Feather Tattoo On The Thigh

Tattoo sleeve theme/ideas?

Im looking to finally get my tattoo sleeve going, but I am not a very creative all.
I have a few tattoos already, a couple word ones, a skull and roses on my thigh, a rose on my shoulder cap (sleeve will not be on same arm!, leaving this one blank...for now), and a peacock feather on my back as well. Just to give you an idea of some things I like/ generally enjoy, here's a list:
- realism tattoos (I don't like new school, old school, cartoons, ..blah blah blah.. I like things to look real!
- tattoos (obviously)
- pin ups
- vintage everything. (clothing, furniture,..)
- feminine yet edgy
- lace
- nature
- animals (big time!!)
- DIY projects
- skulls
- art projects
- painting
- interior decorating
... Im at a stopping point here I think. I could probably think of other things I enjoy, but those were the first things I thought of, so it's the best things to be going off of I would think!

So yeah, If anyone could be of any help at all using some or all of these things to come up with a tattoo theme, idea for me, that would be a real help.

I have a great artist in mind already, and I know she'll be able to do a good job with whatever I bring her, but I need an idea to come to her with. help? thanks.

Small feather tattoo on each rib?

Every rib???
Would they all be the same? Or would each feather be different? Would each feather be from a different bird? Would they be realistic? Do they mean anything to you?
If you are working with birds, or you love birds, or there is a specific bird, or you just love feathers, then fine, it is something that will work for you if you have the right images and the best tattoo artist that you can find.
I wonder about the 'every rib' idea though, how about picking a number, like 5, or how about having then all together in a cluster image.
Images are the key, and a skilled and talented tattoo artist.
Each one should be done as a separate tattoo, with at least 6 months to a year between each.
So you will have plenty to think about before deciding.
This will be pricey and a long term project, so take your time and think it through.


What goes with a feather tattoo?

I have a tattoo on my thigh of a feather and a quote that says "loving you always forgetting you never" with the birth and death dates of my grandpa and uncle. But it looks like its missing something, what could I get around it too pull it all together?

What does a thigh tattoo feel like?

So I really want to get a peacock feather tattoo on my thigh. Not super huge but a decent sized tattoo. I found a design and it's so beautiful, I'm always looking at it because I love it so much. I'm just wondering if anyone who's had a thigh tattoo can tell me what it feels like? I have a small tattoo on my ribs and one on my hip, the hip kinda hurt but it was bearable and I didn't think the ribs hurt at all. The pain factor isn't going to change my mind I'm just curious so I know what to expect. Thanks. :)

I am getting my first tattoo how bad will it hurt on my thigh?

Differs from person to person. I personally did not enjoy my thighs being tattooed, but in reality, I did not enjoy any of my tattoos. Tattoos hurt. That’s part of the process. As long as you understand that going in, it is a mind over matter thing. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter. Stay relaxed, remember to breath, don’t forget to eat before you get tattooed, you should be fine.

Tattoos on the ankles?

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo on my ankles. I really love the anklet design with two feathers!

I also wanted to include "Stay Strong" written above it and for the beaded band to wrap completely around my leg.

How much do ankle tattoos generally hurt? I've heard they are more painful then most others because of the bone. This is a first tattoo so any helpful advice is appreciated!! :) Thanks!

How much does a thigh tattoo hurt compared to a rib tattoo?

Really depends on what you're doing and where. I had some work on my thigh recently…That piece goes all the way around…So, here's the deal. Front of the thigh, outside of the thigh… no big deal. Inner thigh? Rough. The upper part of the thigh, right below your butt? Also rough. The bottom of your thigh close to the bend of the knee? Fuck that shit. Ow.Now… I sat 4 solid hours (breaks not included) of work around the knee, the inner thigh, and the upper back of the thigh for that piece (we did the feather on the inner thigh, all of the flames and jewels, plus laces in one session.) It's rough, yes. But it isn't unbearable. The outer thigh is something you could nap through.Ribs?I've only got about two hours total on my ribs. The tattoo itself wasn't bad,my arm hurt more from how I was laying on the table than the tattoo itself. But that was pretty fast moving lining with a bit of shading, all black, no color blending.The nature of the tattoo made that piece easier.Which gets me back to: it really depends. Inner thigh, upper thigh in the back and anywhere near the knee? I'd call it as rough as a rib piece. Outer thigh, front of your thigh? Take a nap.

Have you got a picture of your latest tattoo?

I don’t have ‘a picture’ … assembling a picture would take multiple shots to get all the way around my leg and besides, it’s still in progress. We got some great work done on Wednesday this week though so… have a sneak peak:That one is on my calf… of course, it’s not done yet, Sierra is doing fantastic work that takes a bit of time. That feather was an hour and a half. The other two feathers we did that day were a little faster but it was still a long day of tattooing and it was our 4th (5th?) session on a project that runs from my calf all the way to the top of my thigh.It should be done at the end of the year though, at which point I’ll have plenty more photos to share :)

Text on an ankle tattoo?

I want to get a medium sized feather pen on my ankle/lowe calf area (the location is not going to change). However, I wanted to include some text in the design.

Minimally, I am going to have "Jeremiah 29:11-14"in the design (I have wanted that in a tattoo for 4 years). However, I also wanted to include the word "Regardless." Would having both pieces of text be too much?

What would look better? A basic feather pen with a little text or a peacock featger pen with some flowers and the same text?