Excel I Need To Add The Names Found In Column A Based On The Values In Column Aj Same Row

How do I filter rows in MS Excel instead of columns?

Some clever answers, here, but the question might portray some confusion about data structures generally.Rows are usually considered to be "records," meaning that all rows contain the same data points (the cells), all of which refer to one entity, being the row itself. Thus, when rows are selected, the selection is made in accordance with some set of criteria found within  the cells that comprise the rows. Because Excel is configured with cell filters at the top of columns, it is best to lay out the data to conform with this arrangement. In fact, this IS filtering the rows, because only the rows with selected data will appear (or be suppressed, as one may choose).The most effective way to change the axis of selection is to use a pivot table, which, as the word "pivot" implies, allows more flexible (and sometimes completely irrelevant) views of the data.Another approach, which is a bit more catty, is to establish a sheet whose column headers are in fact duplicates of what appears in various cells on a row on another sheet. Assuming that the first cell of the row is a kind of ID or header for the cells that follow, this is a way to transpose the data dynamically. Which brings us to the question of record keys (RECID's) which are cells containing unique data that identify a particular row among all others. If you CAN create a unique identifier for each row, you can do some amazing things when it comes to sort/select.Hope that helps.

How do I merge multiple columns of data in an Excel sheet into one?

Basis Andrew's detailed and very informative response below, and further comments in that, below is my understanding of your requirement:You have multiple excel sheets each with many rows and columns of dataThe data is all numericTask is to be repeated later multiple times (daily, weekly, monthly etc.)Basis the above requirement, one solution I can recommend is as below:First merge all the excel files together. Consider some VBA code for this (refer this link for a start)Create a named range where you have your data (e.g. named range is Data_Range)Identify the number of rows and columns in your data using the below formulasr = ROWS(Data_Range)c = COLUMNS(Data_Range)In the column where you want all the values (say you want it in column A) type the below formula in first cell (i.e. cell A1)=INDEX(Data_Range,ROUNDUP(ROW()/COLUMNS(Data_Range),0),IF(MOD(ROW(),COLUMNS(Data_Range))=0,COLUMNS(Data_Range),MOD(ROW(),COLUMNS(Data_Range))))Copy this formulas down to as many rows as (r * c)

How do I delete rows based on values in a column?

Apply a sort to your data table to place all the items you are searching for together.Select the rows you want to delete by clicking to select the first row and using Shift + Page Down or arrow keys till you have all rows selected.Delete the selected rows by choosing delete rows from the edit menu, or right clicking and choosing delete rows.

How to create a range with Cell Values in VBA?

Below is the full code for a macro I am currently trying to complete:

Sub Tags()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim arrData As Variant
With ActiveWorkbook
arrData = .Sheets(1).Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Val...
With .Sheets(2).Range("A1")
.Offset(0, 0) = "Name"
k = 1
For i = 2 To UBound(arrData, 1)
For j = 1 To arrData(i, 2)
.Offset(k, 0) = arrData(i, 1)
k = k + 1
Next j
Next i
End With
End With

myRange = ActiveSheet.Range("B1", Range("B1:B100").End(xlDown))
Range("D1") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(myRange)

End Sub


I am currently stuck trying to figure out a way that I can create a range using the value stored in a cell. In that code, you can see that I am storing the sum of a particular column in the cell D1. I want to be able to use the value stored in that as the final row number in a particular range. Essentially, what is the correct syntax to reference something along these lines:

Range("A1: A(D1)")

What is the correct syntax for that? Any help would be appreciated!

How do I get the number of columns in a pandas dataframe?

Df.columns gives you list of your columns. Basically if you set len () func to this list u can get numbers of df columnsNum_cols = len (df.columns)

How do I pick the lowest number in Excel/LibreOffice from 3 columns and name it as “1”, “2” or “3”, depending on which column has the lowest number?

There are a couple of different ways to do this. I am going to show you the cleaner way first, but then show you an alternative way that is more flexible.The First Way:Find the MIN of A, B, and C, and then use a MATCH to find the matching column number:The Second Way:Find the 3rd-Largest number of A, B, and C, and then use a MATCH to find the matching column number:One of the reasons I like the Second Way using the LARGE function is because you can easily change which number you’re looking for. For example, to find the middle value, just change the 3 in the formula bar to a 2:

Is there a way to insert multiple images in excel, each image in one row, column B has filename?

When people want to add pictures to a worksheet, they usually need to clear out any pictures that might already be there. They also want to size the pictures to fit the cell.The following sub does that, putting the pictures in a row (as requested) instead of a column. As written, the macro puts the pictures starting in cell C1. The path is hardcoded, and the picture file names should go in in cell B2 and below. If there is a blank cell in the picture file name column, it will be ignored.Sub AddPictures()
'Puts pictures in row 1, starting in column C. Each picture is resized to fit the cell.
Dim cel As Range, Pictures As Range, PictureFileNames As Range, targ As Range
Dim j As Long, n As Long
Dim flPath As String, flName As String
Dim shp As Shape
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
flPath = "X:\Miscellany\" 'Path to pictures
With ActiveSheet
Set Pictures = .Range("C1") 'First picture goes here
Set PictureFileNames = .Range("B2") 'First picture file name found here
Set PictureFileNames = Range(PictureFileNames, .Cells(.Rows.Count, PictureFileNames.Column).End(xlUp)) 'All picture file names in this column
n = Application.CountA(PictureFileNames)
If n = 0 Then Exit Sub

'Delete existing pictures
For Each shp In .Shapes
If shp.Type = msoPicture Then
If shp.TopLeftCell.Row = Pictures.Row Then shp.Delete
End If

'Add new pictures, resized to fit the cell
For Each cel In PictureFileNames
If cel.Value <> "" Then
j = j + 1
Set targ = Pictures.Cells(1, j)
Set shp = .Shapes.AddPicture(Filename:=flPath & cel.Value, linktofile:=msoFalse, savewithdocument:=msoCTrue, _
Left:=targ.Left, Top:=targ.Top, Width:=targ.Width, Height:=targ.RowHeight)
shp.Name = "pic" & cel.Value
End If
End With
End Sub

How do I hightlight dates in Excel for the 1st-15th and the 16th-last day of each month?

I have two columns: A=person's name B=date. I would like to highlight two sets of data: anyone with a date that is 1-15, and anyone with a date that is 16-Last day of each month. This is an on-going with all months of the year.