Emotionally Abusive Mother Forcing Family To Not Want To Pay For My College Education

How can I get away from emotionally abusive parents?

People may tell you emotional abuse is not a thing, and other people have it worse, but your emotional pain is real, okay? I've been hit by a parent and I’ve been emotionally abused by a parent, and I will say I'd rather be hit. At least people recognize your struggles and you can get out of the situation. Unfortunately, most of the world doesn't take emotional abuse seriously.Part of the reason people don't take it seriously is that emotional abuse is actually considered an effective and acceptable method of child rearing.Most children desire love and praise from their parents, and so will (most of the time) try to make their parents happy. Emotional abuse takes advantage of that. At first the kid tries everything to be the perfect child, just to make their parent happy.Whenever the child does something undesirable, the parent refuses to show them compassion, something they desperately desire. The parent instead degrades the child, telling them through some means that they are not good enough, that something is wrong with them, that they are worthless. Most of the time, kids follow orders to the best of their ability, but learn expressing an opinion or any little slip-up can lead to a screaming fight.When they finally realize it's not going to stop, they lose whatever connection they had to that parent. In fact, they often lose respect, love and trust for others, as well as their ability to bond with others.Many emotionally abused children become abusive themselves, though some become “successful” - that is, their parent’s ideal. A small few escape the cycle and actually find happiness and success.Unfortunately, from what I've learned, escaping emotionally abusive parents can be very hard. You can try talking to a school councelor or something, but chances are, they won't be able to do anything. Emotional abuse is hard to prove, and most councelors will take the parent’s side. At this point, the best thing you can do is find every excuse you can not to be home or around your parents.Have lots of sleepovers with friends, join clubs after school, pretend to have six hours of homework every night, et cetera. Save for college, get a job, and move far away when you graduate.Sorry I can't be much help. I understand what it's like.

Should teen mothers be FORCED to give up their babies for adoption?

No. You can never predict human behavior so saying that a teenage mother from a bad home will be a bad mother is no more accurate than saying an adult married woman from a good home will be a good mother.

The woman having the child has the right to decide and hopefully will make the right decision for herself and her baby. Just like any woman who finds herself pregnant by accident.

78% of all human beings are here because they were an accidental pregnancy.

Some young girls have their babies and grow up really fast. Having disposable income doesn't make any mother a better mother so that shouldn't be an issue.

A teen mother who has WIC and even welfare will most of the time pay it forward when they get their education and a good job.

I was 19 when I got pregnant and 20 when my daughter was born. I stayed home with her for 9 months and then found work I could do at home, went to college and by the time she was 12 I was the director of a division of the company I worked for. Being a young mother drove me to succeed and my 19 yr old daughter is amazing. Self reliant and responsible and sometimes she scares me because she does work so hard for what she wants. Should she have been ripped from me? I would have died inside without her.

I also now have a husband and a 5 yr old son and my daughter is a great big sister.

My parents are forcing me to become a professional violinist?

Ever since I was 2, my parents have made me practice the violin and go to lessons. I have to practice four hours a day, they have spent so much money on lessons and competitions and basically I m on my way to becoming a professional violinist.
The problem is, I hate it. I hate it so much. When I was little, I would cry and beg my mom to let me do something I wanted to. She still made me practice and take lessons from a mean but very good teacher. I have never had a choice in the matter. I m 14 now, and my mom now says I have to go to a violin conservatory for college, and get a job in music after. I have NO CHOICE. Please don t say when ur 18 you can do what you want because when I m 18 it ll be too late. I don t know what to do. I am being forced, I have no choice. I love writing. I love writing, makeup, art, things like that. Not music. I feel like I have wasted my life and will continue to doing something I hate. But i have no choice.
My mom says she will disown me if I quit. If I choose to do something else in college she won t pay and I don t have enough money to.
The point is, I have no choice.. How do I stress less about this and does anyone else relate?

Should parents force their kids to go to college?

One of my friends told me that his parents keep pushing him to go to college and he's tired of it (Neither of them went to college). He says he doesn't want to go to college and he tells this to his parents all the time, but they keep saying he's going to go to college. He says his parents act like there's only one college in the world to go to and they act like it's going to be a breeze. Today, my friend told me that his dad is going to go to college and that both his parents said that if his dad goes, he has to go when he graduates high school.

I know a lot of jobs require college education, but I think my friend's parents are being a little ridiculous. What do you think?