Does This Sound Desperate I Like Her A Lot Help

Does it sound desperate when a guy says to a girl "You're beautiful/etc, but you probably hear that a lot"?

The big thing, is be yourself and the timing of when you say it needs to be right. DON’T LEAD with complements. Those should come after you’re talking or connecting about something else. The timing and generic-ness of the phrase will get you a bad response. Try giving the complement later on, (DO NOT APPROACH WITH THAT).Also don’t use beautiful, pick something special about the actual person. “You probably already know this, but you have really pretty _______ (eyes? neck? ankles? face shape (oval?)). It’s not the phrase that’s desperate, it’s the lack of uniqueness and detail. I’ve gotten great responses by commenting on a particular feature of woman that I find extra beautiful or interesting after we were talking and connecting on another level. As far I can tell, she loved it.

Help!: How Can I Get My Ex Back? I am Desperate!?

Hello, he sounds completely disgusting and not good enough for you. To be honest, I think he has used you for sex and this is not good. You have to have respect for yourself first and foremost if you want any guy to respect you. I completely understand your feelings about still loving him, this is natural, but it seems as though he will never treat you properly. Do not let him do this to you! You are a strong person and you deserve the best, we all do. Do you honestly think that getting back together with him will make you happy? I think that you should cut all ties with him now, he will only continue to make you miserable, especially if someone else is on the scene. Be thankful you have found out what he is like now, put it down to experience and learn from it. What you are doing now is good, don't answer him at all, stay far away from him and eventually it will get better and you will find someone that make you happy and treats you properly.

I hope that you are ok, I don't want to seem insensitive but I would highly advise against trying to get back together with him, I think you know yourself that you deserve better, just keep believing that. If you still want him back then you can have a look at our website for lots for advice and watch the free video at the link below.

Please take care of yourself, I hope that things work out for you.

How to ask her to hang out without sounding desperate?

Long story short. Known this girl a couple years, went to her house once about a week ago, think she's cute and want to hang out again. I ask a lot to hang out with her and I'm pretty confident, but she babysits every weekday and I work Thursday to Saturday and the way I'm asking I think I'm starting to sound desperate. I talk to her all the time and have history with her and things are not awkward, but she always says I'm babysitting or I have plans that day and only had one day..... Help?

How do I send her messages without sounding desperate?

I am one of those girls who does not always look at or get to text messages and then forget to respond. If you like her, why can't you call her and actually talk to her?

if you are concerned that she doesn't return the messages because she doesn't want to talk to you, then maybe you should consider limiting how many you send to her. If it was me, I think 1-3 a day would be acceptable, unless you are having a back and forth convo or if your 1-3 a day are all the same and say "How are you doing, I miss you, what are you up to, etc" Then maybe just send them every other day.....

How can I ask a guy for his number without seeming desperate?

This guy knows i'm into him, and I would like his number. He's shy so he won't ask me for mine first, and so I need to do it. But since he knows I like him alot I don't want to seem desperate, would it? If yes how can I make it not?