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How is Canadian Border Control?

I've been stopped at both borders SO many times, I feel like I can answer this one good for you.

1) So... I don't understand why you are bringing fake IDs? The drinking age in Quebec is 18... so you're all fine. Why chance it too? If border patrol sees them you may be in some trouble... probably not too much trouble but why not save an hour's worth of headaches?

2) I don't think that matters, you may as well just use the American passport it will be easier for you. When they ask "where do you live?" "what do you do?" it's just easier to say "I live in xxxx, USA" then "oh I live in xxxx, USA but I'm German". Again, this is more just for your own ease of travel.

3) Yeah both of them are ok to bring. Alcohol is alot more expensive in Canada so it's probably smart to bring more beer. Just check up on how much you are allowed to bring. They may give you a hard time because technically you shouldn't be doing that in your state... but Canada customs obviously doesn't have jurisdiction over that. They may give you a hard time, but it's perfectly legal to bring a certain amount of alcohol. haha, yes... funnels aren't illegal in Canada either.

4) They may check your car, but unless they REALLY think you're up to something they won't take your car apart. You'll probably get checked becuase you're all young, and they're not stupid they know you're up to party... but whatever, you'll be fine. Just don't bring illegal things.

General Canada Answers:

1) Get in touch with your phone company, there are packages you can get for cheap usually that reduce roaming charges.

2) Yeah, I would change your money. It's kind of hit or miss whether or not people will take American money... it'll be alot easier for you to use Canadian currency.