Does Lands Ends Have A Better Sale Right Before Christmas Or Right After

Do you like Christmas? If yes/no, Why is that?

I like the idea of Christmas/ the holiday season (not to sound overly denominational), but I do not like the advertising, the greed, and the cheap/ overpriced ornaments associated with it. I would rather my friends and family get together for a meal and drinks, than to hear about all of these pre/post holiday sales. I would rather people not buy me things they try to spend “just enough” money on, but pay attention to me when we are chatting… if you realize I love cheese and jalapeños, bring some homemade hot cheese dip to the gathering (but I know you won't put garlic in it, because you are a great listener and know I hate garlic). Bring a bottle of Papi Cabernet Sauvignon… it is definitely not that expensive but you know it's one of my favorites and I like it 1000x more than that French stuff I couldn't pronounce which you brought to my New Year's Eve bash last year (because you know making the hostess feel like an idiot will not get you reinvited). Bring your accordion and play us some music from your land, or mine… but do not make fun of my plastic tree because you know I have a sensitive sense of smell and get headaches from real pine trees or pollen (or dust or animals). I prefer for holidays to be celebrated for what they symbolize… on Valentine's Day, play me a song, don't try to buy my affection with Godiva chocolates. On Thanksgiving, show your appreciation for what you have (both possessions and people in your life), don't just pig out on turkey. On Christmas, try to appreciate what you have, don't just make a list of everything you want. Our relationships with anything (be it holidays, people, etc) are more complicated than “Yes or No".

Why at Christmas everything is red?

All are zombies of Ra are zombies of ra and and are named after Ra. Only bacteria appreciate that our blood is red and they are addicted to it. Having blood doesn't mean we are alive; having blood means that we are left alive by bacteria to be blood bank, food, slaves, and everything. Your blood is what keeps bacteria alive. The flies even carry it as precious gold in their pouch like the bees carry nectar in their pouch. The maggots live on it in your belly and so do bacteria in your poop. To keep you alive bacteria kill and eat the cows, the sheep, the pork, and everything else that cannot maintain their kingdom. Now MTA is modernizing the subway because bacteria, their god, allow them to do so. Now you see how intelligent we are, but bacteria divide and conquer, let some people be smarter than others, and do such things just to keep their world going forever and make us kill each other to keep us from being bored while everyone is waiting on death row for ra to eat them.

How does a person get started with owning a farm?

You start small and go from there. My credit is horrid thanks to my ex husband, and his brother (who stole my SS# & some checks).

My physco ex burned down the house we owned, instead of paying me the money owned in the divorce.

No money, no credit, no house (heck, I didn't even have clothes!).

Lived with my Mom. I purchased 5 sheep, and 3 goats (already had my two horses). Stopped with the sheep, as they were too stupid, and kept drowning themselves.

I now have 45 acres, about 100 meat goats (numbers will tripple in December, when the does kid for the second time this year). I have a 20 hole rabbitry also.

I cannot keep up with sales, and currently sell myself out, as well as a fellow goat farmer who has 200 does.

The only way to gain, is start small, and hard work. I've worked for every customer, and they all return to my farm, because of my outstanding customer service.

Start small, and work hard. Set reasonable goals, atain them, and set new ones.

Starting small is a good way to go also. It allows you to make some mistakes, and not go into debt to do so.

By the way, 45 acres (looking at more land in the hundreds of acres) permiculture farm, make our own fuel, grow our own fodder for the animals, pretty much self suficient. My husband and I (extremely happily remarried) have NO debt, other than our mortgage.

If we cannot pay for it, we don't buy it. That means all of our equipment (like our 4 tractors) all paid for with cash.

Another lady I know took out a $16,000 second mortgage on her house to get into meat goats (180 of them). She is now in serrious danger of loosing her home as the goats she purchased sight unseen were total culls. She is has lost almost 100% of her kid crops.

I started with three goats, and I'm still building my herd, but my animals are outstanding, and HEALTHY.

You can do farming if you have the will and the drive. You just need to keep seaking out the right chance.

Best of luck,
Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

When is the best time to buy a new car for less?

Any car is best to buy from a dealership at the end of the month as sales managers try to meet their goals set by the general manager or by their franchise. This is an old piece of conventional wisdom which is still accurate.There are also other considerations that are less obvious such as the amount of time a dealer has owned a vehicle. "Stale" inventory that has been on the lot 45-90 days (depending on the individual dealer's "turn time") or even longer may be approaching a floorplan curtailment (interest payment due to their inventory-financing bank) and a deal is much more likely to happen than on a fresh trade or auction purchase which only recently came available.The end of the year (October through the beginning of December) are very slow for most dealers and they are more motivated to put together a deal, but they may also be reluctant to cut a steep bargain on a cash sale where the dealership keeps a lower back-end margin. Every deal has a larger affect on the dealership's average profit per unit, and cash sales are typically low profit as the customer is less likely to purchase a warranty or other ancillaries. Do not walk in saying you are willing to pay "cash money" as that will actually have a negative effect on your bargaining position.If you are buying a brand new vehicle from a franchise dealership you will typically see a "model year-end clearance" or other such year-end promotion which is usually sponsored by the manufacturer and is intended to liquidate the remaining inventory to prepare for the next year's model line. Finance rates and sales prices are usually at their lowest just before the introduction of the next year's models.

Why does Canada copy USA's July 4th by upstaging our holiday it by 3 days?

Ha ha Cashew, contrary to what JamieBent and Meerz the Cuckoo say, we are not under British rule....however we do celebrate the birth of our nation on July 1st.and we do look after our own, it's the Canadian way!! =)

I feel a song coming on just for you...

O Canada....
Our home and native land
True patriot love
In all our sons' commands
With glowing hearts
We see thee rise
The True North strong and free
From far and wide,
O Canada
We stand on guard for thee......

God keep our land...
Glorious and free
O Canada we stand on guard for thee
O Canada.. we stand on guard...for.....theee!!
