Ec Help Im Very Desperate.

Why doesn't God help me when I'm desperate?

God is not a genie who grants wishes. God has his own ideas and desires, and is not compelled to do what we tell him. And this is a good thing, because he is a great deal wiser than we are, and his actions work far better for our long-term well-being than the things we request would.The purpose of prayer is not simply to obtain favors from God. The primary goal of prayer is intimacy with God. I pray because I desire a relationship with my maker. Like in any other loving relationship — I’m thinking of my marriage here — I talk with God. I tell him that I love him, I admire his qualities, I confess my shortcomings, I ask his forgiveness for hurtful things I have done, I thank him for his kindnesses, and — lastly — I humbly ask for things.God does grant favors. But in my experience, the things I request and am granted are typically internal: strength, patience, faith, comfort, love and joy. So in this vein, if you pray diligently to God to relieve your desperation, he might or might not change the physical situation that makes you desperate, but he will provide comfort and peace.


In triangle CEF:
Angle FCE = 45 deg (AC is diagonal of ABCD),
Angle CEF = 90 deg (EF perpendicular to AC).
Therefore angle EFC = 45 deg (angles of triangle total 180 deg).

Hence EFC is isosceles, and EC = EF.
Therefore EC = 4.

Let x be the length of AB.
Then AE = x (AE = AB, given)

From triangle ABC:
AC = x sqrt(2) (Pythagoras' Theorem)

AE = AC - EC
= x sqrt(2) - 4

x = x sqrt(2) - 4
x[ sqrt(2) - 1 ] = 4
x = 4 / [ sqrt(2) - 1]
= 4[ sqrt(2) + 1 ].

AT = MH = 9 (opposite sides of quadrilateral)
As AB = BC = CT, BT = 6

From triangle HBT:
HB = sqrt(HT^2 + BT^2)
= sqrt(12^2 + 6^2)
= 6 sqrt(5).

Why do I feel so desperate?

My answers will be strictly from my perspective. Might help you…You think that you deserve something, but you are not getting it. Might be a position, power, money or love.You are fighting hard, but results are negative.You have many friends, but somehow you feel that, a small portion of you hides from them.Might you have a lots of expectations from others, those never got accomplishedMight be you are thinking that you have reached a dead end or just before the dead end(may be dead end of your age or career or relationship) and you are just trying to save yourself from being motionless.May be you are experiencing an early sign of depressionHowever all these cases are very negative in nature, and if you are suffering from any of the above, I’ll suggest you toStart running at least 15 mins a dayDo yoga, exercise regularlyTalk to friends family, leaving all the hesitation behind.Drink a lots of waterSleep at least for 6 to 8 hours.but never over-sleep.Do visit a psychiatrist if possible.

I am so desperate about girls. How do I control being desperate?

I’ve been there in your position and I won’t claim I got out of it like a boss and all. I’m still somewhat in the loop but it doesn’t really bother me at all. So I guess I can answer this.My dear friend, isn't there anything else in this world that inspire you?nothing in this world that you want to do with passion ?The basic problem is you are so lonely and you need a company which sadly you don’t have or you are with a bad company. Life is not always about getting good company. Do what you have to do in order to get good friends rather than working on impressing girls. This ain’t very easy but it works.Read books that you like. If you are not a reader the best thing to hook up with is TV series like Game of Thrones which is addicting and you are occupied with it in most of your free time. As it proceeds, make good friends and spend your time with your friends a lot. It’s not girlfriends but good friends that’s an asset of your life. Try to comprehend that particular reality of life and the rest will follow. Stop being alone. Avoid being lonely. Do something to get rid of your loneliness if that bothers you a lot.There should be something that you like to do, about which you are very passionate about. If you haven't found it yet, just do those random cliché stuffs others do around you and at some point of life, you will realise you’ve hit the right one. Once you've figured it out, things are very easy. You can easily find folks who shares same interest with you. Once you find em and you're in your homogeneous crowd, you're never lonely(atleast, you don't feel so)Do this and enjoy your life with friends and be successful doing what you like!Hope this helpsEdit: It's been two years since I wrote this answer and I think everything I wrote worked positively for me. The moment you are over your obsession, then life is lighter than you think it is.Go for a jog or play some games in the afternoon. It'll work very positively for you. Read the books that suits you, listen to quality songs with great lyrics and tune. You'll be surprised by the change in you.Adding to this, once you feel that you're feeling better and is over girls, try uninstalling social media. You'll be surprised to see the number of people who calls you to enquire why you're not there on Whatsapp ;)Just chill man! Like John Lennon said, “Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.”

