Dreaming Of A Doc Saying I Could Pop Ur Baby

Dreaming during pregnancy? is it true that....?

I have very vivid dreams with pregnancy. The first baby I had a dream that I was at some gathering and then realized it was my baby shower! My family announced to me that I was pregnant! LOL yeah well in the dream it made sense they'd be telling me;) Then a few days later I got my positive.

With our second it was after an early miscarriage. I had a dream about vampires of all things and it was very vivid and so real!!! Nothing about pregnancy but did have some fish dreams lol. According to Freud means someone is pregnant. My mother told me that I was and I was having a girl. She told me more actually but eh... thats mom.

This time I didn't have the pregnancy dream but had a series of small animal dreams. No, actually I did have a dream where my husband told me that I was pregnant. LOL I may have been pregnant then. I dont know because I tested on my 59th cycle day. My cycles had been messed up due to nursing me daughter. The animal dreams though, The first night it was a tiny kitten that looked like a tiger cub! I remember thinking how prefect the stripes were. The next night it was another animal but don't remember. Then the last night it was a jelly fish! I don't know but all the sudden I was holding this jelly fish in a dish. He was so colorful and I remember taking him out and holding him in my hand. All the sudden for some reason things turned violent and I had to throw him against the wall! Yeah that was strange.
After the positive I had more nightmare dreams that were so real. Then a few dreams of little baby boys lol. Yeah we have two girls and are hoping for a boy. The night before last in my dream I went to our daughter Lydia's closet only to find all her clothes had been replaced by boy onesies. Heeheh I don't know but yes, bad dreams and ugh sex dreams! The lovely hormones.

Too many to share. Oh I did have a dream with our second child that my husband was pregnant and later one where he had to deliver a baby elephant. For some reason this momma elephant was able to prop its head on my lap lol. Yeah in dreams they dont smash you!

What does it mean to dream about someone proposing to you?

One way or the other, receiving a proposal of someone means your personality has reached a point in which it is willing to adopt someone or something unexpected (or perhaps even what was previously unwanted) in your life. As not all proposals are what we truly look for; but sometimes take anyway with all the negative consequences that may follow.It is important to know who that person in your dream is; and what that person means to you. That is the only way to find out if it really was about a commitment that you were considering to make with another person (or situation that he represents); or whether it is a personality characteristic that you now are willing to embrace after a long time; a characteristic previously unknown or unwanted.Your response to the proposal and the feelings you felt during it, indicate your true feelings about the unexpected or unwanted change regarding something or someone that you have now planned to integrate in your life.[math]^{[1]}[/math] Send Flowers, Gifts & Cakes to India - FNP[math]^{[2]}[/math] Dream Interpretation: “An ongoing debate” by Ferdi Sannes on Dream Interpretation

What does a dream about changing a baby diaper mean?

When you have a dream about a diaper you are pondering everything that a diaper contains, and astound, here and there they aren't so pleasant or so incredible.In the event that you have a dream about a diaper then this implies you are contemplating the greater part of the stuff you bear with you and how hard it is for others to manage that things also. A kid completes one thing with a diaper, crap or pee in it. At that point a grown-up is the one that needs to take it off, wipe them, discard the old one in the wake of binds it up to ensure the stench doesn't get away, at that point you put on another one. You are considering the greater part of the stuff you convey with you when you have a dream this way and are attempting to check whether there is a way that you can get around things later on so you don't need to consider it any longer.Incontinence Products | Incontinence Supplies |

I keep having dreams that my jaw is locking is very painful. Is this significant in real life?

I've never had any jaw problems. I do fret a little because my teeth don't touch and my teeth rest uncomfortably so i usually sleep with my mouth open because it's more comfortable. But lately within the past few months I've been having dreams where my jaw locks and in the dream is so painful, it kind of feels so real at times. When I wake up my jaw usually feels a little weird but nothing serious. It concerns me just because I feel like maybe there is something wrong with my jaw.

