Does He Like Me Answer I

Does he like me?

So there's this guy that I work with at the mall and I like him. I'm the type of person that can't tell wheather someone is flirting with me or being nice. We've been talking a lot recently and everytime at work he always looks at me and smiles and I smile back. I notice he doesn't really do this to other people but me. He's always the one to come up to me and start a conversation too. He's very nice towards me, whenever we have to close at work he always offers to help me finish my duties and help out cleaning the place for me. I remember another time when we were talking and he was talking about how this new girl that just got hired has a "thing" for him and says he doesn't like her like that and she's too young. I then ask him what's the youngest he'd date and he looks at me and says 17, (which is my age and he knows). Idk does he like me? Or am I just overthinking this too much. What gives it away for me is that he always looks at me at random moments and always smiles at me and he doesn't do that to anyone else. We recently had a party at our work and our boss said we can bring one friend, I brought a friend and I noticed he brought a girl. I assumed it was his girlfriend and my friend said supposedly they were holding hands. My other friend tells me he probably brought a girl just to make me jealous and get my attention. I notice throughout the party he kept looking at me and didn't really pay attention towards the girl. Idk i need help, does it sound like he likes me?

Does he like me?

I have a friend ive known for like 5 years and he drives a taxi :) he picked me up at college the other day and brought me home for free, even with him knowing he would lose money spending it with me. On the way home he was like playing with my leg,, just like rubbing it near my knee and stuff, and then we ended up holding hands the rest of the way. when he finally dropped me off, he wanted a hug, but i didnt give him one so he gave me one and planted a big wet kiss between my cheek and nose. He calls me like everyday saying he wants to hear my voice, calling me sweetheart and stuff. I told him it would be a little difficult for me to fall in love with him, but he doesnt care. He said when i turn 21 which is like in 2yeears, that we would disappear together lol. idk and hes always flirting, so do u think we will go farther..??

Does he like me?

yetserday i gave him another massage head neck and back and he was saying something in spanish slang i didn't understand somethign like oh your doing something and i didn't catch the rest but he was all relaxed .My friend tried to give him a massage but he didn't act like he cared.

My other mate (boy) asked me for one so i gave him one and he took his t-shirt off in the middle of it and i started massaign his back and the guy i like was next to him and looked over at th guy and started saying things like " god r'nt u cold, dude put ur t-shirt back on!!
(And stuff like that)" and after i finnished the other guys massage. i asked who wanted a massage and all the guys in my groups hands shot in the air and the guy i like put his hand up last like he was embarassed.

The other day we were all doing arm wrestling[he is the strongest guy in the group( yesterday he gave a pigy back to 5 guys in our group at once!)]i am the strongest female in our group i went up against him and he kept

Does he like me...........?

okay well he always teases me and stares at me and l porposley bumping into me like he steals my binder also one time he was like (conversation) allie=me
him " allie can u help me"
me "no u didnt help me"
his friend"he'll go out with you if u help him"
him didnt do anything
so does he like me? should i ask him evn though aint aloud to date cuz dad thinks ill have sexual activity with boys (which i no i shouldnt cuz im still midle schooler)

Does he like me?

Lol he wants a bloweejob too, because guys like to tell their friends stuff ROFL.

Does he like me?

The key question is whether or not he's a strong guy.

Could you possibly be making dating choices mainly based upon whether someone likes you and you like them? Unfortunately this approach to dating, used by most people, usually leads to a broken heart.

May I suggest that the first question to ask yourself when considering whether or not to date someone is, “Is this person a strong person?” If they’re not, no matter how much you like them, how much they like you, or how “cute” or “hot” they are, - please don’t date them. A strong person has good character (honesty, integrity, trustworthiness), displays a positive attitude (cheerful, caring, friendly, forgiving, helpful, and respectful), fulfills their responsibilities (for handling people who are pains in a positive way, for always trying to make a good choice, for taking care of themselves, for serving others), gives their best effort, and demonstrates self-control (of their body, anger, mouth and money).

My suggestion is that you put in the effort necessary to become a strong person (if you’re not already), forget about this guy unless he’s a strong person, and eventually look for this type of guy (otherwise you’re setting yourself up for a broken heart). Unfortunately this type of man is difficult to find – but save yourself the heartache and don’t settle for less.

(Please remember that you eventually want a 50 or 60 year marriage - not a 5 or 10 year marriage.)

Hope this helps!

PS The best way to get to know a strong man without dating is to participate in the activities of a community service or a school organization.

I like this guy does he like me?

im only is six grade and i know im a little to young but i really like him and hes in 3 of my persiod in orchestra science and math! he always smiles at me and he talks to me alot! some times he stares at me. And in science an math class he once went to sharpen his penci and he came back and broke it on purpose! then he asked if he can borrow a pencil from me. Then he "pretended" to throw a pencil by me so i picked it up for him! but the problem is my friend likes him to but i like him before her and she has had 3 boy friends and so have i ! what should i do i liked the guy before her??? what do i do

This guy likes me but answers me really late and I doubt he’s busy because I see him post on Instagram (there is no doubt that he likes me). What does it mean?

Either he has other things in his life( Instagram is one of them) and he is a busy guy who gives you enough space to miss him (and that is clearly working) and that’s perfectly healthy. May be he has other women he is dating in his life and that’s perfectly healthy for a young guy.ORHe just knows how to play the game of acting aloof and he is doing that.ORHe is not the kind of guy who likes to text a lot.ORYou are not his priority but he likes you being around. So he answers when he wants to.OROn your side, maybe you have been acting needy, have been texting too much and he is turned off by that. And I think that’s probably true coz you clearly are stalking his Instagram when he is not responding.IT CAN BE ANYTHING.Just don’t bother too much about it. If you are acting needy cut it down a little to a healthy level. Go on dates with him. Use phone to set dates and enjoy time in person. Do less texting and more meeting in person. Too much texting is never good especially in the start. If you really want to talk or see him, try meeting him in person.One thing is for sure don’t stop dating other guys till both you and a guy becomes committed and both totally want each other. It helps keep the neediness in check and you won’t bother to check someone’s Instagram if he responds late.

OMG! OMG! OMG!!! Does he like me? OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!!?

So theres this really really really hot guy at the pool like 4 months ago that was like omg so checking me out like. And like every time I'd like get out of the pool hed like almost look at me. But, I dont know like. Like, how do I like know if like, he likes me. And since it was like 2 months ago, do you like, think to much time has like, passed? I mean a lot can like happen in 3 months. So, Im like OMG what do I like do? I hope he hasnt forgotten me in like the 5 months that have passed. PLEASE HELP ME WITH ALL INPUT!!!!

Why does he send me two word answers, when supposedly he likes me?

It show that the boy is diplomatic. He wants you to initiate conversation for long hrs. He just pinch u by saying 2 words and wants u to hold his hands. He is guy like “fook fook kar kada rakhne wala” type.It might me that he likes u if he starts conversation but its also sure he is testing u.The boy is very sharp from mind. One of my friend was also like this.Plus if u want to move on then talk to him otherwise judge him and take ur step. Analyse him and his humour and then do any thing.So be careful is only suggestion by me to u my lady..