Feeling Crazy . . . .

I feel like I'm going crazy. What should I do?

Whenever you or anyone else is “feeling” like that - it is because:You are unable to silence the noise in your mindThere are too many external signals which are affecting you.Here is a question for you to think about.When you are sleeping or you are in deep sleep - do you feel like you are going crazy?The answer without a doubt is - No.You can ask anyone and everyone this question and the answer will still remain the same - a total and emphatic ‘NO’. For that matter have you ever watched a noisy crazy hyper-active baby when it is sleeping?One of the most beautiful sights you can ever see.Reason being:The mind and body is relaxingThere are no external stimuli that communicate to the bodyThe internal communication is switch offThere is no communication from inside to outsideThink about this for a second.And now I want you to picture this.Someone in deep state of meditation or trance. What do you picture?Do you picture something hyper? fast? out of control? disturbing?Or do you sense a feeling of serene, tranquil and silent peace?Of course - you know the answer this…And to date - I have never met anyone who meditates or who lives a life devoid of stimulation - going crazy.Have you?So now coming to your questionWhy do you feel crazy?It can be a whole host of reasons.So why you are going crazy?It can be because of all the external signals that are bombarding youSocial MediaMoviesMusicEmailsFriendsFamilyWorkTravelPeopleIt can be because of your lifestyleToo less sleepToo much milk, sugar, carbs, artificial or processed foodsToo many stimulantsIt can be because of so many factors.Sometimes even something as small yet very powerful factor like “money” can be a major factor.So what you need to do is - step away from all the chaos and confusion and ask yourself - what is happening. Be aware of what is happening and slow down.So if I were you - I wouldn’t ask myself “Why am I going crazy”Rather I would ask myself - How can I find peace or be more relaxed?Because with the former question, you are finding out all the ways to go fuel the fire of being ‘crazy’ but with the second question, you are looking at ways to eliminate what is driving you mad - and see happiness, peace, calm and achieve a sense of serenity.I hope you find the right answer to the right question and find peace.Loy Machedo

I am feeling that I am going crazy over a girl. What should I do?

If you are going crazy because of her character and personality than the beauty of her body then it will last long.In that case you shall let her know slowly indirect way. She will definitely understand your intentions and if she decides to keep distance from you and doesn't involve you in her life as much you wanted after all your efforts then you should walk off slowly away from her life and appreciate her decision.Over the period of time if she starts missing you then she will try to interact you and include you in her plans. But beware allow her only if she is good person otherwise you will only regret in long run.

Zoloft 100 MG feeling crazy :(?

My doctor recently raised my dose from 50MG of Zoloft to 100MG due to overwhelming, disturbing, strange, disgusting, freakish thoughts that would race through my head that I had never had before. They make me so uncomfortable I'd rather die. I don't know why they come to me RANDOMLY or why they are there at all. I'm scared of them. I hate them and I try to make them stop or picture something else, but they're there. It's not like I want these things to happen or would ever think of it on purpose so it's a pain to deal with. I feel crazy and like I deserve to be in a mental ward rather than at home. How can this be normal? Is this me? Or the meds? I hope to God that it's Zoloft. I got on it for anxiety attacks, but now I feel disgusting and depressed at times instead. What should I do?:(

Why do I feel like I'm crazy?

It is true that many people with mental health conditions do not know that they suffer from these conditions. So, they don’t know they are mentally challenged (pc lives).Then there are those who know they have some kind of mental health condition and seek, as well follow psychiatric care.Then there are those who have the Munchhausen condition, where their bodies actually create false symptoms. Some know, some don’t.Let’s include Body integrity identity disorder (BIID, also referred to as amputee identity disorder), These people are normal and sane in every other way, but are convinced a limb (such as an arm) does not belong to them.When you say you feel crazy chances are you are not crazy. Then, again, maybe your are. Check with your primary physician.

Can anxiety make you feel like you're going crazy?

Yes it can...but you are not.  :)   Anxiety, even when it is involving an anxiety "disorder" is a very normal reaction to stress.       What is abnormal is the amount of stress and negative thinking and worry that you do.     Your brain works just fine.  It is releasing the amount of adrenaline that your negative thinking is calling for.    But you don't know you are calling for all that adrenaline with your negative thinking and worry.   So here you are feeling the side effects of adrenaline that you don't know is coursing through your veins and you think something is mentally wrong with you.       But that is not the case.    You are the captain of the ship.  The brain can only release adrenaline on your command.  Whatever your emotions tell it do, that is what it does.   Laughing, crying, panicking.  You are in charge.    Anxiety is not confusing at all.     People just have it backwards.    They think that the anxiety symptoms are causing the worry and fear and negative thinking.  But the truth is that the worry and fear and negative thinking is what came first.  THEN the adrenaline and anxiety symptoms came.     And then you start worrying even MORE because of the adrenaline symptoms that are making you feel physical and mental side effects, and so than you start making even MORE adrenaline and eventually you are just a dog chasing your tail over and over and you don't know what came first, the chicken or the egg.    How many analogies can I fit in one paragraph?  lolYou are not crazy.  Your brain is not crazy.  Nothing about this is crazy.   Its just a case of bad communication between you and your brain.     Your brain wants you to calm down and relax and slow down you life so that it can trust that you are safe and shut off the adrenaline.   YOU, on the other hand want your brain to shut off the adrenaline so that you can relax and stop worrying.   Its like a game of "chicken" and I can tell you right now that your brain is NOT going to flinch.  It will NOT back down first.   Your brain has a job to do and it takes it very seriously so if you want the anxiety to change, YOU have to go first.   You have to make changes to your life, change the way you think, etc.   It can be done!   I could write all day but I am out of time but you can read more at my blog at

Can anxiety make you feel like your going crazy?

