Does Having Blood In My Stool Mean I Have A Disease

What does Black Stool mean?

Adam, black stool can have several causes. Black stool is a condition in which the feces are very dark or black. Black stool may be normal in some cases and caused by ingesting certain substances or medications, such as iron supplements. Several ingested substances can change the color of stool. Iron and bismuth-containing medications, for example, Pepto Bismol, turn the stool black. Food dyes used for coloring foods also may color the stool.

However, black stool can also be caused by a serious condition, such as bleeding in the digestive tract caused by a peptic ulcer. Black stool that is tarry in texture and foul smelling is often a symptom of upper gastrointestinal bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or small intestine. This is called melena. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract from the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin) may be the cause. Have you been overdosing on black licorice candy??

My cat has Kidney disease and she is pooping blood! What does this mean?

ok..if i have this correct..the cat is on thyroid medicine for a high thyroid and it went to low?...easy fix..cut the meds back which i am assuming you did, This is a fixable issue and very easily done.
Almost all cats by the age of 18 will have some kidney MUST find out how far along and if you can give fluids under the skin at home to help>>>(i've been doing this for 3 yrs now and it sounds much worse then it keeps the kidneys working and is very easy for you to learn how to do) this is treatable also.
The pooping blood can be something like irritable bowel or colitis. Some cats get upset stomachs and irritation and the blood comes out in the poop...slimy. It will be a sort of slimy runny blood.
This could be from ..change of food...stress or anything that could have upset the cats stomach.
You have a few different things going on here and you just have to address one at a time.
These are ALL treatable issues.
Please let me know how your cat is doing.

The reason for blood in the stool from my golden doodle and what can I do about it.?

I have read that blood in stools is one of the signs of Parvo. Make sure your dog does not get dehydrated and it needs to see a Vet. Remember, Vaccines are never 100 % effective. Even with a vaccine, your dog can still catch the disease.

But, just because your dog's stool is black, that doesn't mean it's bloody. If he was constipated and now the black stool has come out, it may just have been hard poop and some blood may come out if it tore the sphincter a little bit.

Have you changed his food recently? Did he have a little bit of human food? The change in diet can make hard, black poop. But it shouldn't stay that way.

What does it mean when there is blood in your feceis?

Blood in stool can be caused by hemorrhoids, an-al fissures, polyps, Crohn's Disease, peptic ulcer disease, and diverticulitis. Generally, the closer the bleeding site is to the an-us, the blood will be a brighter red. Thus, bleeding from the an-us, rectum, and the sigmoid colon tend to be bright red, whereas bleeding from the transverse colon and the right colon (transverse and right colon are several feet away from the an-us) tend to be dark red or maroon colored. Stomach ulcers caused by ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin are common causes of upper GI bleeding. Please see your doctor to determine what the exact cause may be.

What is the cause of bright red blood in stool?

Hi there — now listen. You should not have bright red blood in your stool. If it's a bit on the top of the stool and not mixed in, the most likely thing is piles. These are varicose veins around the anus and they bleed when you have your bowels open. They are usually not dangerous but if they bleed often you can get seriously aneamic. The most important thing is to get a proper diagnosis so you must see the doctor.If it's not piles there are other diagnoses. Some infections can do this. Also inflammatory bowel disease like Chrohn’s Disease or ulcerative colitis. Sometimes this may be the way a bowel cancer presents. But do not panic! The most important thing is to be brave and go and see the doctor. Things picked up early can be treated. It's not a good idea to leave it. So please go and get this checked out!Daisy xDating Daisy - Book About Online Dating Fiction, for Middle-Aged WomenI'm now an agony aunt so please contact me via the website with problems or queries.