Extremely Happy One Day Depressed The Next

Depressed one day - happy the next?

When I was 14 I was sent to mental health. I was having similar feelings, however, the happiness was my way of masking what I was actually feeling. Yeah, there is laughter and you can push back what you are feeling. You may have an extrovert personality where being loud and laughing is comfortable but you are still depressed.

You would know if you are depressed, and by you saying you have sucidal thoughts and cutting, you are depressed. I use to cut. I am 21 now and have not cut in 2 years, but only looking back now, I can see what it really was. When you cut you are looking for a reaction, attention from someone. You need someone to care. And I do! You can email me, I do care about you . . . because no one cared about me. Please conact me, my email is

Feel extremely happy, then horrible depressed.?

I've been dealing with this for the last month or two.

I've constantly been having days where i'll wakeup feeling happy or depressed.. as the day goes on this mood will swing the opposite way.. and sometimes back again before the day is finished.

Essentially i'll feel extremely happy to the point of feeling very sociable, extroverted, even close to euphoric.. and this can last anywhere between 30mins-5hours (so it seems) and then i'll start to feel depressed to the point of feeling anti-social, alone, insignificant and looking at all the negatives in my life.

The issue is this happens multiple times a day.. it's enough to drive me insane, feeling really up then really down then really up again.. i've considered the possibility of bipolar disorder, but my mood swings dont seem to be as intense as what's described with bipolar.. although they may be developing symptoms.

And because of these mood swings happening so frequently on a daily basis.. it's starting to cause an identity crisis with myself.. i dont even know who i am anymore really, i feel like a different person every day, even multiple times in a single day.. i can be the socialist extroverted person everyone enjoys been around and in the same day i can be the shy,quiet introverted guy.

I'll probably see a doctor about this soon, does anyone have any personal experience with themselves or people they know with similar symptoms and what was he outcome?


One day I feel depressed and horrible and the next I feel fine with little thoughts about the day before. Why is that and what’s wrong with me?

There’s nothing wrong with you so don’t be listening to all the Excuses in your head for Not Living & Loving Your Life, or to the Depression Diagnosticians; Regardless of age, sex, race, location or circumstances you’re a human being with incredibly complex Anatomy, Biochemistry and the ability to feel a wider range of Emotions than there are varieties of tea or rice in China, so relax, stop looking for a way to label yourself and focus instead on LEARNING, and PRACTISING.Too many people who are actually dong nothing more than tolerating excessive Self Concern with too little thought for others, or who are far more “lazy” than they like to admit, rebrand these shortfalls of Humanity & Effort as an Ailment as that let’s them off the hook. The truth is, there are 7yr olds and 109yr olds on Youtube right now teaching us how to do what they spend their days/weekends learning , sharing the benefit of the learning experiences with others & using the process to develop Skills & Self Confidence. You get nothing for nothing in this life, so, not to try to sound too harsh because I don’t know you - but - try doing something positive & constructive which will actively help you to TUNE IN to those work opportunities OR Leaisure activities that you might enjoy most or be best at doing. eg. Can you draw? If not - do you ever feel inspired or in awe of others who can? Take time to THINK - What do I like?, What can I do. What am I already good at or would to learn how to do. Whatever you decide to learn it’s my advice that you do with the intention in mind of teaching someone else later. Better still if you can find someone near you who would also like to learn to do eg. hand thrown pottery, juggling, singing, juggling AND singing, take up team or individual sports or start a Home Business novelty cake-baking..CHALLENGE IS THE KEY TO LIVING A REWARDING AND ENJOYABLE LIFE.Really, there is nothing wrong with you because you recognise that your moods vary day to day. That’s normal. I’d be more concerned if they didn’t. If you don’t have one already get yourself a nice diary *1 DAY PER PAGE LAYOUT so you have room to write enough; Start recording your Plans/Target Achievements. Seeing it written down will help you to focus on the week ahead and when you tick things off that you promised yourself you’d do - you’ll also feel more positive/capable.Help/Befriend someone else in order to get some help & company for yourself.

