Feeling Like I Have No Real Friends

I feel like I have no "real" friends?

Sadly... your in all honesty probably correct and intelligent enough to see the truth and handle it as well. I had the same situation happen to me when I was young. I hung out with friends that were jealous and wanted and did hold me back from getting ahead in life. I am an artist.. and I was going to become an actress. They some how can sense this in me. I had it going on. Well.. I felt bad about leaving them to move to California when my brothers did and I should have just went. I did go to visit, but.. don't be afraid to make bold moves like this. I sense you are most likely the way I use to be. Its mucher harder now in life to get ahead and go back in time. I do absolutely have regrets about not being more brave in taking risks. If you have an interest in acting take classes. You can find private ones. Build a portfolio. Get an agent. Do commercials. When your able to move to Hollywood or LA. Take on some broadway plays. When those so called friends see what your doing they will show to you their fakeness and then will want a part of you. By that time.. you will make and meet new friends. You will be able to later on help the world on a huge platform. Take vocal lessons .. piano.. guitar. It all helps. You will go places and they will take the low road.

I don't feel like I have any real friends?

So I don't feel like I have any real friends. I mean I have friends that I can talk to, but I'm not really that close with them at all. I just want somebody I can talk to, laugh with and tell all my secrets to without being judged... What I really want is a best friend who I can do anything with. The only thing is, everybody seems to already have their best friends and I have this friend who I call my best friend and she calls me that too but really I just don't feel that close to her anymore. Also, I like this guy but they always go for he blondies... Or the ones who are complete social butterflies! Bottom line is, I feel lonely! I don't have a best friend (or any real ones) and no guy has ever liked me back. I don't feel depressed, just kind of sad that I've never truly connected with anyone before. I don't feel normal, not having a best friend and a bazillions other friends to text and have sleep overs with even if people don't have a gazillion other friends they usually have at least one best and really close friend! I never feel like I can be true self around anybody but my family. Help please?

What should I do if I have no real friends? I have some friends, but they are circumstantial friends or acquaintances and they don't really care about me. I feel very lonely and depressed even though I'm surrounded by people.

Let me try to answer this for you from my point of view. To me, friends are baggage. And like every baggage they come with their own particular weight, only it changes by itself depending on their mood and environment.What do you really need a friend for?Tossing a few shots together every once in a while and listening to them bitching and moaning about how miserable their lives are? Yup, that's what you get when you need a friend to "share." You unload your baggage, get ready to take on some extra from them as well. Honestly, not my cup of tea. Sadly those are considered true friends of BFFs. Sit on the sidewalk and start crying, any decent guy would ask you what's wrong and maybe even listen a little. So, anyone can share your frustrations, even a total stranger. You don't need someone in particular to do that. So, let's cross off the sharing part then.Do you need a friend to go to the ball games, movies, theaters, concerts? Well, movies and theaters are no places to chitchat, at a ball game anyone can be your friend for that period of time, and concerts, well, sing dude, sing along.You need a friend to call late at night when you're miserable and feeling that melancholy slowly crawling upon you? Have a hobby, for Pete's sake. Start getting not good, very good at it. Or just put some music that makes you wanna jump up and down, or just for calming your nerves. You know, we humans are so lucky, cause we have something miraculous called music. What's left? Ooh, those dreadful holidays and weekends. Well, you said you have some circumstantial friends or acquaintances, so I'm sure they will have some plans which would fit you. Choose one of them, tag along, and go home exhausted to the blissful peace of your own space, away from any human interaction, which I'm sure you'll hate after that long day with so much of it.Human beings are in constant change. You are always changing, they are always changing and let's be honest, it's too much to ask for in these times for any kind of relationship to last that long and stay solid. Embrace the everyday change and accept that others go through that as well. That way, you won't feel the need to get too attached to other mortals and also, won't get frustrated when they, so rightfully, walk away. Space, my friend, space. Everyone needs it. Have it, and let others have it as well.

I'm 24 and have no friends. I feel really lonely?

I'm 24 and feel like I have no real friends.
I've never been popular. I just stick with one or two close friends all the time and I'm content with that. I've been like that since highschool and college.

