Evil Finds Wrongness In God. This Is A Long Question

How do you define good and evil?

I recommend you read some Alan Watts. Here is a story for you!

Once there was a farmer whose horse ran away. That evening the neighbors gathered to commiserate with him since this was such bad luck. He said, "May be."

The next day the horse returned, but brought with it six wild horses, and the neighbors came exclaiming at his good fortune. He said, "May be."

And then, the following day, his son tried to saddle and ride one of the wild horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. Again the neighbors came to offer their sympathy for the misfortune. He said, "May be."

The day after that, conscription officers came to the village to seize young men for the army, but because of the broken leg the farmer's son was rejected. When the neighbors came to say how fortunately everything had turned out, he said, "May be."

We should not label events as "good" or "bad" because the continuum of the universe is so complex. So how do you deal with this? You do not judge it.

I fear that I'm a person who doesn't know rightness or wrongness, what should I do?

The following link includes the common ground and core teachings of the wise teachers and prophets. Those could be useful to you too. are some more detailed answers with verses and teachings:

How long will it take God to forgive me?

How long does God take forgiving? I'm not exactly a murderer but I'm not an angel lately,
I feel bad because I don't feel sorry enough, I should but I don't know... I want to be right with God, I don't want him to be mad at me how can I make it up to him?

anyone's opinion answers welcome/
I'll probably pick a Christian's as best answer cause we share the same faith & understanding on these things.

Why is God so evil? He hates gay people but makes people gay and blames them for their actions?

rational gunther- Since you were too lazy to look stuff up on your own

Within the scientific and social science literature, there is a myriad of research claiming to have identified the direct cause for homosexuality. One of the hypotheses regularly tested is that of whether sexual abuse itself can be the cause of homosexuality in adult life. The results of this research is inconclusive since some research finds a direct correlation between child abuse and homosexuality (Macmillan, 1997; Tomeo et al, 2001; Holmes et al, 1998; Doll et al, 1992; Soukup, 1995; Shrier et al, 1988; Dickson; Finkelhor, 1984), whereas other research expressly denies any correlational link (Ridley, 2003; Balsam et al 2005; Bell et al, 1981; Hammersmith, 1982; Peters & Cantrall, 1991; Slap, 1998). Clearly, the jury is still out!

The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) 1.51% of the population of the US identify as GLBT, whereas other studies put this figure as high as 8% (Fay et al, 1989). However,

Do atheists find the concept of God being "omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent" hilarious?

No, I’m fine with that. Your fictional being has those particular attributes? OK, lets see where it gets you.Does it prove He exists? No, it does not. I can say I have a car that goes 400 miles per hour and can travel a thousand miles on one teaspoon of gas. Doesn’t prove it exists.As far as atheism goes, that’s all there is to it; you haven’t proved the existence of any gods, so atheism continues to be the default position on the topic.But lets check and see what else this reveals.I observe, in the world, horrible things that happen to innocent people, without being caused by any other people. It’s OK, bad things happen, that’s fine.UNLESS you have an entity in place which is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.This entity is therefore aware that those horrible things are happening, is right there where they are happening, and is capable of preventing them from happening.But they continue to happen.Which means the entity is unjust, evil, vile, and to be clear, not good.Or you can feel free to retract the idea that He is omnipotent; if he can’t do anything about it, then He can be good. Or that he is omniscient and omnipresent. If he doesn’t know it’s happening, then he can be good.But really, you’d have to eliminate all three aspects, to be fair, since if he’s omnipotent, he should be able to make himself omniscient and omnipresent, otherwise, that’s a thing he can’t do. And if he’s omniscient he should be able to make himself omnipotent or that’s a thing he doesn’t know.So either he’s not much of a deity, or else he’s not good.Are you certain you want to make this claim about the being you have been worshiping?I’d be a little embarrassed, frankly.That’s hilarious.

If God exists, why are there terrible diseases affecting mankind?

Your answer begs the question. (Builds a premise into the conclusion without stating it.) So let’s break that assumption out and restate the question:“If God exists then he would stop all bad things from happening. Terrible diseases are bad things. Therefore God does not exist.” (Or something like that.)But that is not the kind of world God created (according to the Bible). He created on where we have morally significant free will. This means the choices we make have significant impact, good or bad. It also means we can make really bad choices, and some of them relate to our health. My father and my wife’s father smoked themselves to death. They had that choice, though they had no idea it would lead to death. A class mate did make it a choice and planned his suicide for months leaving a 32 page suicide note, telling people he had not experienced death, and thought he should, and so went out on a cliff side by the beach and drank poison.We have those choices and some of them lead to bad consequences.But there is also biological reasons for disease. Had Adam not sinned, we can only speculate that they may have had the ability to resist those disorders so caused, but, again, mere speculation. We don’t really know.But then, if God did not exist and all we are is evolved animals, how is it you can ask that question, what else would you expect except survival of the fittest, animal killing animal. Why do you have the capacity to ask a moral question? (Here, a question dealing with the rightness or wrongness of the condition of man.)A Zebra does not ask “why did the lion eat my father?” precisely because they do not have moral capacity. Why do we if we are only animals? And, no, you cannot just sprinkle the magic dust over it and say, “we just did,” or, “we just evolved that way.”I am not dealing with your right to ask the question, only your capacity to ask when I restate: Why do you have the moral capacity to ask such a question if God does not exist?The question cuts both directions.

Are actions right because God or society says they are right?

I am Buddhist, so my philosophy on this issue ties into what I "religiously" believe. Right actions are simply actions that have a positive impact on your life, but do NO harm to or will not negatively affect someone else's life.

A right action can also mean one that does not infringe on someone else's right to "their" action.