Dying Cat And 2 Year Old

5 year old cat possibly dying of cancer?

My cat is only 5 years old and for the past 2 weeks or so he has not been eating, has lost a lot of weight (we used to say he was kinda fat and now i can feel his spine), not being affectionate, ect. He used to be the most loving, followed me around, ate all the time, and when you accidentally closed the sliding door when he was on the patio he would come running and crying to come in, we closed with him out there a little bit ago and he didn't care. This happened so quick, and I am thinking of having him put down because I can't afford to get Tigger the treatment. I am crying as I type this and I wan't to know how to get over being so sad. His vet has confirmed that he thinks it is cancer considering he is only five and all these things have happened. My other cat is TOTALLY going to be lost without her "boyfriend" and I just don't know what to do... Should I get another cat? Should I not? How can I get over watching him slowly and painfully dying and how the hell could this happen to such a young, fun, loving cat????

My 18 year old Cat is Dying?

My cat is laying next to me and I'm worried if he is about to Die on me hes 18 year old with breathing problem....could it be end of his life :( I had him since I was not born I am 17 Idk what to do.. There is no Vets nearby he is having hard time breathing and his eye color is changing to cold yellow...I don't want to Lose my best friend but I need any advice what to do to help him..

Why did my 9 year old cat die?

My orange tabby was only 9 years old, he was healthy despite him having a heart murmur that we found out about about 2 or 3 years ago. He died yesterday all of a sudden during the day. He had been playing in the house about an hour before, was very active and himself. He has never had a change in appetite or any sign indicating that he was sick in any way. He was an indoor/outdoor cat who had all of his rabies/distemper shots on a regular basis and lived with 7 other cats who are alll also helathy and have had their shots. We found him lying outside in front of the house not breathing. His mouth was a purple color (on the inside of his mouth, top cavity of his mouth and gums) and slightly open with his tongue sticking out. His eyes were dilated and open and his tail also appeared to be puffed up. Someone had said that they heard a loud coughing or strange noise that they believe he made before he passed. Does anybody know what might have caused this sudden death? He was perfectly fine one minute, then gone the next...would some kind of insect bite cause a death in my cat??? Please try to help me figure out what happened because it makes no sense. I checked his body and there were no signs of cuts or bites anywhere....

Why is my 16-year-old cat not eating?

When a cat stops eating, it is usually sick or injured. 16 is elderly for a cat, so as everyone else who has answered has noted, this calls for a vet visit pronto.I want to add something else I haven’t noticed mentioned specifically, though: cats cannot fast. That is, unlike most other animals that can survive a period of no food and recover, it is often a death sentence for cats to not eat at all for 2–3 days, because of their unique biology. Cats develop a condition called feline hepatic lipidosis after a fairly short time with no food, in which they get fatty deposits on the liver. The damage is permanent, and generally leads to death, though it can take days to weeks afterward to take effect. They must be given nutrients while not eating, generally via syringe feeding or in extreme cases, via direct tube feeding, as well as hydration if they’re also not drinking. It is especially dangerous if the cat is heavier or overweight to begin with.I lost my beloved long-time companion this way about 9 years ago, which is how I first learned of it. He suddenly stopped eating one day, and I didn’t get him into the vet until the third day. I then spent a harrowing month attempting to save his life, force feeding him with a syringe every day, but he was unable to recover. He was 11 years old. His death devastated me, and the fact that I felt I’d made the end of his life a constant cycle of misery left me wracked with guilt for years.My current companion had a bad reaction to an antibiotic after an injury just a few months after I adopted him, and refused to eat or drink for a week and a half. This time, I knew the danger, and began feeding and hydration immediately. It was terrifying for that week, and for a couple of days it looked like I might lose him. Thankfully, he recovered, but I’m so glad I knew what to do this time.Please take your cat to the vet immediately! If whatever is causing the refusal to eat is treatable, you must begin nutritional support, as well as treatment for the underlying cause, right away.I wish you and your furred companion the best.

