Fairy Tail - Dubbed Or Subbed

Is Fairy Tail better subbed or dubbed?

Once I finish Soul Eater I'm going to start watching Fairy Tail, but I'm not sure about whether to watch it in Japanese or English. Usually I prefer to watch anime in its original language, but if any of my favourite America voice actors play some of the characters, I tend to watch the dub. As for Fairy Tail, I've heard it's amazing, but I don't know what to watch it in. Please can someone tell me their own personal opinion of whether they prefer it subbed or dubbed and perhaps also answer the following questions:
How many episodes are English dubbed?
Is Fairy Tail like One Piece at all? I intensely dislike One Piece, along with Sailor Moon- they're the only anime I detest (and all yaoi). If it isn't, can someone tell me what anime it's like, or is similar to, or anything at all really! (But no spoilers, if you don't mind.)
Thank you! :D

Are there any differences between Fairy Tail subbed or dubbed?

I started Fairy Tail in dubbed and I think it is absolutely amazing. I think the voices fit with the characters, I laugh hysterically at the funny parts, and cry at the emotional sad parts. It has become my favorite anime and I love the dubbed. However, my friends think i'm crazy for watching the dubbed and say it is bad.

I personally tried watching the subbed after I started in dubbed but it wasn't the same for me, I liked the dubbed so much better.

Can you guys give me specific examples of why subbed is better because i'm just not seeing why. Please comment if you have seen BOTH subbed and dubbed because If you have only watched subs chances are you will be like DUBBED SUCKS and be all ignorant like that lol :D Thanks

Is fairy tail better subbed or dubbed?

i have been thinking about watching fairy tail, but im not sure if its better to watch it dubbed or subbed. i don't watch subbed (unless the dubbed is very crappy) because i have to pause to read and then continue playing, but it seems that many people enjoy fairy tail subbed and not dubbed.

in any case which is better?

Are the fights more hype in the sub or dub of Fairy Tail?

Personally I’m a dubbed fan.It all depends on what you prefer. Personally I always get goose bumps in a hype fight whenever Tod Haberkorn (Natsu) shouts out his attacks against an enemy. And for some reason I never get the same effect when I listen to the Japanese version. This is probably cause its in my native language so I associate with the battle cries more? But yeah, watch both and decide for yourself.

Where do I find English-dubbed episodes of Fairy Tail?

YouTube has a lot of the dubbed episodes in good quality but not all, however this website that I found has all of them including fairy tail zero

Where can I download Fairy Tail dubbed?

I don’t know how download episodes other than Itunes or just go to make sure you install AVG virus protector before doing that.

Where can I watch Fairy Tail English dubbed episodes 61 and up for free?

I keep looking and all I can find is websites that don't work, the episodes are really subbed not dubbed, or they aren't the real episodes. I have seen the first 60 episodes and now I'm kinda hooked so if anyone can help it would be great thanks. :)

Where can I download Fairy Tail episode 176 onward, dubbed or subbed?

download the app #ANIMANIA. in this app you can get all anime completed or ongoing. You can download it by searching on google.