Easy Guitar Songs That You Can Play And Look Like A Boss

Can any electric guitar play metal/heavy metal?

i've been playing guitar for a while now, but only acoustic, and i am soon to be getting an electric guitar as promised by my parents for playing well and stuff xD but i was wandering, can every electric guitar play heavy metal and have it sound good? Or are some unable to?

The kind of heavy metal i'm talking about is stuff like:
August Burns Red
Three Days Grace


And if you were to try to play heavy metal, how could you make the guitar sound differently?
i've looked around and heard you need to set your guitar to low/high distortion?

thanks :)

Is there another chord that can replace Bm on guitar?

You can try substituting a D chord for a Bm and see if that will work for you. The D chord is made up of the notes D - F# - A and a Bm is D - F# - B. Not a huge difference and I think I tried that a couple times when I was first starting out and it worked for me.

Good luck!

Guitar hero tom morella boss battle help?

My daughter had the same problem, she could never beat him.
Just keep playing until you lose like, 3 or 4 times in a row. Then it will give you the option to "Wuss Out", so you don't have to keep trying and trying to beat him. You'll still move on with the new song choices.
That's what she did. She tried for an hour to beat him, but still couldn't get past it..So that was really the only way out.
Good luck, and happy gaming.

That "Trivium" Sound (Guitar)?

Been playing guitar for about 2 years now, I have that IbanezGio / GTA15R amp starter pack, and my school's classes are focusing on Folk Songs, and really Classic Rock, and really simple chords.. Which I can't seem to stand, but is easy to play. I always seem to be in the back of class looking at other tabs, and not paying any attention at all, anyways back to the question.

How can I reproduce that Trivium sound? I've been wanting to try covering some of their songs, and it just doesn't sound right, (Yeah I know most of Ember to Inferno is drop d, I have it tuned right xD )

What is the cheapest way I can get that sound?