Egypt With The Nile Has Some Of The Richest Farmland In The Ancient Mediterranean. Greece On The

Explain how Geography effected the development of ancient Egypt.?

Egypt has been called "The Gift of the Nile." The Nile flooded annually, causing farmland surrounding it to become rich and fertile. This caused it become the breadbasket of the Mediterranean, and they became rich. During the flooding, the pharoahs of the Old Kingdom created a type of work program. Those farmers who could would be recruited to work on the pyramids, and would receive pay to send back to their families. This was considered a religious duty, since the pharoah was seen as a god. Also, the minerals found in Egypt made it rich--there was a great deal of gold in Egypt.

What is the Historical backround of Greece?

Everything (almost) that you need to know about Greece, you should be able to find here:

Why is egypt sometimes called "the gift of the nile"? Name 5 benefits or gifts the nile provided the egyptians

Herodotus called Egypt the gift of the Nile because the world received the great Egyptian civilization because of the Nile.

1.) Irrigation
2.) Fertile land for growing
3.) Transportation of materials
4.) water and food
5.) A way to move armies

and, a special addition from a freshmen this year on a test when he had to answer this question:
6.) A way to drown prisoners.

Why are colder countries more developed than the warmer ones?

Other than the 19-20th century CE, cold weather regions were not really ahead of the economies of warmer regions. Historically, the civilization was centered around warm, tropics & subtropics. The first 5 civilizations - Sumer, Nile valley, Indus Valley, Yellow river valley, Norte Chico - were all in subtropics. The ones that followed - in Greece, Persia, Rome were in the same zone too. [Subtropics often were better than tropics because the latter was often next to dense rainforests with wildlife & epidemic dangers.] Still the warmer regions performed better throughout history. Colonialism changed this dynamic for the first time. I will explain this how. The cold weather regions have very low population density as not many people preferred cold winters. This allowed the farmers to have much larger lands and more potential mines & mineral resources. Until the modern era, these were hard to tap though.When industrial revolution came, the technology drastically helped those in cold climates. Mechanised farming - tractors and other machines - allowed industrial scale farming over those lands. This allowed the farmers to get rich because they had now huge lands that could be fully tapped. Factories also could now get minerals resources and infrastructure as large parts of their countries were sparsely occupied. In contrast, industrial revolution could not do much to densely populated tropics that already had high farming productivity - but shared by a large number of farmers. Tropics were too densely populated - meaning lesser resources & lesser room or infrastructure.Other aspect colonialism did was to open up huge markets. England had a small domestic market - population was small. But, through its colonies it got a huge market for its textile mills and industries. In earlier times there was not much international trade and thus those in sparsely populated regions could not benefit from their innovations.In 21st century CE, we are entering a post-industrial era and the pendulum might be shifting again. Mines and lands are not as important as they were in say 20th century. It is about the number of minds networked. In this, the subtropics/tropics such as California, Singapore, Shanghai or Bangalore are getting back in the game. The size of the domestic market matters big once again - as Californian startups could attest and density helps in various other ways too for an information economy.

Why have africans never been able to form great civilizations?

Please don't say slavery or racism-because obviously there was alot of time before that. The only great civilization in Africa was egypt-and the egyptians; who were always illustrated in ancient pictures as having straight hair, lighter skin, thin long noses, and thin lips-clearly descended from a caucasion middle eastern race-enslaved the true africans and forced them into slave labor.

Besides that, any attempt at civilization by africans lies in ruin today, but great monuments and structures built by any other people thousands of years beforehand are still standing today.

Even tribes recently discovered in the depths of africa, that have had no contact with the modern world for thousands of years still live in hunter gatherer tribes.

The reason I ask is because everyone says "Everyone descended from Africa' but isn`t that an insult to africa? Even in current day Africa is one of the worst places on earth, the murder rate is sky high-there is capitol punishment for any crime,