Does The Structure Of The Small Intestine Allows It To Absorb Digested Food At A Faster Rate

Mention two structural features of small intestine which add to the absorptive capacity?

Four features of the small intestine make it efficient at absorption of digested food:

1. The small intestine is LONG- this ensures food remains in the small intestine long enough for the products of digestion to be fully absorbed into the bloodstrem.

2. The Small intestine is HIGHLY FOLDED into villi (s. villus)- This gives a greater surface area for more efficient diffusion of products into the bloodstream.

3. The small intestine has a RICH BLOOD SUPPLY - Each villus has a network of capillaries so that the products of digestion are carried away from the small intestine efficiently.

4. The epithelium of the small intestine in the villi is only ONE CELL THICK - for easier diffusion of the products of digestion into the bloodstream. The walls of the capillaries are only one cell thick as well!!

Hope this helps!

How does the structure of the small intestine contribute to the efficiency of?

the small intestine is about 20 ft long in most adults on the inner wall there are many villi. villi is a permeable particle of tissue that nutrients can pass through. the small intestine is covered with them but not as much as the large intestine the small intestine is where most chemical digestion occurs and it basicly works as a second stomach and then it goes to the large intestine, in this long track allows the most energy to be absorbed for as long as possible

Why does the body have a lower digestive rate of plant protein compared to animal protein?

Because plant proteins have a lower bio-availabiilty than animal proteins. Meaning, gram for gram, you can actually absorb more protein from animal sources than plants. Animals also don’t have fiber getting in the way. Plants are also incomplete proteins. As a general rule, animal versions of nutrients - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, etc are more bio-available and digestible than their plant equivalent. For instance, the true form of vitamin A, retinol, is only found in animal products. DHA is only in animal products. The cartenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are readily absorbed from eggs yolks, but plants that have them have a hard time reaching significant levels in your blood plasma. If it’s not in your bloodstream, you’re not absorbing it.Think of it like this. Animals convert plants into the perfect version of the nutrients they need for their bodies. Eating their bodies or their baby food (eggs and milk) is allowing you to have easy to absorb complete nutrients in the form you need. So animals are loaded with post-converted nutrients.

Physiology: Is the majority of water absorbed in the small intestine or in the large intestine?

Small intestine. Here's a rough schematic with estimated values to help you out:(Keep in mind that this is for normal healthy adults with no conditions that could affect gastrointestinal motility)

Is a villi one cell? small intestine question?

Intestinal villi (singular: villus) are tiny, finger-like projections that come out from the wall of the small intestine and have additional extensions called microvilli (singular: microvillus) which protrude from epithelial cells lining villi. They increase the absorptive area and the surface area of the intestinal wall. It is important that the food is absorbed at a considerably fast rate so as to allow more food to be absorbed. (If the process is too slow, the concentration of the blood in the blood vessels and the food will be equal, thus, diffusion will not occur.) Digested nutrients (including sugars and amino acids) pass into the villi through diffusion. Circulating blood then carries these nutrients away.

In all humans, the villi and microvilli together increase intestinal absorptive surface area 30-fold and 600-fold, respectively, providing exceptionally efficient absorption of nutrients in the lumen. This increases the surface area so there are more places of food to be absorbed.

Villi are made up of several cells.

How long does it take to digest water?

Water is a must for every living being. Without it, life becomes difficult or even impossible. So another name for water is life. How much time does it take to digest water inside the body?The answer to the question depends on different conditions. Water enters your system within seconds from starting off your mouth. The most amount of water is absorbed by the little intestine, then let out from the stomach.This is the place where conditions mentioned above start to work. When there is no food in your belly, water passes through the stomach from the little intestine.It takes only five minutes to enter it into your bloodstream. Cold water does it faster than the warm water.When you drink water at the time of eating, you need to wait for 45 minutes to enter water into intestines as stomach digest food first.Above all, it takes five minutes to 120 minutes to absorb water fully into your bloodstream from drinking time.

Which will digest faster, vegetarian food or non-vegetarian food?

Generally speaking, Vegetarian food takes less time to digest compared to non-vegetarian food.Why? Because- In general, vegetarians consume more fiber than meat-eaters, because plant-based foods make up a greater part of the vegetarian diet. Plant foods are the only sources of fiber. Fiber digests faster as compared to other non-vegetarian foods. Fattier foods send signals to your stomach to slow emptying. This is because fat is a relatively complex molecule that requires larger periods to digest than, for example, carbohydrates. Animal products such as meat, dairy and eggs typically contain higher amounts of fats than fruits, vegetables and grains. Vegetarians tend to have faster transit times than non-vegetarians, according to a study published in the “British Journal of Nutrition” in 1981. In this study, the distribution of transit times for non-vegetarians was between 31 hours and and 96 hours. The transit times for vegetarians ranged from 27 hours to 54 hours. The average transit time for the vegetarian group was nearly 24 hours faster than for non-vegetarians.Below are some general facts regarding the digestion time of various types of food-LiquidsWater: when stomach is empty, leaves immediately and goes into intestines.Juices: 15-20 minutesFruitsWatermelon: 20 minutesCantaloupe: 30 minutesOranges/grapes: 30 minutesApples: 40 minutesVegetablesRaw/salads: 30-40 minutesCooked: 45-50 minutesPotatoes: 60 minutesGrainsBrown rice: 90 minutesSeeds/Nuts : 2-3 hoursDairySkim milk/cottage cheese: 90 minuteswhole milk/hard cheese: 4-5 hoursMeatsFish: 30-60 minutesChicken: 1.5-2 hoursBeef/lamb: 3-4 hoursPork: 4.5-5 hoursMeat: 4-6 hoursThus we observe that generally, non vegetarian foods take more time to digest due to higher composition of fats and proteins.Source- How Long Does it Take a Meat Diet to Digest Compared to a Vegetarian One? | LIVESTRONG.COM

What changes occur in PH of the human digestive systems as food passes through it?

Physiological pH in the blood is 7.4. However, in the stomach, the pH is very acidic, ranging from 2-4. As food travels through the intestines though, the pH increses and even becomes basic (up to pH of 8).