Facebook Says Email Is Disabled

What can I do if my email account is disabled by Facebook?

Disabled Accounts - here you can submit an appeal. Also, if you'll scroll down - your Facebook friends can submit an appeal for you.

My facebook account has been disabled?

You can try using these forms, but maybe they won't ever reply, but if they do, they can tell you this


Unfortunately, your account has been permanently disabled for violating Facebook's Terms. We will not reactivate it for any reason.

This will be our last email regarding your account. For more information about our policies, please read the Facebook Community Standards:



EVEN if you didn't do anything wrong.. Facebook is crap unfortunely

My facebook account has been disabled?

Same problem here. 1-2 week without fb.
I guess your only choice is to wait, Facebook doesn't provide much infos on how to appeal a ban...

Facebook/Yahoo: Forgot my password and email is disabled?

All i am trying to do is delete my facebook account but i forgot my password and the email used for the account is deactivated. My Phone number is not connected to the account either. is the reason i cant log in because the email is inactive? I have tried many things like typing in different passwords, i even went to that page where you say you need to reset your password then i clicked "i dont have access to these accounts?" (the email) then it went to a page saying this is how you can recover you email password but my email is disabled so i clicked "i cannot access my email" then it just went to a page that said we're sorry bla bla bla bla bla. I just don't know what to do. I just want to deactivated my account. Is there a facebook helpline is should call or a way to deactivate it from a friends account? Thanks for the help!

My Facebook account was disabled. I made a new account and that is also disabled. Now what should I do?

First, identify why your account has been banned.Are you harassing people? Reflect, then stop harassing people.Are you stalking someone and making questionable remarks towards that person? Reflect on your self esteem and stop that questionable behaviour.Are you using your account to troll groups/pages/people?Are you pretending to be someone you’re not?Are you spamming, advertising excessively?Facebook usually tells you why your account has been banned. So what was the ban for? (I really wish people who ask these questions tell us more details.)Second, if you did not do anything that warrants your accounts being banned, Facebook also usually allows you to upload your identification and unban your account.

Facebook account disabled , tried to appeal after 2 days but they say my email does not belong to anyone?

alright so if you read my previous question you'll know why my facebook account was disabled. So i sent a lot of appeal messages but they didn't reply. So after two days , i tried logging in and they said my email does not belong to any account! i was so shocked! then i sent a message to facebook about why i am disabled on facebook when i didnt do anything wrong, then they said my email address is not associated with any accounts. WHAT THE HELL? i've been using this account for 3 years!after it was disabled why does my email not belong to any account anymore? my friends are asking for my facebook name and i had to tell them i dont have one and they're teasing me. i really have done nothing wrong ! then of course i want my facebook account back i had to appeal and this problem came up -.- im really angry because of this , my mood was ruined! I was supposed to be happy today now im so stressed and angry ! Why? What should i do now? i've checked the email time and again its impossible i've typed wrongly!

How do I appeal my disabled Facebook account?

whats wrong with it has it lost its legs or something?

Is it possible to un-disable my email from Facebook after my account was disabled for being fake?

You can give it a try by using this form: Email Address Already in Use

How can I recover my disabled Facebook account?

Absolutely yes. If you just need to feel better, get everything that might makes you more sad or depressed AWAY, and everyone who puts your issues on the spot as well! listening to sad music, talking to the wrong people about what makes you feel really sad, going to places that are related to bad memories, all of that can make your depression worse. Talk it out man! Write down everything. Whatever are your feelings ACCEPT them, see and understand what is their purpose and why do you feel this way! find a way out of it. Help yourself. Talk to new, fresh people. Go to new places.Try new clothes with new colours. Discover yourself again. Put your hand on heart, feel that heartbeat, and be grateful for it. Believe me if you give up to depression it will eat your soul. Whatever your age, you have a great life, you just can't see that well. And it's just a decision, remember that. You're the one who decides whether to be sad and let depression mess with you or to change something and get your life in a good, bright direction.What are you trying to clone.Cloning a lot of plants is very easy, you can take a cutting, place it in some compost an the cutting will develop roots. you now have two genetically identical plants.With some plants like most berries or vines it is even easier, just peg a part of the plant onto the ground and it will develop roots. Once it is rooted you can simply cut the vine connecting the new plant to the old.With mammals things are more difficult, you need some basic lab equipment. Basically you have to remove the nucleus (all the genetic material) from an egg cell and replace it with a cell nucleus taken from the animal you wish to clone, fuse the two together with a electric shock and then implant the clone embryo into the womb of a female animal so that it can develop to maturity.If you are trying to clone a hard disk, use a linux boot disk and a program called gparted.

I have appealed to Facebook after my account was disabled but they say that the email address does not belong to a disabled account what should I do?

You will need to find the email that you originally signed up for the FB account with, to ensure someone random is not trying to gain access to your account.If you push back on support, there may be an avenue to recover through different details / ID check but this varies.Good luck and hope you get it back!