Family Dog Attacking Our Other Dog

Why do dogs attack other dogs that are having a seizure?

It can any of several reasons. One of the 2 dogs might have started the attack, and the other might have followed. Don't assume that both dogs initiated the attack individually.

As others said, dogs can be opportunistic and attack weaker members of the pack. In addition, the dogs don't understand what a seizure is, and could have been frightened by their packmate acting oddly. Sometimes dogs attack what frightens them.

Besides getting your vet to medicate your dog to alleviate the seizures, you should never leave your dogs alone/unsupervised without protecting them (usually that means using a crate). That includes going upstairs while the dogs are downstairs. When you need to be away from them (that means when you are not actively watching them), put the dogs in the crate, or invite the dog with seizures to stay by your side. If a seizure occurs, you'll need to divide your attention to first be sure that the dog having a seizure isn't about to get hurt by falling down stairs or off a piece of furniture, but also to ward off the other dogs - correct them, order them to their crates. Do not panic, do teach them that the desired response when your dog is having a seizure is for them to leave the dog alone - go crate/kennel.

Will my dog attack a hamster?

If your dog has never been around hamsters as pets before then you should keep the hamster in a cage and introduce them to each other very slowly and carefully. Hamsters can look like prey to a dog and it can catch it, shake it and kill it in a few seconds so you want to be very careful.

Many small dogs like terriers are ratters with a strong prey drive and can be dangerous when not introduced, as young puppies, to rodents or even kittens.

Your dog needs to understand that hamsters are pets and not lunch and, unless you are completely sure she understands that, I would be very careful.

My Dog is attacking/going after other animals that cry or yelp. Why?

Our family dog, a six-year old Welsh Corgi, has a tendency to turn aggressive toward animals (cats or dogs) that cry out in pain, surprise, or growling in anger. He has been known to start fights with other dogs that bark at him for getting to close or attacking a puppy that yelps in surprise at the sight of him pushing his nose in their face.

He violently attacked one of our previous cats by grabbing its neck and shaking it about. The cat had, seconds before, been yelled at for scratching a piece of furniture and ran into the jowls of the corgi.

The first time he saw one of our new dogs, a 6-week old Tri-color corgi, he bolted at him and grabbed his neck with his teeth, nearly traumatizing the poor young dog.

This is a pretty serious problem, as we have two of these young dogs having entered our household in the last month, and we want him under control. Why is he attacking yelping/crying/growling animals, and how do we get him to stop?

P.S. He also gets antsy when hearing a "Tssst" noise or high-pitched noises like a heater squeaking.

My dog attacked my child out of jealousy. What should I do?

I will tell you this, in 2010, I had to put my dog to sleep because of this very problem. He was growling weeks before every time my daughter would walk through the rooms past him, all sorts of warning signs were there. But I refused, because of my love for animals so much back then, I refused and ignored this. I had three dogs total, including him. They were treated like my babies and none of them were abused. He just had a jealous streak towards my child. Bottom line? He went nuts one day and killed the baby puppy we had just bought for my daughter at the time. Puppy woke up, early in the am, like 6am. Bounced off the bed, the other dog I am speaking of, was on the floor. I hear a weird bark type growl, I quickly jumped up, and it was too late. He killed the puppy by biting it through its skull. He went crazy after that. I had to lock him in the laundry room until I got him to the vet’s office and had him put to sleep. I remember saying good bye to him and he had a crazy look in his eyes too. He was not the same. I was sad about the puppy. I was also very sad to put him down, because he was a part of my life for so long. He was 9 years old at the time. But my child? My human child? Her life and well being, was and is, way more important than an animals’. That is how I now look at everything from that point on. Do what is best and right for your family first and child of course. If you are here on Quora asking, you already have some gut feeling that something is not quite right. I am not saying to put your dog down. But you may consider possibly finding a new home for your pet. Do not wait as long as I did and ignore the warning signs. I should have found him a home. He was jealous. He growled a little at first, then a lot. Then he killed 10 days later. His behavior changed slowly over a period of months, then weeks, then he killed. I look back and think of these things. It could have been my kid, instead of the little puppy. Think about what matters most. Lastly? God forbid the dog snaps, it only takes one minute for their head to turn, bite your child in either the body or the face, and they are disfigured for life. Think about these things. Good luck on your decision. I know it will be hard, but worth it in the end.

Male dog attacks female when doorbell rings?

