Dreaming Of Holding My Ex Boyfriends Arm

Shrinking boyfriend dream?

Maybe you feel more powerful than him in the relationship? He wants more freedom in the relationship but he can't win, like how you were alot bigger and stronger than him and he couldn't break free from your big arms. You're taking control of the relationship, and he was punching you trying to get some control back, but you could hardly feel his weak little hits because you're a giant compared to him in your relationship.

Dreaming I Had A Baby Boy With My Boyfriend?

A Few Night Ago I Had A Dream I Was Prego But I Don't Remember Giving Birth
I Looked Down In My Arms & saw i was Holding a Baby Boy ' When I Moved The Blanket Covering His Face He Looked Exactly Like My Boyfriend. I Looked Up & Saw My Boyfriend staring at me & "our son"
Anyways i remember giving him the baby &' while he was holding him in his arms he said "I'm too Old For This" I Was Like Huh ?? &' Again He Repeated "I'm Too Old For This" I Found It Weird Cause I'm Only 19 &' He's 21 ?

Oh &' A Few Days After I Had A Dream He Was Breaking Up With Me ?
Kinda Strange '

So Yeah Does Anyone Have Any Idea Why I Dreamt This ?

I cried while dreaming about my ex boyfriend. What does it mean?

It only means you are hung up on your past and ex. I don't know what is the reason that he became ex boyfriend from being a boyfriend, but I think you still miss him. It could also be a result of you not getting a closure or he left you and you feel weak.As much as I understand what you might be going through, rise up girl and shine bright. Stop over thinking. This too shall pass. Focus on other things in life: academics, career, family, friends! If you surround yourself with positivity and be happy within, your dreams gonna be happy too!

What is the meaning of holding hands in a dream?

Holding hands with whom?Your Lover? Your friend? Or perhaps you don't know?But they all can imply the same thing.Perhaps you long for connection.Dream sometimes satisfy a need in which we cannot satisfy in reality.Do you feel distant? Seek this answer not by observing who is around you but by looking into yourself. Perhaps the connection is shallow with someone who feels important to you.Perhaps you feel that together, you will be stronger.

What does it mean if my ex-boyfriend dies in my dream?

There are a couple possible explanations that come to mind:1. It is possible that you are unconsciously concerned that by divorcing your ex that some aspect of that person's life has "died." Maybe you are concerned he or she is no longer is able to pursue a life-long dream, or that individual isn't going to have the time to parent the way he/she would prefer. This dream may be an unconscious anxiety that the divorce in some way has negatively impacted (or killed) this person's life. 2. The other possible explanation is that your dream is an unconscious wish that the complications or unwanted feelings your ex brings into your life would stop. It may be your method of addressing (by killing the source of the problem) the unwanted sense ambivalence or guilt. 3. It is possible that your ex actually is a dream symbol for some other change in your life. Has there been another recent decision that you have mixed feelings about? Is there something else that you worry you have "dyed" recently? This dream could be using your divorce to express concern that you have inadvertently impacted an area of your life.

What does it mean to dream of my boyfriend’s brother?

Your dreams are just an offshoot of what your day is like or to put it in a much clearer perspective, its about how you think about any particular thing in a day.(This can be confusing if you have not felt it personally)Its my personal observation that Dreams happen in a way which connects to some real memory and translates it into many other situations and simulate it in different conditions. Like a memory of your present day college life with the same batchmates can come in the dream as your school life where possibly these set of people were not present.Hence a intermixing of thought happens in the dreams.Coming to your question, It might be a possibility that you maybe connected to your BF’s brother at some level of intimacy or care(not the one you share with your BF but a different where a mutual trust and care are involved with him)It might be a possibility that (and I am not judging you in anyway) you might have a very dormant feeling for his brother, which is finding expression in your dreams, so try reassesing your feelings for him once, maybe you find the answer.One suggestion in this case, if the feelings show a bend towards him, just take a step back and make clear to yourself that who are u in a relationship with, and take steps accordingly.I might have gone far in interpreting your dream and may have in the process thought a bit too much, but mind you, I was involved in some sort of relation like this, where I was quite close to my Brother’s GF and hence all these things happened commonly because in real life the closeness existed and found manifestations in my dreams.I hope I have answered your question. Take care!

What does it mean when you dream about ex-fiance holding your hands looking at you crying?

your characters in your dreams are just projections aspects of your subconscious self. it's Not really your ex.look up ''ex'’ here. it might mean you miss your ex. it may mmean your in your current life you are developing similar feelings that you had for your ex.Meanings For Symbols That Begin With E

My girlfriend has been dreaming about her ex lately. What does that mean?

That you are reminding her of why she broke up with him. Very few people are clairvoyant and see the future. Most of us can only recall the recent past. Take a mental note of what you are doing differently since you started dating and why she is now thinking of him. Talk with her about her dreams, feelings and emotions. You will be surprised what a few minutes of undivided attention will add to a relationship. It probably does not mean that you are reminding her of how “he” acted, but enjoy your position as the current boyfriend by taking all efforts to remain as such. Maybe she heard about him or from him recently, but if she shared the dreams with you she would share more if you cared enough to ask. We are all afraid of rejection, but embrace fear as energy to propel you forward. It may be the end of a relationship, or it could be the start of a better one. I hope this helps.Good luck!

Why am I dreaming about my ex?

Like many others have wrote, it definately means that they left some type of very deep impact on you, wether you are totally aware of it or not.I’ve been in a great and satisfying relationship for nearly 3 years now. Yet what triggered me to write today, is because I dreamt about my ex, for the hundredth time tonight. And whenever I dream about her, I miss her. I miss her quite a lot, to the point that it is distracting.The funny part is, it was short relationship. 4 months tops. So this has no impact on it at all, this I can tell you straight away. What does have an impact, is how strong and how novel the emotions you had during that time.My ex was an emotionally damaged borderline woman who wanted an open relationship. She was the sexiest thing I’ve ever met, and she knew how to manipulate men to a scary level. She made me feel like I was constantly chasing her in that time; wanting more, and I found myself loving every little bit of it, even the emotional torment at times. In relatively short time, I became almost the equal manipulator. The reward was usually mind blowing sex, but it could also be something as little as an acknowledgement or a reluctant kiss, and in the end, I won her as an exclusive relationship, which was another great ‘victory’.. She broke it off shortly after that. I did one wrong move in trying to force my emotional needs on her for a little too long. It was simply a bad moment in life, but it takes very little to scare off some of these individuals. Trivial things can be enough, so I learned.But yea, I’ts been 4 years now. 3 years in a healthy, back and forth relationship. Sex life is a bit lackluster on my life, as she is not very sexual or confident in herself. Possibly the reason why I still dream back to that time. The dreams are always with her as the focus; me chasing her or impressing her, or even seducing her for sex, using her weaknesses.. Often times I succed even in the dreams, but it’s never enough. It’s a drug. A complete addiction, to try and win over a borderline. Make them whole, emotionally. Satisfy them. Make them stray away from the damned Emo personality that is so addictive in the first place.If this woman went up to me today and asked me for sex, despite never having cheated or had intention to cheat in my life, I am so sure I would cheat in a heartbeat. It’s not even funny, it’s actually scary to think. Humans are flawed beings indeed.

I had a dream that I was sliding down a railing and into my ex bf arms.What does this mean?

So in the dream I was like in a school or something and I was going down the stairs and I saw him so I slid down the gold railing there,and into his arms.I was just holding him and hugging him and he still smelled like the way he does in real life.My face was burried in his neck..And btw in real life we do talk..and do like eachother. Interept?Thanks