Family Member Who Smokes Got A Heart Attack

Can I have a heart attack at 15?

There is no such thing as a healthy person who has a heart attack at 15. There is always a reason for it. The typical profile of a teenager who appears perfectly healthy but dies from Sudden Cardiac Arrest or a heart attack is "has either a history or family history of heart disease but is not up to date with testing".

Really the only major exceptions of this are the people who have an injury but never had it treated. This results in a blood clot and causes havoc.

I have a niece whom is "perfectly healthy" according to all of my relatives. Her mother died from an inherited heart disease. There is a 50/50 chance that she also has the disease, and, if she has it, a 7ish percent chance that she will die before she shows any noteable symptoms. Until those symptoms show, her family does not want her tested.

So please, cut the whole "I must have heart disease" thing. You aren't even describing the correct symptoms.

Can you have a heart attack at the age of 22?

Yes, but the chance is extremely low. If cardiologists see a patient that is aged 30 with a heart attack, they will be shocked at the low age. Therefore, 22 seems even more unlikely.A heart attack is causes by an occluded artery which has to be narrowed over the years. Smoking, diabetes, hypertension, peripheral artery disease and a high cholesterol are some of the factors that could accelerate the proces. Young people (age < 50) having a heart attack are likely to have a positive family history (first or second degree family members that have had cardiac disease before the age of sixty).During a heart attack, muscle fibers of the heart will die. If you are having continuous pain during 24hours, hardly any muscle fibers will remain. But is it possible? Yes. Therefore one should see a doctor.

Has Anyone Ever Had A Heart Attack Whilst/Soon After Smoking Cannabis?

I was watching this program on BBC 3 a couple of weeks back called 'How Drugs Work: Cannabis' on this it said when smoking cannabis or soon after (like a hour or something) your chances of having a heart attack increase by 5 fold. I smoke cannabis 1 or twice a month sometimes 1's every 2 month but if there is quite a large chance of it causing a heart attack i'm not willing to risk it. But as far as i am aware there has been no recorded deaths from the use of cannabis or anything risking death i have no family history of heart problems and some of my other friends smoke it a lot more than me. Or is it a case of if you have a very large amount that's when it's most likely to happen. As for my health i Play lots of sport and keep the fittest i can so i don't think my heart is under any strain or anythings such as that.

Can a teen have a heart attack??

Yes, sweetie. Anyone can have a heart attack. Do not dismiss this as gas. I am so tired of people saying that. Chest pain that moves down your arm and causes numbness, is not gas!!! Uneducated well-wishers will tell you that this is gas just so you won't get worried, but by all means, be concerned. I must warn you though, doctors will be very quick to tell him that he is too young for this. Stick to your guns. It could be due to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, juvenille diabetes or a heart defect that could be easily corrected with surgery. It could also be due to an arrythmia which is an irregular heartbeat. If an arrythmia fails to be treated, it can be life threatening, depending on the type and severity. I would suggest that he go to a dr. Take an adult, perhaps a parent, to help convey your concerns to the dr. Also, no smoking and drinking. These behaviors are very harmful when it comes to heart issues. Tell him to watch his diet. Avoid fried and fatty foods. Avoid foods with more than 300mg sodium per serving. Drink plenty of water. If he has another episode like this, have him sit or lie down and call 911. If you are sure he is not allergic or is not taking anticoagulants (blood thinners), such as Coumadin, give him some Bayer or St. John's aspirin. Just read the label to see how much. Get as much info from him as you can in case he becomes unconscious. Chest pain is nothing to play with. A quick and appropriate response can save a life. Be sure to tell the ambulance medic that you gave him aspirin.