Explain The Multicultural Aspects Of The Brown Case

What is cultural appropriation and why is it a thing?

"Cultural appropriation" was created by hypocrites who want to use other people's cultures and yet exclude anyone else from using their own culture.

People are trying to make it an issue and they are hypocrites, because they usually culturally appropriate, by the same standards, another culture at the same time they are accusing another group of people of appropriating their or another's culture.

I find it ridiculous, for example, to see a non-white person speaking English, dressed in white people clothes, living in a Western/white society, and then accusing a white person of cultural appropriation.

Just ignore it. It's not an issue. People are trying to make it an issue because they have nothing better to do. I don't believe in cultural appropriation. Culture is meant to bring people together and for us to admire and share with each other. If you are not disrespecting the cultural element itself or the cultural to which it belongs, then I do not see the problem with borrowing from another culture. Culture should NOT be reserved for people with genetic ties to people who used it first. That's so stupid.

If you just ignore it, it's not a problem. There's no laws thankfully against "cultural appropriation," so you shouldn't worry about it at all. It's a ridiculous concept.

To use another people's culture is only wrong when you are using it while making fun of them or insulting them or mocking them, or something like that, or if you take someone's culture and try to claim it's yours.