How can I say goodbye to a loved dying cat?

when my little cat was dying, she spent all of her time in our closet. I made a special bed for her in there. I went in there all the time, to make sure she was comfortable, to offer her food or water, and to pet her and tell her I loved her. She had toxoplasmosis which went to her brain, and she was on phenobarbitol to prevent seizures, so she slept most of the time. She was not responding to the medication she was given, and she was getting progressively worse. The vet kept trying everything to save her because she was only 4 years old, but she kept getting weaker. The night before she died, she slept in bed with my husband. I could’t bear to be in there with her that night. She got up the next morning, ate, used the kitty box, and asked to go out of the room and downstairs, then she asked to go out in the back yard! She went in the yard with us watching her, walked around and did all the things she used to do out there, and seemed to be better! But when we brought her in, she hunched up and hung her head like she had no energy. She had a vet appointment that morning, and the vetsaid she was anemic, wasn’t breathing right, was weak, and he suggested putting her down. He is someone who will try everything , and never suggests euthanasia, so when he said that, we knew it was time. I have her little box of ashes and a little piece of fur on a shelf in my hall

Irrational fear of my cats dying?

This is a serious answer, not a "smart-aleck" one.

I, too, love my animals, and I have quite a few...and have had many more over the years. Yes, I know that sooner or later all of us, cat included, have to "pass over".

However it's not a FEAR with me. I'm afraid that YOUR FEAR may be a case of "depression" on your part. Maybe, you should see your doctor (not vet) and see what (s)he thinks. Being FEARFUL of your cat(s) dying, instead of just dreading the loss of them, is not healthy.

I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I really feel that you need some help for this "feeling of fear" that you have. I'm not a doctor, but I've lived a long time (70+yrs) and you are exhibiting signs of "depression".

Please get some help, soon, so you can ENJOY your doesn't sound like you are, right now!

Good luck..............Hope this helps.

What to feed a dying cat?

Thanks so much everyone.

She's 17 yrs old and has been an inside/outside cat so we're quite surprised she's lasted this long.

However, she belongs to my sister and I and since I'm away at college, they wanted to try and keep her alive long enough for me to get home (next thursday) and we could all take care of it together.

At this point, the vet has said IV's would help but probably wouldn't be enough at this point.

Sorry it's not specific, all of this was relayed to me over the phone so I'm trying to piece it together for accurate information :)

How do I break the news of the family cat dying to my 10 year old child?

Sorry to hear of your loss.  Typically, by the age of 10, children can comprehend the permanence of death.  Since you know your child better than anyone else does you know what to expect by way of a reaction to this news. Sit next to your child on the couch and gently let him/her know about this pet's death, "Fluffy died today. She was old and her body just gave out/He was hit by a car and couldn't be saved, etc."  You may not have been as attached to this animal as was your child so be prepared for their grief reaction to be a bit stronger than yours or even for it to take some time to sink in.  Be tender, be patient and be respectful of how significant this loss may be to your child.  Over the next few days or weeks, openly comment on missing the cat's presence in the household, not having to let him out or not seeing her sitting on the window sill. You may even want something of a memorial to honor the place this little life had in the life of your family.  Death is a part of life and this loss is probably your child's first loss so please give it the respect it deserves as a model for future losses. I hope this is helpful.

My cat died today at 14 years old. How do I keep myself from feeling so sad and guilty?

You have to remember that Zeffie had a great life, for a cat. He enjoyed being with you as much as you enjoyed having him. Not every cat is so lucky to be 'a member of the family'.

Also, this happens to cats. Cats just don't live as long as humans. It's sad that he died so quickly, but think about it, it's probably better than for him to hang on through chemotherapy, feeling sick and tired all the time, and THEN die. So it's kind of a good thing in a way.

You'll remember him forever, but it will help to get another cat. My sweetie and I are on our second set of cats, and they are wonderful. They don't replace the first cats, we still remember them, talk about them, even laugh about them.

It's sad that pets don't last as long as we do. Whenever you get a cat or dog you have to understand that you will enjoy it for a few years and then have to say goodbye. It's really hard to say goodbye, but it's nothing compared to all the love and enjoyment you got from Zeffie while you had him.