I saw death of my son in my dream. What is the meaning of this? I am worried.

No, no, there is nothing to worry about. You should understand the mechanism of any dream. It had been established that dreams are nothing but a way of cleaning itself or unburdening itself by or mind. Whatever informations it gathers in our daily life, it cleans some of our, it is a regular process and is on 24 hours and when our active mind is asleep, we tend to see dreams.Now, you love your son and constantly thinking of his welfare, any parent would do so, you love him and always worried about his health, well-being, this thought is so deep that you are not even aware of this emotion. The emotions related with one's children ought to be very strong and very deep, we don't always express them but they are there.We are always worried about our children and always feel very much protective towards them and we know love is always insecure. It always makes a person to think that something drastic will happen to their loved ones. They don't wish that, they don't mean it either, it is simply the insecurity of love trigger these thoughts.These morbid thoughts takes a shape of dream when your mind is expelling these thoughts in a cleaning process and though you never intended it, your mere imagination in worrying about your son has given this dream.There is absolutely nothing to worry about and I cannot ask you not to worry about your son, that we will always do since we love our children and their well-being is of utmost importance to us. Relax, the meaning of this dream is that you love your son and be assured that you will keep on seeing these dreams. No harm, your love, your worrying are being shown to you.

Determining sex of baby with heartbeat rate or a girl?

This is an old wives tale. I have confirmed this with my doctor.

Although when I would go in for my appts and she would check the heartbeat it was always very fast and my doctor once joked "it sounds like a girl" but quickly confirmed this was a myth, its still a 50/50 chance-boy or girl. My *daughters* heartbeat is always high and yes she is a girl which would prove the tale to be correct but I also know many women who have had girls and their heartbeats where always low.

However I do strongly believe in those "feelings" you have as to what your having. I had dreams first than started to have this overwhelming feeling that it was a girl for sure and I just knew she'd say Girl when she was looking on the ultrasound and indeed, it's a GIRL.

So that's my experience.

Good Luck and Congrats!!!

How do I stop dreaming about a past relationship?

Usually, when someone isn’t in your life anymore, that person becomes symbolic. It is clear that he is symbolically relevant to you right now.How would you describe that time of your life when you were with him, especially in comparison to what is going on now in your life? How would you describe yourself during that time in comparison to now?The unconscious or deeper self often brings up other times and other past scenarios in dreams for the sake of contrast. It is important for you to see something about the difference between these two times. We know that this is especially important for you to understand right now because you keep dreaming about him. (Well, it’s not actually about him (most likely), it’s about you.)For example, say that I am in a relationship and I keep dreaming about an ex. When I was with this ex in the past, I had my own place, my own friends, and much more autonomy. I had a good balance between her and time on my own. And now, because I had this dream, I realize that I am greatly lacking this autonomy. All of the activities I would do on my own before, things that would feed my soul, my own interests, I no longer peruse. Now everything is done together as a unit. We have become an isolated bubble. I have lost contact with what makes me a distinct individual, and therefore I am no longer bringing a whole self to the relationship. Realizing this gives me the change to make changes so that I can be a whole person in my relationship and life.This is an example of how you can begin to compare past life scenarios with current ones. The truth about your life now can be illuminated via contrast.Another possibility is that you never let go of what that relationship represented to you. Now that you are going to have a baby, which means a long commitment to a certain path, these feelings of attachment are surfacing. You have to let go of that path.I imagine that if you begin to explore what that time meant to you and how you feel about your current situation, you the significance will emerge.

Is it common to dream about miscarriage during pregnancy?

I am 20 weeks pregnant and last night I had a dream that I was bleeding really bad and had a miscarriage. I noticed a tiny baby that was only about an inch long and then the words 7 weeks, 2 days popped up out of nowhere. I know my baby is fine because I can feel her move and she has a strong heartbeat but this dream really freaked me out.

What causes dreams like this? Is this a common dream during pregnancy?