Does She Keep Unblocking My Number

Why would she unblock my number?

There was a 32 yo woman whom I was interested in dating and vice versa. But she decided to play stupid mind games with me so I walked away. This apparently upset her. I twice apologized to her for being rude because I should have handled the situation differently. I was met with angry texts.

She blocked my phone number 3 months ago. She has now unblocked it. We have same cell phone provider which says only the account holder can remove the block and that they would not automatically have done so. So I know that she deliberately removed the block. I left a voicemail to see how her broken arm was feeling because we ran into each other at a party about 2 weeks ago. My lovely date said this lady was jealous when I greeted her with a polite hello and she said, "You're crazy" in reply. My sister also said this lady probably unblocked my number after seeing me at the party in hopes that I would call her.

Why would she unblock my number now - does she want to talk with me?

She unblocked my cell number. Does she want to talk now?

There was a 32 yo woman whom I was interested in dating and vice versa. But she decided to play stupid mind games with me so I walked away. This apparently upset her. The last time I saw her in September she seemed to be jealous of my date. She kept looking at my date and totally ignored me at a mutual friend's party. I twice apologized to her, but was met with angry texts. I have always been polite in my responses.

I ran into her at a friend's party this past weekend while out with platonic female friend. I walked past her and said, "Hi, how are you?" She said, "You're crazy," and walked away. I think she meant that I am crazy to speak to her. A few minutes later, I ran into her in the hallway and said "I just wanted to say hi." Her reply was, "You're crazy. And if you don't stop bothering me, I'll have you kicked out of this party." I laughed and said, "I just wanted to say hi." My friends say that she still wants me and is still emotionally invested.

I called her 3 months ago and she blocked my cell number. I called today to see how her broken arm is feeling and she has unblocked my cell number much to my surprise. Does she want to talk now?

Why does he keep blocking and unblocking my number?

I dated this guy for a couple of months and it ended about a month ago. He said we could still be friends, just to give him some time. So I would wait a week, ask if he was ready, wait another week, ask if he was ready. The answer was always no. Then one day I texted him and in response I got three missed calls and a voicemail from his new girl telling me she's going to kill me. After that he blocked me, a week later unblocked me, blocked me again, then unblocked me. Now it's to the point where he does it at least once a day. I just don't get it. It's not like I'm blowing up his phone. I hardly text him. And if it really bothered him why wouldn't he A. Tell me to leave him alone or B. just leave my number blocked for good? I'm really confused.

Why does my ex keep blocking & unblocking me?

I have a more important question… Why should you care?Coming from someone who has loved and lost more times than God himself can count, I have finally learned this wonderful lesson. You will NEVER move on until you let go and stop caring. It doesn’t matter if they unfollow you, or follow you, or call you, or ignore you, or date someone else, or what have you. You are exes for a reason. The longer you entertain your curiosity, the longer you ask questions that you will never have answers to, the longer you hold on, the worse it is going to be.When I found out I had been cheated on 4 years ago by the man I was living with, for half a year, all I did was ask a bunch of questions. Why did he lie to me? Why did he post that picture with her? Why did he watch my story? Why wasn’t I good enough? Over and over, I would come up with questions that I realized I would never find the answers for. I would scour the internet, Quora, relationship websites, psychology websites, and I tell you what, I never found a single answer. And I still haven’t. And in realizing I wasn’t ever going to have the answers, that in itself was my answer.The biggest lesson I have learned during my multitude of breakups is this.. The more you care, the worse off you are. So realize that you’ll never have the answers. Neither will anyone on Quora. And THAT IS OKAY. Your answer to this question is simple… He (or she, I am simply making a guess that it’s a he) blocked you. Then he unblocked you. Why? Because he did. And that is okay. And you will be okay. Do yourself a favor and allow yourself to move on from this, you deserve better than a boy who will try to play mind games with you. Don’t let him win! Be content with not having answers, and let yourself get over him. Go find yourself. Find more important things to put your energy into, things that are going to grow you, change you for the better, and be a much more worthwhile use of your time and emotions.I have been in your shoes. They’re not comfortable. But if you allow yourself to move on and get past this, and stop caring about what he does or doesn’t do, I guarantee, soon those ugly shoes will be replaced with bad ass glitter stiletto heels (or bad ass,limited edition Yeezy’s or Nikes or whatever is cool nowadays for guys) that somehow are the most amazing and empowering shoes you’ve ever worn. Just let yourself let go. Stop caring. It will be the best thing you’ve ever done. Best of luck.

Why does he keep unblocking and blocking me on facebook!!! Please help!!! 10 points straight away for answer!?

