Does He Want Me To Lose Weight

My bf wants me to lose weight but I'm not fat?

I'm 5 feet tall and 42kg.
My bf showed me a picture of a girl with very tiny waist and I said "Oh she's so pretty!" but what my bf said hurt me.. he told me "Then lose your weight." with a cold looking face.
He never said that before.. and I didn't even want to be like the girl in the picture! I just said she was pretty and my bf tells me to lose weight.
I don't think I'm fat, but I'm kind of starting to see myself as fat...
I'm not sure if I should lose weight..

Husband doesn't want me to lose weight?

I met my husband when i weighted 200 lbs, its now been a year and a half and ive gained 44 lbs. I said to myself okay its time to lose weight.

I have been working out and losing weight, I am now 224, so ive lost 20 lbs.

My husband is now telling me that he doesnt want me to lose any more weight. I on the other hand want to get down to about 180lbs.

Why is my husband telling me not to lose weight? Is it bc he doesnt want other guys to look at me?

I asked him this and he said no, that he really likes my size and he really likes my butt.

But I am not happy being this size, I feel out of breathe and overweight

Why doesn't my boyfriend want me to lose weight?

This may be hard to understand... but I'd rather see a chubby or fat girl with fat sticking out of her bikini walking proudly down the beach ANY day compared to a skinny size 2 diet pill model. I don't want to hurt any skinny feelings by this, it's just a preference.

And I'm not alone in that. A whole lot of guys, obviously including your boyfriend, agree with that. You already look absolutely stunning to him, more than you would if you were lighter, with every pound you've got on you; he doesn't just "love you despite them", he loves every pound you want to lose. For every guy that lets his mouth drop open when he sees a size zero model, there's another one who has the same reaction to a girl with a few (or a few dozen) "extra" pounds that she's obviously proud of and flaunting in skimpy clothes.

So there's nothing to be confused about. You're gorgeous just the way you are, and you've got every right to let it hang out a little :-)

I wouldn't worry about the diebetes and cholesterol and blood pressure yet. What you can do is just go have a good physician check you out for those signs every year or two - the blood pressure and cholesterol especially will show up *LONG* before they're actual health risks, and you'll have plenty of time to tell him "Look, I know you think I'm even more gorgeous this way than I would be if I was smaller, but I've got a health problem i need to take care of." Until that happens - the message he's trying to get across is that every pound in his eyes makes you more beautiful, more perfect, instead of further away from it.

I know because I'm the exact same way.

Should I still lose weight if my boyfriend doesn’t want me to? He thinks I’m already skinny and that being too skinny is “unattractive” to him. I still really want to lose weight for myself and happiness.

YOU NEED TO BE HEALTHY FOR YOURSELF!I steadily gained weight from 3 pregnancies. Harder to lose after each baby. But it is not good for your heart, bones, and blood vessels to be overweight, plus high blood pressure will erode your internal organs. Find out what you should weigh according to your height and age. I have lost 40+ lbs three times since 37 yo, but gained it all back each time.At 72 I started cutting my portions in half and lost 10 lbs. Then I decided that I had eaten a ton of sugar/chocolate in my lifetime, so it was time to cut it out! In 3 months after giving up candy, sweet tea, ALL sodas, cakes, cookies and pies, etc., I lost another 26 lbs. I joined a gym. Now at 73, my clothes look baggy on me, my gardening jeans fell off me twice ( Thank goodness I was in back yard when it happened and not the front yard!) and I've had to buy 4 belts (one for jeans and some pretty ones)! I have never worn a belt before EVER, and it feels good to be able to tuck my blouse in. I look good and feel better. I drink mainly water. Everyone has noticed my new figure.I have lived a full life, trying to please other people. NOT NOW! I live my life my way and I want to live to be a lively 100!I researched sugar and discovered it really is a poison for our bodies. Once you cut out sugar you will find that you've also cut out the excess salt. Restaurants use too much if it! Good luck and lose the boyfriend. He is not living your life…You Are!

Is it ok to tell a guy you want to lose weight before having sex with him?

I asked this guy would he meet me at a hotel and he said he would next week. But I'm self-conscious about my weight. Is it ok if I tell him that I think? He might like how I look with my clothes on. Bu 6tg v h

Boyfriend mad that i want to lose weight?

So im about 5'1 almost 140lbs so i want to start exercising to lose some weight. After telling my boyfriend he tells me that he thinks im fine the way i am and that if i exercise he will break up with me....i dont think i am fat, but i would like to lose some weight so i can be healthier and fit in dem jeansss haha what do you think? Is he in the wrong?

My boyfriend doesn’t want me to lose weight because skinniness is “unattractive” to him. According to him, I’m already skinny but I still want to lose weight. Should I still lose weight?

See, in my opinion its your life and u should govern it.And think it this way if ur bf doesn't love u the way u r then how can u trust him to be with you for ur whole life.The love doesn't happen because of how attractive you are physically but instead the love should happen due to purity of ur heart.I mean the looks should never matter to ur comforting soul, its ur behavior nature and thinking that should attract ur bf towards u.In my opinion if u want to lose weight because u want to get more thin then u should do it but be careful in medical ways, just see that u don't lose important nutrients in body along with fats and weight.

My boyfriend says he wants to marry me after I lose weight. He doesn't want anyone asking "how did she get him

I told him - he doesn't have to worry - I don't want to marry him. He then says "You don't know how to take constructive criticism. Some people take help negatively or positively its all how you accept it. Does anyone think this is constructive? I am 5'2 and I wieght 135 lbs - I don't think I need to lose weight- especially for this loser! Any suggestions? Why would someone want to marry someone they if they don't like they way they look anyway?