Does It Seem Like Most Attractive Women Suffer From The Dunning-kruger Effect

Which is worse: Over-thinking your marriage (imposter syndrome) or under-thinking your marriage (Dunning Kruger effect)?

It's kind of a trick question because they both suck, but which can lead to more problems?

The over-thinker who thinks he sucks at marriage but he's just insecure, lacking confidence, and lacking self esteem? Or the under-thinker who thinks they are awesome at marriage but he's struggling daily to keep his marriage together, can't communicate with her (then blames it on her being a "woman"), and would rather be out with the guys to not have to deal with her crap (thinks his sh*t don't stink and it's all her fault)?

I would think that being great at marriage but thinking you suck has got to be a better scenario (albeit a sad one) than being really bad at marriage and thinking you are the best spouse your mate will ever have.

Even though I might have embarrassed myself in the past and gave a different impression, I'm an imposter. There's not a day that I don't question my ability to be excellent. I have no idea where my skills are or where I am compared to my peers, all I know is that I feel like I could do better and I'm very humbled by how well other people SEEM to be doing compared to me and my wife. And when things do go well, I have a tendency to say that I just got lucky and that I only did what came natural to me so I didn't do anything that anyone else would have done.

I've had Dunning Kruger Effected friends, they over-estimated their abilities on everything; so when things didn't work out for them, they blamed everything but themselves for their failures.

Are you familiar with the Dunning-Kruger Effect?

You are demonstrating the Dunning-Kruger Effect. No, the ice ages in the past were not caused by CO2 put there as a result of industrialization because there was no industry. Most scientists believe the ice ages occur for a number of reasons: variations of the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit around the sound, variations in obliquity (axial tilt tends to go back and forth from about 22.0 – 24.5 degrees over 10,000s of years), axial procession and apsidal procession and possibly long term variations in solar output and possible the effect that may have on ocean outgassing of C02.

All of these processes occur much too slowly to account for the current warming trend. I can provide you with as many or as a little sources as you’d like. If you’re just getting started you may want to check out some of Dr. Richard Alley’s lectures on youtube. He’s a good lecturer and presents the material in a very accessible way.

How many of the Tea Party have Dunning-Kruger effect?

The Dunning-Kruger effect, named after David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University, occurs when incompetent people not only perform a task poorly or incompetently, but lack the competence to realize their own incompetence at a task and thus consider themselves much more competent than everyone else. Put more crudely, they're too stupid to realize they're stupid. (The inverse also applies: competent people tend to underestimate their ability compared to others.)

What is it that you find most attractive about people?

When it comes to friends or any relationship…People who don’t judge others based on stereotypes and sees everyone no matter race , religion, socioeconomic background, status , or occupation as one of the same. “You can judge the character of a man by the way he treats those that can do nothing for him “. I have literally dropped people solely on how they treated waiters and waitresses.People who are intellectual but intelligent enough to know they know nothing. Too many people fall into the Dunning–Kruger effect and this stunts growth . I believe intelligence is a behavior and not a stagnant character description. What makes people intelligent is their continuous devotion to acquiring knowledge , then their interpretations and utilization of the knowledge in practical ways .A good sense of humor because the people you surround yourself with will have a significant impact on your mood , health and motivation. “ A good sense of humor is like an escape valve for the pressures of life”. Positive people will give your positive vibes , you’ll be more energized and motivated from interactions with them . Besides Laughter is good for you . It's been scientifically proven to increase blood flow , releases endorphins that trigger relaxation , and strengthens the immune system. People are far too serious.

What were causes and effects of the conservative backlash of the 1950s?

The term "backlash" refers to the efforts of middle-class men and women to counteract the increasing secularization and liberalism of American society who forged a conservative revival that transformed conservatism from a marginal force preoccupied with communism in the early 1960's into a national political movement by the end of the decade.

Causes : In the mid-1950s the word "backlash" entered the American political lexicon. Initially, it referred to the hostile reaction of conservative Democratic southerners to the liberal stance adopted by the national party on domestic issues, particularly race relations.

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effects: A group of American writers and artists popular in the 1950s and early 1960s, influenced by Eastern philosophy and religion and known especially for their use of nontraditional forms and their rejection of conventional social values.

beat generation, term applied to certain American artists and writers who were popular during the 1950s. Essentially anarchic, members of the beat generation rejected traditional social and artistic forms. The beats sought immediate expression in multiple, intense experiences and beatific illumination like that of some Eastern religions (e.g., Zen Buddhism). In literature they adopted rhythms of simple American speech and of bop and progressive jazz. Among those associated with the movement were the novelists Jack Kerouac and Chandler Brossard, numerous poets (e.g., Kenneth Rexroth, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and Gregory Corso), and others, many of whom worked in and around San Francisco. Perhaps the only true nihilist of the group was William S. Burroughs. During the 1960s "beat" ideas and attitudes were absorbed by other cultural movements, and those who practiced something akin to the "beat" lifestyle were called "hippies."

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Wat r da effects of fingering(masturbating)of girls?r there any bad effects if it's too much done in a week?

wat will be the effects of masturbating particularly fingering if it's done in many times a week?i would like to know if it has something to do with the health. im juz curios

Do you think global warming deniers tend to suffer from paranoid personality disorder?

Without any shadow of a doubt this is a characteristic of some global warming deniers. Clearly not all of them but quite a sizeable number all the same. Such a condition is not confined to the deniers, it manifests itself in some of the believers as well; but with significantly less frequency.

However, this condition is perhaps more common than may be imagined and the majority of people exhibit some degree of paranoia at one time or another. In most cases this is temporary and may have been caused by a particular sequence of events or a miscomprehension of something. Where it becomes a matter of concern is when the manifestation is prolonged and / or is an involuntary or subconscious condition.

We don’t need to look far for the evidence and for a clear example of this mode of thinking. An analysis of a typical answer from this person, whom I shall call Joe Doe, shows some of the characteristics of a paranoid personality disorder.

In Joe’s answer we see the first response is an attack on what is perceived by Joe to be the opposition. This attack takes on the form of a baseless argument where the alleged claim is completely fallacious and where Joe would be incapable of substantiating it if challenged to do so. However, Joe shows detachment from reality in using this argument, which in his mind, is quite valid – classic paranoia.

The next step Joe takes is to deny that such descriptors apply to him. There is no rationalisation or critical analysis but instead an immediate distancing from the possibility that he could in any way be affected himself. To facilitate this distancing and absolve himself of any accountability the reaction is to simply claim that these characteristics apply only to the opposition. More classic paranoia.

Finally there is the self-gratification. Effectively a pat on the back for a job well done. This is achieved by claiming non applicable attributes to ones self in an attempt to move up the perceived hierarchal ladder and thus claim superiority over those considered to be of a lesser standing. Further classical paranoia.