Does My Nose Look Big To You Picture

Why does my nose always look bigger in pictures?

mine does too. practice in the mirror and look at different angles. (if it's long, dont look to the side) dont take the pic. too close to your face, if you do, tilt your head down a little bit

***just practice in the mirror

Why does my nose look HUGE in selfies and pictures I take with my friends?

I am very insecure about my nose because when I try to take a picture myself or with my friends, it looks HUGEEEE.
Big nose:

Small because someone else took it:

Why does my nose look big?

may be Ur vision after getting up gets affected, i would suggest u to take a photograph and then compare when u feel it as normal.

Why does my nose look crooked in pictures, but straight in mirrors? Others say it's not crooked, but I believe it is.

It will be to do with the way a camera captures an image. A photograph is a 2 dimensional image, so everything seems as if it is flattened out.A mirror gives the viewer a 3 dimensional perspective, with the addition of movement, so you can see yourself at different angles. A photograph is static, and the reverse of a mirror image, so it also changes the perspective we are used to seeing.If you have any features that look normal from the real life 3 dimensional perspective, the camera can take the slightest curve, or angle, and make it look more severe, or less pleasing to the eye.It's a very common thing for people to get upset when they see their own photo. It's because our brain is used to seeing a reversed, 3d moving image of ourselves. The photographic image of ourselves, is alien to the image, we are accustomed to recognizing as ourself.

Why does flash make my nose look bigger?

so when i take photos without flash my nose looks normal
but when im like facing the sun/ with flash my nose looks so big and ugly!!!!

without flash/when im not facing the sun/in the mirror my nose looks small

is my nose big or is it normal and the light makes it look like that? and WHY?

Why does the camera make my Nose looks so HUGE in pictures?

Getting some analysis on why you look one way or the other is infinitely easier with a pic, for future reference.

Couple quick pointers that might help you. Take the pictures pretty much dead straight on, slightly above eye level. You may or may not have to turn off the flash completely. What the objective is is to eliminate one of the dimensions of your nose. In this case depth. The flash will create a shadow which is an indicator of depth. If you can keep this shadow minimal, it will be better. Don't hold the camera when you take the picture. You need to have the camera back further and zoom it in some. This will hopefully eliminate some of the problems created by short lenses. Its kind of the same problem you have when you look at a 2 dimensional rectangular map of the world. Greenland looks as big as South America or bigger, and its actually like 1/2 the size of it. It has a self timer, learn how to use it. OR have someone else take the pictures. The best way is to have lighting that comes from both sides to eliminate shadows from the nose on one side and severely minimize it on the other. But with a point and shoot type camera and likely no other lighting (like strobes), this is not a great option.

Ironically, I have very little nose maybe a little more than Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies, the later ones like Goblet of Fire and after. If I'm not facing dead on straight to the camera, my profile looks like my face is smashed against a window. I have to follow pretty much the same rules to eliminate indications of depth. Or I just darken my face so you can't even see it.

Why does my nose look so much bigger on camera?

Everyone always tells me that my nose is small, but for some reason on camera/in pictures, it looks so much bigger. Why is that? Is my nose actually like that or am I just not photogenic?

Why does my nose look bigger on camera than in real life?

Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Like, you look better in the mirror than you do in real life because you're used to seeing yourself like that, and A picture taken of you is more realistic than seeing yourself in the mirror. So why does my nose look huge in the mirror and front camera but small in pictures/videos taken by others?