Dream Interpreter And Symbolism In Dreams

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What do these dreams say about me? Is dream interpretation really reliable?

Well, first you can't interpret a dream through the literal meanings of objects or situations. Your subconscious mind cant talk to you in words, so it talks to you through images the brain creates with the help of the subconscious.A vase is not a vase. A bear is not a bear. A dripping faucet is not a dripping faucet. Since I dont know, I cant accurately interpret your dreams but Ill offer you what I noticed...The vase, cats, and the bear = VERY common symbols for female sexuality, fertility, and femininity. ( dont know if you are male or female, but it seems there is a part of you that is struggling with these subjects somehow)Water = a typical symbol of emotions. The faucet was dripping...therefore this might be representative of how you try to keep your emotions bottled up but they always manage to leak out despite your best efforts (ie dripping faucet) There ya go!

What are the symbols of the Freudian dream interpretation?

Perhaps Freud’s most famous publication is the volume of his collected works entitled ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’ which appeared in 1899. Over a hundred years later, this title is likely to mislead people. If you conclude that it contains an early compendium of dream symbols in the style of ‘tree = father’, or the web site Your Online Source For Dream Interpretations, I fear you will be disappointed. It is rather an account of how Freud analysed himself (there were no other psychoanalysts at that point who could have helped him) mainly through an examination of his own dreams.As a doctor, he was not really interested in universal dream symbol correspondences as they appear in dream dictionaries, which I think he would have thought are dubious; rather, he wanted to understand the processes in our minds that give rise to dreams, and the mental structures that might be understood through our dreams, all with a view to constructing a comprehensive psychological theory, and ultimately a ‘cure’ for mental illness and distress.His theories, as developed by followers to this day, include the proposition that a dream is a compromise formation, a compromise between our conscious mind and the Unconscious. The Unconscious is continuously, day and night, processing chains of linked mental elements, chains which most closely resemble what we might in conscious life call ‘associations’; but these chains of mental elements, which the conscious mind can usually keep out of our minds while awake, are often ferociously disturbing, and would wake us up - or worse. The conscious mind although dormant in sleep, still acts to turn these disturbing chains into an invented ‘story’ (which they certainly are not), albeit a weird narrative because of the material itself - but it serves to allow sleep to continue; until it doesn’t.If the narrative work fails to contain the Unconscious, we will wake, or may have a nightmare.The ‘symbols’ – which are the dream working on the unconscious material – are not conceived of as universal transformations, as in ‘father -> tree’, but are always intensely personal to the dreamer. In that sense they may be our most unique creations.To understand their significance one must attempt to gather ‘free associations’ to them, and by relaxing our conscious censor, try to allow their meaning to ‘float’ into consciousness.

What is dream interpretation?

Carl Jung was a younger associate of Freud who took dream interpretation several steps further. He postulated the collective unconscious a part of the unconscious mind expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. He coined the term archetypes to describe the universal images that arise in dreams. He used dreams in psychoanalysis to probe the unconscious mind for clues to causes of neuroses and other problems. Sometime symbols from the collective unconscious would present themselves in the form of mythological figures, mother or father, shapes, and other images that are common to humankind. An accessible work that introduces the work of Jung is  Man and His Symbols.

Do you believe in Dream Interpretation? Reasons?

I believe dreams actually do tells us things about ourselves. But most people do not interpret dreams correctly. Dreams can be things we have done in the past to help us understand how we can deal with future events.

I honestly don't think it is possible to predict events through dreams, though is has been proven a small amount of people can see and or predict future events, sometimes if they are quick and helpful enough to have someone believe in them, they can help towards future events. Mostly dreams are a part of us that we didn't understand well enough, or cope with in some decent way, it could be a fear, a hurdle, a certain event we perhaps did not cope with or deal with in the past, if dreams are understood correctly, we can overcome certain fears, indecision's, or past events to help better our future.

I see lots of people writing things in forums trying to help them understand their dreams, but most don't interpret them correctly. I have learned from a certain program on how better to understand dreams because they tell you what steps to take to explain and answer a dream.

I myself have had a couple of interesting dreams in the past, though interpretation of them is perhaps a bit difficult to explain fully, I still to this day remember them very clear and very vividly.

Dreams are there to help us better understand our past, and help prepare us for our future, if interpreted correctly with events.

dream interpretation is not always easy, but with the right guidance and a bit of practice, we can better understand them and their meanings.

Dream Interpretation, Kissing Underwater?

Most dreams contain messages that serve to teach you something about yourself. However, soon after you wake up to go about your daily routine, you tend to quickly forget what you dream about. The message in recurring dreams may be so important and/or powerful that it refuses to go away. The frequent repetition of such dreams forces you to pay attention and confront the dream. It is desperately trying to tell you something. Such dreams are often nightmarish or frightening in their content, which also helps you to take notice and pay attention to them.

Recurring dreams are quite common and are often triggered by a certain life situation or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. These dreams may recur daily, once a week, or once a month. Whatever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself. Such dreams may be highlighting a personal weakness, fear, or your inability to cope with something in your life - past or present.

The repetitive patterns in your dream reveal some of the most valuable information about yourself. It may point to a conflict, situation or matter in your waking life that remains unresolved or unsettled. Some urgent underlying message in your unconscious is demanding to be understood.

To dream that you jump over a wall, suggests that you will overcome tough obstacles with success.

If you are a woman and dream that you are in the arms of a man, suggests that you are accepting and welcoming your stronger assertive personality . It may also highlight your desires to be in a relationship and your image of the ideal man

To dream that you are hugging someone, symbolizes your loving and caring nature. You are holding someone or something close to your heart. Alternatively, it may indicate your need to be more affectionate.

To dream of a kiss, denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment.

To dream that you are underwater, suggests that you are feeling overcome with emotions and are in need of greater control in your life. You may be in over your head regarding some situation.

What are the best dream interpretation sites?

Best site i have found is dream readings through Here is the link, quite fascinating and supportive perspectives shared for self growth in one’s life.Dream Readings Series (1 product)