Father Figure Confessed Creepy Thoughts Advice Needed

Will Kylo Ren confess his feelings to Rey in episode 9?

You know what’s funny? People say fans were not happy because their crazy theories weren’t true, but The Last Jedi was built upon the weirdest, creepiest of all fan theories: Reylo.There’s not a shred of evidence suggesting chemistry on The Force Awakens. Rey saw Kylo kills his own father, and her own father figure, she thought he was a monster and was ready to kill her, he saw her as a potential apprentice. That was it.The Last Jedi retconned all this (as with almost the entirety of The Force Awakens) to become a weird, creepy Reylo fanfic.So yeah, one of The Last Jedi’s big problems is that it was basically built upon a weird reddit/twitter/tumblr shipping fanfic.To specifically answer the question.No, he doesn’t.At the moment, Reylo is:a) A fanficb) Something Rian Johnson kinda implied he had in mind on twitter like a couple of timesc) Something that exists on a “leaked”, likely false script

Are there any young grandparents out there? i need some help..?

I was 18 the first time I got pregnant, It was scary telling my parents. The first thing I have to say is that you were doing the right thing by being on birth control, they can not blame you for an honest mistake. I suggest that you and the father of the child both sit down with your parents and tell them. Explain to them that the antibiotics messed with your birthcontrol. Do not put it off. It will make things harder in the long run. I suppose that a lot of little things will complicate this situation, like if the father of the baby is around, if you live with your parents... things like that. But just remember the plain fact is, you are 19, you are legaly an adult, they can not make you do anything. If they are smart about it they will accept this grandchild and be happy for you and be there to help you out and support you when you need it. If they dont see things that way, well then give them some space, they will come around, mine did. I promise you, everything will be ok... a lecture is nothing. Would you rather be 16 and them tell you that you have to have an abortion... you have no choice, but now you are an adult and it is your choice. Like I said they will comearound. They love you. It will be ok.

Now the only thing to do is to start planning for the future for you and your child and start making drs visits and things like that. Congrats and I hope all goes well with your parents. Im now 21 and having my 4th child... ok wait, I lost my twins at 18 and my daughter is 1 1/2 and im pregnant again, my parents came around, yours will too. I hope this helped and did not lecture because I know how awful lectures are :)

I'm having random thoughts of suicide/murder READ DESCRIPTION!!!?

Its not like I want to do it its just random thoughts come up like when I was hiking I thought I should jump off this cliff then I thought I should push my sister off. Also when I was doing the dishes and I was putting the knives away and my sister came in and I thought I should stab her.,. ITS FREAKING ME OUT!!! I'm only 14!!! Help me before I hurt someone or myself!!!

Do capricorn guys like being called "daddy" in bed?Why?

Yeahh im still hung up on tht taurus guy i confessed to but its something im curious it ego issues or a dominant thing? Ive read online tht they like control but so do why do cappies go around being a parental figure to evry1?

How to sleep without being scared?

Okay well it's a little embarrassing for me to say this, but I'm 13 years old and I'm am really afraid of the dark. I don't know why, but I think it's because of the scary movies I've watched in the past. Like The Ring, Jennifer's Body, Staying Alive, or watching the TV show The Haunting. I vowed never to watch a scary movie again, because it's just affecting how I sleep at night.
Since I was in third grade or so, I slept in my parents bed. I felt bad for whoever took mine, but I didn't think I would still being doing that. Then in fifth grade I started sleeping on an air mattress in their room, and I have since then. My parents constantly ask me when I'm going to start sleeping in my own bed, and I get so frustrated knowing that if I try, I might fail. My sister thinks I should go to therapy and that it's a good idea, but I definitely do NOT want to do that.
At night, my room is really dark and there's a little closet next to my bed... and it's kinda creepy. When I'm in there, I try to think of happy thoughts and such but it doesn't really work. I am going to try soon, but will you please help me figure out a way to fall asleep fast and not worry about a thing? Like any strategies? THANK YOU!

Is my dad's friend flirting with me, or just being nice (older guys' opinions would be nice)?

It's hard to say, because what you're remembering here for us could easily be filtered through your own wishful thinking. You mention that your father is an alcoholic and isn't there much for you, so there is the possibility that he is just trying to give you the support an encouragement that he sees you're missing out on. Telling you that you're a cute girl when you say that others think you look "butch", offering to help you reach your education goals, giving you a lift to a dinner party (instead of your father - was dad drunk?), asking about your boy friend and encouraging you to be an independent woman, all of these things could just be "A's" way of looking out for you. The fact that he has known you since you were only 13 (or younger) also says that he could see you more as a "daughter-figure", so yes this could all be just wishful thinking on your part.

Now, with out being judgmental, I'll go ahead and give you some advice on how to find out if he's into you. Tell him you've got a crush on a guy that's quite a bit older than you, and you need some advice. He'll more than likely ask you how much older this guy is, and you can tell him the guy close to "A's" age. In fact use "A" as the example, say "he's your age, or pretty close". If he reacts negatively to the idea of you dating on older man, well then he sees you as a "daughter-type". If he is into you he'll more than likely warn you about "B's" motives while not quite discouraging the IDEA of you dating an older man. If he says "B" is a bad guy ask him "Well would YOU ever date a younger woman? If you did would you be (insert whatever warning/insult he uses about "B")?" This will give you the answer you're looking for, and you'll sound like you're just asking him to hypothetically put himself in "B's" place instead it screaming "I'm talking about you!".

If he's not into you, just say "Maybe you're right. I guess I should date guys my own age, or at least wait until they're more mature."
If he is into you, you can call him later on and confess to him that HE's the older guy you're crushing on.