I'm too desperate for a relationship. How do I fix it?

A watched pot never boils!The ugly truth is that you will never be able to land in a relationship when you’re desperate for it. Not in a good one at least. It will happen only when it is meant to or it might never happen too. Being desperate to be in a relationship denotes that you want to experience the feeling of being in love but loving an actual person is a whole different terrain to be in. You’ll never be able to do justice to yourself or to the person you are with if you approach them with the expectations to fulfill your desire of being in love. It is undeniable that being with someone is a wonderful feeling, but when you are desperate to find that someone, you almost always end up falling in the clutches of a wrong person. You will end up giving undue importance to the person you believe you are in love with and will end up compromising on your self respect and dignity in order to satisfy them while they may sense your desperation and take advantage of you since you’ve made it clear that you are in dire need of a relationship, no matter how bad it is.As cliched as it might sound, the emptiness that you are going through can be very much filled by yourself. Find your mojo and start concentrating on the other aspects of your life. To be happy in a relationship, you should first be able to be happy with yourself, a cliche again, but true nevertheless. Do not loathe your single life, give up on the philosophy that your other half is out there somewhere. Increase your awareness of the self and grow into a wholesome individual.

Why I feel so desperate to find love?

No you're not desperate you're just alone maybe . People tend to underestimate themselves and think about them like that , what you really want is to be understood and accepted . People get intimidated by others , by seeing how happy people are with someone they claim to love but love is not biast or racist , it doesn't come with age or by looks it just comes naturally . Love is not what we see in some bollywood dramas , it's actually a feeling that is unique to everyone . It will bring out the best from you someday . So what if you've not found it yet , you will someday just never stop looking and never give up on love. I'm 21 still single , never had a bf in my life because I never wanted to fade my ideas on love by being with just anyone who claims to love me but I never really found someone with whom I could share my unique love . Sometimes I see my friends hanging out with their boyfriends and sharing pictures and it pinches me but I believe it's totally worth it to hold out for the person who doesn't just tolerate our little quirks but actually kinda likes them- Ted Mosby (himym).

Can I find a girlfriend if I’m so desperate for one? How can I stop thinking about it so much as a straight guy who loves women so much?

Depending on your age, previous sex history, personality, friends you spend time with, your level of physical attractiveness, level of confidence it is completely natural. Consider these different scenariosIdeal: you had a lot of sex before, you are early twenties, ripped body, job/education, good friends who treat women well and are driven and very confident. If you are still raging after women, it means you either have not had your fill or you are looking for someone to settle with. Either one is good it’s just the level of yearning and desperation is different. The desperation causes you a lot of anxiety which shows you are not comfortable with yourself around women, which is ok to that takes time.Regardless of what makes you think about women constantly, you ultimately have to work on yourself first.Read a book called swoon. It’s very eye opening and you learn what ladies men were like. They all really loved women and did not look at them as sexual object but as true lovers even when they had multiple and they always treated them with respect. There are definitely some women out there that will sign up for the multiple partner thing once you are a respectful guy, treat them like a queen, satisfy their every desire in bed and have their back when you need, most of all be upfront with them, don’t mess with women’s emotions it’s just not nice.For you sir, I would work out like crazy so your body is most attractive. Learn to dance well as every woman loves to dance and it shows you have rythym in bed. Practice squeezing your kegels and breathing exercises so you have multiple orgasms with ejaculating. Work on your self image. Dress very well at all times and smile. Treat every woman with the ultimate respect regardless of how they treat you. Set the standard for what a good man should be like and the right girl will find you, once you leave your apartment.No man has control of a woman has sex with him, that’s called rape. No matter how good your game a woman consciously decides to open herself to you physically and emotionally so don’t stroke your ego. Be humble and enjoy every aspect of a woman. Be the guy who makes her want to wake up everyday and be alive. That my friend is truly a nice way to live. The best thing is if you did all of this you would be the best person you could be so it’s a win win.Go enjoy your life, you never know when your time is up so go meet some women. Remember respect.