Does This Girl Like My Friend

I like a girl but she only likes me as a friend.?

Girls sometimes dont tell their friends their crushes because they dont want evvvveryone to know and sometimes girls can have guy friends that they like more but fear if they say anything it will ruin the relationship become closer friends with this girl and see if she sends you any signals that she likes you more than a friend! hope this heellllpssssssssssssss

Why do girls only like me as a friend?

It's your personality. You need to think about 3 thingsFirstly, what is the content of what your talking to them about? Are you being overly helpful or too kind? Are you trying too hard? Because women can tell, they can sense it and it makes you a great guy to keep as back up. Secondly, tone is exceptionally important, the voice combined with the way you deliver words creates a huge impact. Look at some Ryan gosling chick flicks or watch cruel intentions to get an idea of what I mean. Notice how they modify their tones and use it both to create charisma and entice the other person to feel the need to please them. Thirdly, if you like a girl, draw your line in the same early before she gets a chance to friend zone you. If she tells you she sees you as a friend, politely decline and let her know you have enough friends and wish her the best of luck. Be brave about this, because you have to be firm and not relent. Incase your not sure about how to ask a girl out, the simplest most effective thing to say is "hey, I think we should go out on a date sometime, maybe catch a movie grab some dinner. I think it would be fun"

Why does a girl want me to become her friend?

Don't forget about building attraction. You know... even if you are a great person but don't know how to build attraction with women it's not going to work out. There are tons and tons of articles, books and websites about this topic.Taking the lead (being clear about your intentions (e.g. you like her) and Being pro-active is a great point to start with (e.g. arranging a date and sexually escalating) )If this doesn't work... maybe you just aren't her type of relationship material ;)

I like this girl but she likes my friend.?

You dont want to overdue or persue when she doesnt feel the same. If you have a close friendship you also dont want to jeopardize your close friendship as well. Knowing she likes someone else should tell you she isnt interested unfortunately. To give it a try ask her personally if she likes someone if she gives you the answer that she likes your friend or someone else good chance she just see you as a friend. If you feel like you should express yourself then tell her you like her also include that if she doesnt feel the same then you could just stay as friends so everything wont get all acqward. wish you the best of luck

Other girls like my boyfriend?

They are very very very jealous. That why they are talking sh**. People are allowed to like whoever they want, thats life, but all that matters is what they do about it, If these girls are flirting with your guy and hes flirting back, its a problem, but if the girls are just talking smack about you, realize that theya re a bunch of immiature b**ches (really they sound like they are 11 years old) just ignore it, your guy obviously likes you alot more than them and sh** talking isn't hot. Just be cool and proudly parade around with your guy.

How do you know if a girl likes you or is just a friend?

I work in IT (says it all really), I set up an IT solutions business and got a deal with a big company. So I work with a guy called Mike who has been there 6 months, he's showing me the ropes and I get on with him. We always get lunch with these 2 girls Rose and Allice, I really like Rose but don't know where I stand, I know she's single, she's really friendly and we meet every morning for coffee. Lately we've started texting after work, it turns out that Mike is good friends with her, they go places together after work and she tried to set him up with her friend from home, so I'm not sure what's going in here, she's always talking about these guys she was chatting to at the weekends and how they didnt work out, so I know she's single and looking, the thing is I think Mike likes her too. Yesterday she sent me a text saying sorry I was out driving with Mike, he's teaching her to drive, we continued texting and she just seems cool.
I'm so confused though, does she like me? Are we just friends? Should I ask her out (bearing in mind we work together if I got it wrong)? Does she like Mike? Are her and Mike secretly dating? Are they just friends? What do you think? I should probably not even think of her like this but I like her and I'm trying to figure out if she likes me like that? Could I ask her out? How? I'm sorry if you found this confusing but that is me? Haha you see my pain.