Short answer: Yes, anxiety can make you feel you're going crazy.
Long answer:
First, know that you are not schizophrenic, but merely anxious about it.
You are having the fight/flight response to a perceived threat-- the thought of losing your mind/suffering from a mental illness. The threat, of course, is not real and in fact, illogical since you are not having actual symptoms of schizophrenia.
Anxiety sucks! But there are ways to deal with it:
Try to use your thinking brain, because then your emotional brain will be less active. So, multitask! Do a crossword with the tv on. Or make a collage or watch your favorite movie while knitting. Journal and write all the thoughts you're having. Talk to someone about your thoughts.
Another suggestion is deep breathing and visualizations. Imagine a peaceful scene, and try to relax all your muscles. If you hold onto tension in your body it will make your anxiety harder to go away.
I like to drink strong (2 teabags) chamomile tea. Or Tension Tamer, which has other relaxing ingredients. Kava Kava root is supposed to be helpful. Talk to a doctor.
Good luck!

Effexor XR is it making me feel crazy?

I started taking Effexor XR 37.5 mg for anxiety and panic disorder. A little over a month ago I started taking 75 mg ask directed by my psycologist. I have been feeling "crazy" on and off ever since but recently its more severe. I dont know how to explain this feeling other than the thoughts and voices in my head are running a thousand miles a minute and I cannot shut them off. I also have been having crying spells for no reason adn thoughts of hurting myself again. I almost felt this way before I started the meds except now I do not have the attacks. I have been picturing hurting myself cutting ect. I feel likemy brain is going to explode with thoughts and emotions and I have no idea whats going on Can someone HELP please??

Why do I feel like I am going to crazy when I'm alone?

Because you’ve yet to learn to love your own company. I went through a period of two years where I rarely saw anyone but my dogs, and at times I too thought I would go crazy, but then I started listening to music more, dancing, drawing, going for long walks with my dogs through trails, and before I knew it, I was genuinely enjoying myself, and enjoying being alone.Having people coming around after that became problematic, especially when they brought all their negativity and angst, so I cleaned house (figure of speech), and make a conscious choice to surround myself with positive people, or individuals who don’t spend all their time complaining, blaming others, and stressing themselves, or me for that matter.Instead of just being alone and going crazy, find things to do that occupy not just your time, but your mind as well. If you don’t have creative outlets, hobbies, or anything else, try out different things until you find things that you like, and genuinely enjoy doing, and getting lost in. It’s this losing of oneself that cancels out the loneliness. I’ve lost whole days reading, drawing, crafting, walking, yup walking, because I’ll find places to chill in parks or forest clearings, and listen to music, or just to the sounds of nature. I’ve even done so just chilling by the lake.Find what your soul, or your inner self, is craving, and then feed it. Before you know it, you’ll be shutting off your phone, and finding interruptions to be intrusive. It’s why I still have a home phone, and screen calls, and my cell phone is for emergencies, not texts. Seriously, who needs to be so connected, especially when friends, and family are the only relationships that matter, not a bunch of strangers you don’t even know.

Anxiety that feels like a bad trip, feeling crazy?

I have had anxiety since I was young, bad enough to make me throw up during school, develop an eating disorder..etc. Pretty bad. I went on klonopin 4+ years ago. 1mg up to 3x a day. I usually never take more than 1 or 2. Lately my anxiety is so bad, instead of throwing up my throat burns, my body hurts, and I start to feel like Im going schizophrenic. I know its unrealistic and it GOES AWAY but in the meantime it feels so bad I feel sick to my stomach and paralyzed. Thoughts, support, anything is appreciated. I don't want to be crazy

Why does BPD make me feel crazy?

I would want to talk to you about two things:How strong is your sense of self? Your sense of self is your understanding of who you are. It’s an anchor that keeps you from blowing in the end and being at the mercy of everyone else’s emotions. Without it you may find yourself morphing into whatever everyone else wants you to be with no idea who you actually are. You may feel like you have a “hole in your soul”. You may be especially susceptible to being left by a partner because they take your identity with them (the one you morphed into). In my experience, people with BPD have a very impaired senses of self which usually result from the problem I’ll discuss in #2.Do either of your parents (or the people who raised you) have a cluster B personality disorder themselves? The four cluster B personality disorders are: antisocial (commonly called psychopathy/sociopathy), borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic. I would be particularly interested in knowing whether one of your parents/guardians were narcissistic or antisocial. If so, that might be the source of your BPD and your feelings of being crazy. People with those disorders engage in a huge amount of emotional and mental manipulation. Their manipulations are so severe they can leave you feeling crazy. They also have a near-total selfishness. As a parent they are extremely neglectful which results in a child with a very impaired or missing sense of self.Lacking a secure sense of self and having had mind games played on you your entire life will leave one feeling crazy.By the way, an impaired/lacking sense of self can be fixed - completely. You might find that helps a lot of your symptoms. Staying away from manipulators will decrease that feeling of being crazy.I really hope this helps.