Dogs Eat Dogs Right But Why Do They

Why do dogs eat wasps, bees and flies?

My chow / collie mix loves to snap wasps and bees right out of the air with one chomp. She snaps them in half, lets the pieces drop to the ground and then devours them.
Sometimes she gets stung. She got stung on the tip of her snout and it left a pink mark, but it's fading away.
She is also a great flyswatter in the house. She catches them in mid-air and never misses.
Can the bee and wasp stings hurt her?

Can Dogs Eat Guinea Pig Food?

We have to 2 guinea pigs and a dog. My dad was feeding our guinea pigs and the dog wanted some. SO he gave her a little and she ate it! We tried again this morning and loved it! She doesn't usually eat out of my dads hand but she at out of all our hands. Is this healthy?

Can dogs eat yogart?

In moderation.

II know that you didn't ask, but 'm also adding a link to items that dogs SHOULD NOT EAT.