Drank Tea For Two Days But Not Losing Weight

Will I lose weight just by drinking water and milk for a few days?

Sure you will, unless you're drinking so much milk that you exceed your caloric requirements (that would be quite a lot of milk).  If you're on a crash diet, you'll lose weight - a significant proportion of the weight you'll lose will be muscle and water, though.  When you do this kind of thing, you're essentially cutting weight (as one might to make weight before a boxing or MMA match), instead of permanently reducing body fat.  Cutting weight is not the way to achieve permanent weight loss - it's an extreme measure for very short-term results that absolutely will not last - as soon as you go back to eating normal food, you'll gain it back.  This milk/water diet is not the best way to cut weight - it's nutritionally deficient.Really, if you want to be both fit and slimmer, we're back to good old diet and exercise - lifestyle adjustment.  There are a hundred ways to do it.  You can talk to your doctor about which approach might be easiest for you to maintain.  (For example, if you tend toward insulin resistance, a lower carb diet might be a good approach.)  Feel free to peruse the hundreds of diet and exercise questions on Quora for more ideas, but check in with the doc if you're serious about losing weight.

How long does it take to see results of losing weight by drinking a slimming tea?

You probably won't see ANY results if you're not planning on dieting and exercising too. Sorry, but if there was a "magical" grean tea that caused significant weight loss, everybody would be drinking it. You may lose a pound or so gradually, but don't expect much more then that.

Instead, think of the tea as PART of a diet and exercise plan...

Do we gain weight if we eat one meal a day?

I am glad to see so many responses here, as I thought I had “discovered” this method of losing weight. I was quite a bit overweight (5′10, 245 lbs up until the last few years). Then I started playing Pickleball 6 hours a week and walking several hours a week as well and managed to get down to around 225 lbs, but couldn’t seem to go any lower. Then I began going out more and more to lunch buffets (there are several really excellent ones in Bloomington) and just “coasting” through the afternoon and evening, avoiding all snacks. I have lost steadily using this regimen and now I hover between 176 and 180. I used to eat a light breakfast (steel-cut oats or cereal and milk or half an orange, one egg and one or two pieces of toast) but I find I can do just fine without breakfast.I find several advantages to this method in addition to losing weight. I believe I have more free time due to not having to shop, prepare, or clean up after meals. What’s more, I believe the cost of the ingredients is quite close to what I would have to pay individually and the fridge never gets stuck with unused fruits, veggies, meat, or cheese.Since I am a type II diabetic I also try to avoid all fruit juices except tomato juice and I always leave dessert until last, so as to not spike my blood sugar. I also control blood sugar with Metformin after lunch and later in the afternoon and/or early evening. Not keeping any snacks in the house used to be necessary, but now I find I don’t crave them so much and the extra vitality I feel from not having to carry around all that surplus weight is a great motivator.Finally, I must mention a downside or two: 1) it’s less easy to socialize with people who want to go out for dinner rather than lunch, and 2) I have no more cushion on my butt, so sitting for long periods is not comfortable! I have started doing squats to build up my glutes.Every single person I have told about this method is “certain” they couldn’t go the long period between lunches without eating, but that has become a non-issue for me after a while on this regime. (Of course if you are hypoglycemic or have some other medical condition you shouldn’t try this type of diet without consultation with your physician)

Drinking green tea for 2-3 weeks and i haven't lost weight?

i heard that drink green tea helps lose weight but for some reason its not working with me. i do excercise sometiime adn stuff and i try to eat healthier why isnt it working. ive been drinking it for about 2-3 weeks. btw i am 13 going on 14 in 2 days and 109-111 pound and 5'0, also am i skinny, fat or ok. thanx

What if you only drink coffee for a week no food will you lose weight?

Yes, you will lose weight.You may also dehydrate since coffee is a diuretic and you will urinate out more than you drink. You may get wicked heartburn from the acidity, not to mention gastritis from the irritation, which may manifest by nausea, diarrhea, and lower abdomen upset/pain. Too much coffee will make you a hyper jittery mess.You will be sick and miserable feeling, and probably lose only a few pounds, much of which will be water weight from excess urination.Better to eat about 500 calories a day less than you expend, and you will lose a pound a week. Or change your lifestyle to eat for the weight you want to be: the calories won’t be enough to sustain the heavier weight.Go to the doctor to make sure you have no medical complications. And talk to her about what weight you need to be. Ask for a referral to a Registered Dietitian, or go online to search for one in your zip code.

Is drinking tea made of senna leaves and pods really lose you weight?

It gives you diarrhea! Your weight loss comes from the emptying of the bowel and water loss. It's OK to drink this stuff once in awhile, but don't make a habit of it or else your bowels will stop moving unless you drink the tea. In essence your bowels will become addicted to the laxative and won't function without it.

Green tea is supposed to have some antioxidants, but, otherwise, there is no indication that it will help you lose weight.

If you want to lose weight, you need to improve the quality of your diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and protein and stay away from the carbs. The carbs are what put on the body fat.