Does My Stomach Look Chubby To You

Do ab exercises make your stomach look bigger if you have some fat?

If you strengthen your abdominal muscles and do not lose weight then it is likely that belly fat could be pushed out by the muscle growth and make your abdomen appear bigger . This can also be true if you are doing heavy exercises for your obliques. These exercises can make you look more trunk like with a wider waste.Doing heavy abdominal exercises can cause temporary swelling to the abdominal area because of the tiny muscle damage that occurs after heavy exercise.Don’t mistake skin looseness for new fat. When I really started to do core exercises, The muscles of my abdomen became very strong, but my deflated stomach fell all around my middle. When I sat down, I looked like a pile of mashed potatoes. As I continued to lose fat (and my skin caught up), this went away and I was rewarded with a slimmer midsection. This process can take longer as we get older and extreme weight loss may leave permanently loose skin without surgery.planks and core exercises are what are currently favored over crunches. Developing your stomach muscles will pull in visceral fat.If you have weakened and stretched stomach muscles, like after the birth of a child, then stomach exercises will simply pull in the muscles tightening them up. But take it easy directly after childbirth and take special care following a c-section, consult your doctor first.

Do I look fat or chubby?

Keeping an eye on this. I better not see this again

Is this normal or chubby? ?

You need to Generally drop 7-8 pounds so you'd be skinny,
I think you got some extra flesh on the waist area, shoulders, arms, around the knees...
So stick to a diet and run.

Why does my stomach get fat whenever I eat?

If you want a FLAT stomach before your abs are even visible and to make them look much more aesthetic once they are visible, you need to preform "stomach vacuums." Google stomach vacuums to learn how to preform them correctly. This is where you train the transvers abdominis by sucking in your stomach which is the inner layer of muscle in your abdomen which keeps your stomach and gut tightened in naturally. People can, myself included have distended lower shredded abs due to having no control over their transverse abdominis. ALSO, it doesn't take nearly as long to see results from stomach vacuums as it does, other muscle building exercises. Consistency with a couple sets of stomach vacuums a day for say 2 sets of 30 seconds can shrink inches off your waistline in a matter of weeks, or a week. It won't burn much fat off your body but it will certainly shrink your waistline and likely keep you less bloated after eating.

Why do I only have fat in my stomach area?

The quickest answer is that you picked the wrong parents, but generally, from a physiological standpoint, the belly area is really the ‘most convenient’ place to gather fat, as it insulates and protects our organs, keeps our core warm, and it’s proximity to our digestive and glucose generating organs make it a prefered location. However, poorly developed abdominal musculature can make the abdomen look and feel “squishy” whereas in an individual with a good amount of muscle tone will have a firmer feel even if there is subcutaneous body fat on top of the muscle.Not to sound gross, but if your bowel movements aren’t regular, solid digestive waste (which takes up a significant amount of space) can add to belly bulk. As can excess water, which often is stored in the muscle cells.With all that said, many people have a genetic disposition to storing more abdominal fat than others. If you are prediabetic (which may be detected on a blood test) and/or eat more carbohydrates than what your body can process (many people fall into that category) then it may be manifested by storing fat in and around you organs in your abdominal area.So in a nutshell, what can you do about it? First off, reduce carbohydrate intake, in particular sugar products. I would even suggest (and this goes with the normal disclaimer of getting medical clearance from your dr, yadda yadda yadda)that you greatly reduce most carbohydrate products altogether, with the exception of vegetables and some fruits. Keep the portions small, but eat more frequently, and if you are not already on an exercise program, start one. (Again with medical clearance). give your body a REASON that requires it to NEED fuel. It will eventually get that from fat. Good luck!

Why does my stomach get fat whenever I drink much water (will it make my belly fat)?

You DO NOT get fat from drinking water.(If you get fat from drinking water, every single on on Earth would be obese.)As highlighted by many, water has ZERO calories. Hence, drinking water does not make you fat in anyway.The reason why you stomach “may get fat” and bulge up is due to the fact that you may be drinking too much water at one go. This often happens when you’re:Just ate a pack salty snack i.e. potato chipsExtremely thirstyBeing in a warm weather for a long period of timeMore often than not, being in the above scenarios make one often to drink excessive amount of fluid due to extreme thirst. Thus, in order to quench the severe thirst, it is often that people tend to over-consume large amount of liquid at one go - which may cause the bloat of the tummy.Even though if you may be extremely thirsty or feel dehydrated, the best practice is to take small sips of water each time. This way, you will not drink large amount of liquids at one go, which may eventually harm your body.If you wish to know more fitness tips as well as sample workouts, read more at SevenFitness, a Diet and Exercise Tips Blog.

Why do I weigh so little but still look chubby?

You could be 85 pounds and still have fat on you. These days people are too concerned with the number. I have seen girls 5'0 135 pounds with perfect bodies with almost no fat on them. It's very possible to have extra fat or skin on your body at that weight. What you need to do is cardio. Try running 3 times a week 30-60 mins each. It would also be great to find a sport you like. Exercising increases metabolism which burns fat. Starving yourself will cause your body to hold onto the little calories your eating and turn them into fat. So do not under eat.

Run 3 times a week 30-60 each
Drink lots of water! Water sheds fat off
Cinnamon, apples, salmon, and lean meats are all fat burning foods
Try to get as much activity into each day as possible. Run instead of walk when you get a chance

All these are great little things to get a much better body. Nobodies perfect though remember that. Be confident with yourself.

Would you consider me chubby? (pics)?

i'm 14 and right now i'm about 135-140 lbs. and 5'5''. i would consider myself 'chubby' because i have bad muffin top/over hang and a chubby stomach that i hate!
i'm a size 4 in abercrombie jeans, and a medium in shirts and hoodies. and i'd like to be about 115-120 lbs. and fit a size 2 (maybe 0) jeans and a size small shirt/hoodies. do you honestly think i would look better that size?
when i ask my friends and people if i would look better if i was slimmer they all say "no" but honestly i think they're lying. i think i would look a lot better if i lost some pounds.

BE HONEST, do you think i'm chubby and would look better if i lost some weight and got rid of my chubby stomach and muffin top?

(behind, you can clearly see my 'muffin top')


Why is it that every time I eat, my stomach becomes fat?

It could just be the temporary expansion of your stomach which is caused by simply more mass entering the area. If it's this, the size will reduce within 3-4 hours. You'll see no traces of it in the morning after 8 hours with no food. If your meals contain high amounts of carbs, this could also be a cause. Carbs attract water molecules to stay within the body (take a look at the suffix - carbohydrate - as in "of water"). Water weight will shed quickly and easily with less carbs and/or a diuretic pill. Though they only offer short term benefits. As soon as you drink water without them, the weight will come back on. The third option is your portion sizes are very large. It's not a temporary boost in the stomach size or water weight, it truly is fat weight coming on. If this is the case, I wouldn't recommend necessarily changing the source of your foods (though of course eating healthy is never not recommended); just reduce the quantity and fat loss could occur. Good luck.