Does It Hurt When You Get Your First Tattoo

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your neck?

Ok. Tattoos hurt but not as much as people are making them out to. The back of the neck is actually an easier spot to get tattooed. If you have a good artist, you should be able to sit for 3-4 hours before the pain really starts kicking in. I am a tattoo artist, have 58 tattoos and have done 54 of them on myself. The worst place to get a tattoo is the chest or ribs. By far! The best tattoo artists make it so you do t even feel anything but a brush on the skin. There are sloppy, heavy-handed artists that we call butchers in the industry. They want the money to get you in amd out of the chair as fast as possible to get the next customer in. The key is to find a great artist that uses great machines and has a great personality to help keep your mind off of it when it does start to hurt. If you are talking about the back of the neck, the liece wont be very big and will probably take about an hour or 2 depending on the design. Women have a much higher pain tolerance for tattoos then men do so it should be a breeze. Be out of the chair before the pain starts. Ive seen a person gettin butchered last for 20 minutes on their shoulder and ive seen the same person sit for a quality artist for 9 hours on their chest with ease. Not all artists are equal. Some just have a very light and steady hand and let the ink sit right where its supposed to with no bleeding while packing in color. Others have that heavy hand and just abuse skin. Alot of people say tattoos are so painful so they look tough being able to sit through it. You have no worries til you hit that 3 hour mark. Then it gets to be dependent on the artist and pain tolerance.

How does getting your first tattoo feel?

For your first one, I would stay away from the foot because that is a super painful spot due to all the bones there. Upper arm should be fine.

My first tattoo I actually did myself when I was 14, I remember it hurt a lot but I really wanted it.. so I finished it.

My first professional tattoo was doen across my back, and it KILLED when it went over my spine, but my friend was with me and held my hand, and that really helped :)

Have someone come with you. Listen to music, and concentrate on your breathing and not on the pain. For some people tattoos don't even hurt on places like your arm, so you may be in luck

How much does your first tattoo hurt?

My first hurt almost as much as my ninth which is just 3 weeks old.
For me, I did my first on a very painful spot, the upper spine. It felt like a very bad sunburn after its been slapped a few times. After about 30 minutes or so, I went numb and nodded off for awhile and sat fine for another 3 1/2 hours.
I have the outsides of both calves done from knee to ankle. Anything near the ankles or the knee nearly had me in tears. It felt like my skin being ripped, like a really bad cat scratch over and over again. Everything in between ( on the fleshier parts), was just fine. My upper arm was the least painful. Felt like and annoying, deep, painful itch I couldn't scratch. Think a gritty sand paper rubbed into your skin.
I keep going back for more. So, all in all, they are not the most awful pain you will ever feel, just a different kind of pain.
Bonier parts hurt more than fleshy parts.
If you can handle a bad sunburn or a cat scratch, you'll do just fine on your wrist. Happy tattoo!

How does it feel to get your first tattoo?

In two days I'm getting my first tattoo...!!! i'm actually very excited! But there's this little part of me that is scared... How does it feel like ( lets just say I can't really handle pain that well..) does it really feel like needles going into your skin or does it feel like "annoying vibrations"?

Do tattoos hurt .. ?

It hurts but obviously it isn't unbearable, torturous pain. If it were you wouldn't see so many people walking around with them.

Does a shoulder blade tattoo hurt?

well of course any tattoo is gonna hurt and if its your first one it will hurt more but on shoulder blade has a lot of muscle so its the perfect spot for your first tattoo.

my first tattoo was on my left shoulder blade

I'm a total bad does it hurt to get a tattoo?

I have 2 tattoos and im thinkin about getting a 3rd one. One on my lower back, one between my shoulder blades. IM A WUSS WHEN IT COMES TO NEEDLES! My lower back one is a black tribal design. I'm not going to lie to you it hurt like hell. But the lady that did mine was very rough. I have talked to grown men that went to her and said the same thing. My second one says LSU and has the eye of the tiger (so its not the smallest tattoo) its is colored, which some people say hurts worst. I did not find that one hurt at all. It didn't feel great but didn't hurt.

good luck! if u want a tat, get it! dont worry about the pain, it will be all worth it when you see the finished product. AND DONT DECIDE NOT TO DO IT JUST CAUSE OTHER PEOPLE TELL U NOT TO! its your body

by the way. if you get it where it can be covered, it will not affect your job or jobs u get in the future. i work at a bank and my customers dont know i have tats. an co worker didnt believe that i had tats either.

Does getting a tattoo really hurt?

IS IT PAINFUL?HOW SHOULD I AVOID IT?Getting a tattoo will never be a walk in the park, but it can be less painful if you take a few simple precautions.To complete this How-To you will need:A licensed tattoo artistA morning appointmentLoose clothingA full stomachA non-aspirin pain relieverDeep breathsScrupulous aftercareA topical anestheticStep 1: Go to a licensed tattoo artist who sterilizes their equipment and uses disposable needles and gloves. The discomfort of getting tattooed is nothing compared to the pain of getting an infection from it.Step 2: Schedule your tattoo for the morning. This is when your pain tolerance is highest, thanks to peak levels of adrenaline, a hormone that helps us endure pain.Step 3: Wear loose clothes, especially if they are going to be covering your new tattoo.Step 4: Eat something before you go to reduce the chances of passing out from a combination of nerves and hunger.Step 5: Take a non-aspirin pain reliever like ibuprofen about 20 minutes before the procedure.Tip: Don't drink alcohol or take aspirin in the 24 hours beforehand; it will thin your blood, increasing bleeding.Step 6: Choose an area of your body that has more flesh and less bone and nerve endings, like biceps, calves, and thighs, rather than bony areas or nerve centers like the rib cage, top of foot, and abdomen.Step 7: Know what to expect. The pain is often described as a cat scratching your sunburned skin. Breathe deeply, focus on your breath, and try not to move. The post-tattoo pain will feel the same, minus the cat.Step 8: During the procedure, if the pain is intense, your tattoo artist can apply a topical anesthetic. Think carefully before you ask for one; side effects include a longer healing time and a loss of color in the finished product.Warning: Applying excess amounts of a high-concentration topical anesthetic and covering up the tattoo afterward can result in seizures.Step 9: Follow the tattoo artist's instructions regarding aftercare. The tattoo should heal in about three weeks, during which time you shouldn't swim or expose it to the sun. After that, go ahead and flaunt it!You can read up more on tattoos at Astron Tattoos by Pradeep

How bad does getting a tattoo hurt and what does it feel like?

The most common feeling is - scratching your sunburn/warm scratch. It's more uncomfortable than pain for me and I have an ok pain tolerance.

The arm is by far the easiest area, more shoulder outer shoulder area and inner arm.
Bicep is sensitive and outer arm you feel the needle grinding against it which can be really uncomfortable.