It sounds like he is nosey. He can probably see more than you think. Usuallyif you have a lot of mutual friends you can see private profiles. Maybe not all of it, but more than you should. He can probably see your relationship status or something. He is probably unblocking you to check out your profile and see if you are dating someone else, then he blocks you again so you cant see his. You have to wait i think 24 hours to reblock someone? Maybe its 48. Im not sure but you have to wait before you can reblock someone. If i were you next time he unblocks you, hurry and block him. Because if you block him then he cant see your profile and you can control it, instead of the other way around. He sounds like a manipulating jerk and i think if you block him it will help you get over him and find someone better because you deserve someone better.

Do i tell my bf i know he keeps unblocking his ex?

Ok my bf and i have been dating for almost a year now. we have our own apt together and we both completly trust eachother and love eachother. a few months ago his ex IMed him and i got upset about it so it turned into a fight between him and his ex. I told him to block her because she has a kid and instead of taking care of it she is creeping on our facebooks. Now a month or 2 ago I went on his fb 2 show my friend the fight and i saw that she was i re-blocked her. My bf lets me go on his fb 2 send myself stuff in the games i play. when i go on his fb 2 send myself stuff i see if she is still blocked and she isnt. so i keep blocking her on his fb. Now keep in mind the guy i dated before my current boyfriend has been blocked since me and my new bf started dating. I trust my bf but i dont like how he keeps doing this and how his ex can still see what he is up to. i mean my bf must know i keep doing this if he keeps unblocking her. but how do u tell him its bothering me? Im not some weirdo who stalks my bf's facebook and does stupid **** like that but she has started stuff before and im sure eventually it will happen again. Ive considered unblocking my ex but thats immature so idk what 2 do. plz help me. and no stupid answeres or rude ones.

Why does my ex gf who claims to hate me keep blocking and unblocking me?

There is a thin line between love and hate. In ex situations the reason you hate your ex is because you love them. They just probably disappointed the love you have for them so you hate them not because you hate them but because you love them. (Selah)She’s blocking you because she is angry at you and trying to forget you. When you break up with someone or vice versa, it is advisable that you do not contact them at all . When my ex broke up with me I waited for about two weeks hoping that things would change. When it dawned that she was never coming back I wrote her a nice good bye message and then totally disengaged from her. I removed her from my contact list so I don’t see her updates on Whatsapp, I removed her from my Facebook and Instagram. The last thing I wanted to see was her corny lines about how she was getting over me, or her posting about some new guys she hanging out with or etc.She’s still thinking about you or missing you. Not necessarily because she wants you back. When you break up with someone or vice versa it’s natural you think about them and miss them and wish to know how they are doing without you. But since zero contact is the rule naturally we are supposed to stay away but some do not. Only the disciplined can handle the zero contact thing. Your ex seems to be faltering at it. One minute she engages it and the other she’s faltering. Or perhaps she unblock you to see what you update and finds something she does not want to see so she blocks you again.Your is to totally disengage completely from them. Do not get sucked into this vortex of confusion she is in. It will make your recovery and moving on from the break up unnecessarily long and painful. Since she cant make up her mind on whether or not to block you and keep it that way make the decision for her and keep it up. Break up emotional roller coasters are not fun at all. So disembark and walk away from the theme park. If you catch my thrift.

What does it mean if my ex unblocked me after breaking up with me seven months ago?

Your ex blocked you because the ex is still having strong feelings for you and so is trying to get over that phase .If the ex is unblocking you off and on then again it’s evident that it’s quite tough for him/her to get over you and so can’t resist the urge to be back in touch with you.Seems like your ex is having a tough battle between the heart and mind which is normal if the feelings have been genuine.So if you want to get back, it’s a good sign but if you don’t then you should show empathy by not judging him/her on this conduct.

Why does my ex boyfriend keep blocking and unblocking me on facebook?

He wants you to see that he's doing great without you(which he prollie isn't), he wants you to be envious of his new girlfriend and he secretly wants you to beg for him back.
I've been through this, believe me.
but i think he keeps deleting you and then adding you because he doesn't know if he WANTS to get over you or not,he's confused about his own feelings. You dated for over 2 whole years, it takes time to get over someone whom you've been with that long.
I think he misses you, but he's a guy, so he won't ever admit it.

Why does my ex keep blocking and unblocking me repeatedly?

There are many reasons why an ex will block and unblock you on social media.The reasons why an ex will block you is because they don't want to see what you're up to, they don't want to see you move on, they don't want to see you happy and more importantly they don't want to see your pics and remember old times.The reason why an ex will unblock you is because they want to see what you're up to, they want to see who you might be seeing and they want to see if you're happy and moving on.As your ex is blocking and unblocking you, this is done on purpose as they want you to know they are doing it. It will come up as a notification and will keep you thinking about them. It is a mind game they use so you can't ever forget them or try to move on. Maybe deep down they are waiting for you to message them and this is their way to get your attention and initiate contact.If you want to move on I suggest you block them so they can't play mind games.