This is called a redirected aggression;This is a relatively common type of aggression.
It often happens when the dog can see a person or another dog passing by .
For example,two family dog's may become excited,and bark and growl at each other in response to another dog or person passing by the home,and because they are confined inside the home or confined behind behind the fence in the yard and are unable to attack,they will turn on each other or in your case the more dominant dog will turn on the less dominant one and attack it.
I would use the operant conditioning method....When your dog is attacking the other dog you could use the spray bottle the instant he begins to attack give him a squirt and say sternly NO BITE you may have to do this a few times but when he stops say Good NO BITE and either give him a treat with heaps of praise for listening and obeying....Repeat as much as it takes but he will soon learn what behavior brings the best results...which is no bite.
If for any reason your dog will not listen...time out is effective tell him three times no bite if after the third time he does not listen time out for 5 minuets....when he is released from time out you must ignore him for 5 minuets this is important because if you make a fuss of him upon time out he will associate time out with the attention he gains upon being let out and time out will not be effective.
Good luck

Why did our Husky attacked our small dog?

- Simple keep the Hushy away from ALL other dogs until you resolve the problem. No ANYTHING where dogs are off leash. Dog is under your control at ALL times. If you are unwilling to do this, are you willing to be responsible for any damage that this dog may cause?

- Find a professional to help you figure out where the problem is coming from. Despite what the "experts" here have to say, you need to know about this dog's history and SEE what is going on. These types of things come from a variety of issues. For that reason, there are a variety of methods that you have to use to resolve them.

For all of the "experts" who want to jump in on this question. One question for you. Have you ever dealt with this type of dog face to face EVER? Not watching someone on TV. YOU dealing with it? Have you ever had a dog decide to come at YOU, or another dog, and it is very apparent that some MAJOR damage is going to be done? This type of thing is dangerous to all involved.

Great advice from bassetnut.

Prey drive in Huskies? Anyone have sources for that? Not unique to Huskies that I'm aware of. Perhaps some of the Husky people will jump in.

My neighbor's dog attacked my child. How do I get it put down?

I've had many rescues and 99% of the time, the individual is at fault. When it comes to children, the parents who complain about dogs attacking kids haven't taught their kids to respect animals. Not “act” respectful, BE RESPECTFUL IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT. If a child punches your kid on the playground, are you going to “put them down” too? No, because the law prevents you from taking “an eye for an eye” approach much as you may want to. Keep your kid away from the dog. No one interacts with my dogs except my immediate family. My pooches stay on the property. If you wander into my property or my personal space, my dogs will take issue. Bloodthirsty nature like yours is a bad influence on the younger generation.

If my dogs attacked a cat on our property whos fault would it be and what would happen?

I have experience with this ****, it happened to my nieghbor and she is one of the top lawyers in hamilton ontario. The cat went into her property and the dog grab ahold of it. Its even been the other way around for my family the dog came on our property and our cat defended itself and amazing killed the jack russel. The problem with this is you'll find is if they do sue u u could be out a couple $$$. Theres two ways the judge is gonna look at it.
1. A dog is not suppose to be in even your own yard unsupervised. Your fault
2. Its not illegal for a cat to be an outdoor cat unless the cat is from a shelter then legally the owner has to sign a contract legally stateing that the cat/kitten will strictly stay INSIDE! - Your Fault/ Cat owners fault
3. If you do end up going to court ask them where they bought the cat and call the place up and see if they have any legal documents, you might have to get a warrant from the judge to get the documents as they are legal peices of government if it was the SPCA.
4. Technically it is the cat owners fault for letting the cat be an outdoor cat and therefore not caring that the cat was invading your property. The cat owners fault
5. Finally this could make or break what happens, if the judge sees that its a pitbull that killed that cat your in a heap of trouble because if u watch the news Pitbulls have been attacking small dogs, cats even humans aand ALOT of pitbulls were put to sleep becuase of this. So that will probally screw you over right there is that your breed of dog is a pitbull.

Why does my dog attack everyone but me?

My dog's been home for 5 years,but lately he's been growling at everyone,and sometimes he even goes as far as biting them,but he never does it to me,no matter what I do.When other people raise their hand near him,he starts growling and becomes vicious,but if I do it,he just lowers his head.

Also,when he's attacking someone,if anyone tries to calm him,he'll turn against them,but I've gotten him off people several times and he's never hurt me.When he's growling at someone,he'll even let me pet him and after a while he calms down.

The thing is my mom wants to send him away to the dog pound.He's never hurt me,and he's a really nice dog and a friend I value as much as my human friends.I want to know what is causing him to this,so that I know what I'm doing right and teach it to my family,so that he won't attack them anymore and my mom lets him stay.