What does it mean when I'm depressed one day and then fine the next?

It means you are normal. People who are depressed still have good days, happy moments, and moments of peace.One way I like to think about depression is that is moves your baseline or normal mood down.So if you imagine a graph with mood on the y axis (happier as you go up, sadder as you go down) most healthy people have a baseline or neutral mood (x axis is time) right in the middle at neither happy nor sad. Then things happen that bump their mood one way or the other from that line, but they always return to neutral.For someone who is depressed, that baseline starts lower. Your default mood is not neutral, it’s slightly sad. When nothing happens, you feel sad. Then events or other stimulus happens that bump your mood either way. It’s easier for you to feel more saddened by events than the average person and it takes more stimulus to make you feel ok or happy than a healthy person.This is obviously an oversimplification of depression. People experience depression in very different ways and may not feel sad so much as apathetic, but I hope it helps.I’d also like to point out that the kind of stimulus I’m talking about to move your mood up and down are often very small every day things. Time of day, weather changes, stimulus like smells, a text message from a friend all of these little things can bump us up an down, depressed or otherwise.Please let me know if this makes sense or if I can clarify it more for you.

Why am I either extremely happy or extremely sad?

Even when i'm extremely happy I could kill myself. It's a weird kind of happy, like I don't even know what's making me happy and I don't even know if it's a real happiness or one that I've tricked my brain into thinking was real because I have been faking for too long. Is that even possible? I swear every night the last thought that runs through my mind is, "I wonder if tomorrow will be a happy day or a sad day". Today, like most, is a sad one. I must have thought about death at least a thousand times today and took a few too many ibuprofen pills than necessary for a cramp in my back I barely even had. And it's weird because I do the same thing every day. I go to school and come home and do my homework and occasionally go out with my friends. Everything's always the same so why am I only ever really happy or really sad? Could I be bi-polar? Or is this normal for a 17 year old girl

How does one deal with emotional extremes? Feeling happy one moment  to feeling depressed the next moment and the cycle goes on.

Thanks for A2A. I must flag it that my answer might not make sense at all and can be stamped as "Foolish", if you may.But hey! I'm writing now. Period.To answer the question, I once read, " You don't fix, what's not broken"You're designed that way so why not accept yourself and make peace than conquering it over; your real-self I mean.It's Diwali in India and my birthday is on the same date. I usually feel depressed during any festive, or occasion as a my birthday.I don't like them. I feel like hiding in a closed dark place and never come out again, I really do.Most people around me don't feel that.I tried changing me and batteled for 23 years. Did I change!!?? Not a bit.I accepted myself the way I'm functioning, whether or not I'm a fit-for-survival individual.I don't give a shit if you like me or not for my preferences. Instead, it pleases me if my preferences disturb your peace of mind.A colleague of mine went furious when I said, I don't need festivities to smoke weed; I can smoke it any time I want, OPENLY.He yelled at me saying people would judge me, my manager would judge me, my manager's manager would judge. She'd make inferences based on my choices.More than his concern, his insecurity and jealousy talking out loud, disguised in concern, pleased me. The frowned expression secretly saying, "how the fuck are you so peaceful with no fears of anyone judging you whatsoever? While I change even my pooping habits to get people to like me and worst of it, they still don't."This again gives me pleasure because he's self-inflicting; I've known self-infliction for a long time. I know how it feels and I like to see others in that place.*Devil's Grin*

Is it normal to flip between being depressed one day, and very happy the next?

This happens to me quite often. Just yesterday, I was happy as can be. I don't think a single bad thought crossed my mind that day. However, today, which is supposed to be a very happy day, I can't seem to feel any happiness. I am so incredibly depressed. So, it is normal. I know several other people who experience the same thing. As humans, our emotions are all weird. In my opinion, it's a little bit of bipolar disorder. But, it's normal. Our emotions and moods change all the time!