brought people into my life to help me with my Dissociative Identity Disorder and to mentor me and be there when I developed a crisis and got suicidal. He provided me a two Christian foster moms who were very understanding, compassionate, disciplined, loving, caring, patient and were there for the long haul, they have since died and Jesus has provided a Wonderful Pastor whom Jesus equipped with understanding D.I.D. this Pastor is incredible. He REALLY understands D.I.D. and talks to all my alters and when I become suicidal (because those that have D.I.D. get suicidal from time to time) my Pastor is there to help me with it. I am totally committed to The Lord God Jesus Christ and WHEN I allow HIM he walks with me side by side. I have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus much like you have with your best friend, parent, partner, child, neighbor etc. I am learning to LOVE my alters because my alters are ME, they are damaged parts of me, but they are ALL important and I need them all, they helped me when I was being beaten and abused and traumatized, without my alters, I would NOT have gotten this far. I NEED MY ALTERS AND THEY NEED ME, WE ARE IMPORTANT FOR EACH OTHER and I DO NOT EVER WANT TO GET RID OF MY ALTERS, EVER, IT WOULD BE HATING MYSELF

Would you say mental illnesses can be considered a state of self-centeredness?

It’s just this kind of question that throws fuel on the fire of mental illness. The sufferer craves understanding, probably more than anything else. But a lot of neurotypical folk have got their theories, judgements, opinions on how you’ve got yourself in this mess… ie you are self centred, selfish, lacking discipline, lazy and on and on.So to help the questioner. Firstly the clue is in the title “mental illness”. I will spell it out I l l n e s s.When you are curled up in bed with a bout of flu are you being self centred, lazy etc? Or are you just ILL?Psychiatrist Tim Cantopher has observed that depression is a disease of the strong. People that are the opposite of self centred, who are compassionate and ready to serve. Their tireless efforts and desire to contribute and make a difference keep them at work (presenteeism) far long than is healthy for them.