I moved to Pittsburgh a few months ago to pursue graduate studies. Since then, I've felt overwhelmingly lonely. I'm in a class of 80 and I see my classmates everyday. They seemed to have formed cliques and strong bonds really quickly and now I feel it's too late or people are not interested in talking to me. I'm not weird - I'm just really insecure and have always been dependent on having close friends to support one another. Now I'm all alone. I'm so unhappy and I'm always scrutinizing my daily interactions with classmates for not having anyone wanting to be my friend and I'm starting to feel depressed (my heart beats fast for no reason because I'm so anxious and sad). I also feel that some of my classmates (girls) don't like me so I get extra anxious when they're around (which is everyday).
I have a few close friends from hometown that I still talk to on MSN chat but it's just not the same. I'm embarrassed to admit my loneliness to others. I feel so lost not having anyone I can connect with meaningfully here.
What's worse is that I feel I'm judged for not having close friends. Some of my "friends" in class would go out to study together or hang out without mentioning a thing to me (then I'd scrutinize myself some more trying to figure out what's wrong with me and hate myself more). I even worry where I should sit in class so that I don't seem like a total loser. I'm very friendly and well-mannered, it's just that I have very low self-esteem due to childhood events. I feel no one understands me and I don't have anyone I can "depend on" to hang out with, shopping, etc.
I do try to use my school's counselling services which are free but it's really hard to book an appointment and I don't think it'll fix my problem.
I am so sad and it's really distracting me and probably driving people even further away from me since who wants to hang out with a sad person? Like right now, I should really be studying/cramming for a final exam tomorrow but instead I'm depressed about feeling alone. :( What should I do to stop feeling so sad and worthless?

I feel lonely. No real friends?

hope someone will help me with advices.So, i am a 17 year old girl. Im in high school. at the first 2 years i had two friends in my class but i never really felt that I was their friend, they would hang out in school with me but thats all. Then, rule to my school is that after the two years we have to chose social or science class. i chose social. At this class I knew none. now its been two months in this class and i have no friends. I sit with a girl but theres no click we have nothing in common to talk and im also a quiet person with people im nt close. Its very hard to make friends in this class because they have known each other for 2 years and the groups are formed. I feel so so lonely there, I have none to go for lunch so i usually buy food before i go to school..pathetic yeah,, and i stay mostly on my phone...In school i have a few friends but they r not REAL friends. I have a close friend but she is in another school we do hang out sometimes Ive known her since middle school. But other than her i dont feel like i have friends. I feel like my whole life i have been lonely. And Since i dont have friends in high school where you mostly make friends i feel like i will be lonely for the rest of my life and it makes me so sad. I dont know why i ended up like this.. I dont know if i can survive anymore. Help

Is it common to have no real friends?

Some years ago I had this adage on my status on my social media apps.“ Friends are like an escalator,as you go up at some point you should stop and let some people off”I cannot recall where I had seen it to acknowledge the author but I made sure I mentioned that I was not the original author.Having said that, it reminds me that the true friends I have are childhood/village/school time when material world was not a factor on how we interacted with other people.As people get wealthy, it becomes very difficult to identify true friends. That’s where the adage becomes real because a bigger percentage especially those not as wealthy as you might be close to you for other motives. It’s not strange to find two individuals who are very different in material wealth being friends for a long time especially when the trust grows that it’s not money that links them. Then when the wealthy party helps the other person s/he does it with happiness. In real life no one goes around looking for friends and many people become friends by coincidence when they realise they like each other because the presence of the other person makes you feel comfortable, happy or contributes to your intellectual growth in a pleasant way.So to really answer your questions, Yes, it’s common to have no real friends if you know what real friendship means. It’s not something to worry about because it’s better to have no real friends than having fake ones.On the other hand, it is a good feeling to know you have a real friend. If someone tells you they have many friends then you should know they have no clue what true friendship means.True friends are rare and many confuse admirers as friends, and in certain cases, wealthy people sharing a certain hobby repeatedly, such playing golf together, sport fishing etc, will tell you my friend so and so….but does not really mean they are friends.If you get a real friend you will know it, it’s from the heart, this person does not do a lot of things pretentiously, but you will be confident to share bad and good news whenever it occurs, you will ask for advise in tough moments etc.lastly coming back to the adage, yes, sometimes it becomes necessary to avoid people who sap your energy although they casually look like Friends.Hope it helps.

I just realized i have no real friends?

Im a 17 year old girl and I just realized that all of my friends are incredibly selfish. And i only have like 2. So two of my friends are incredibly selfish and they are my only friends. I feel like all my friends have ended uo being toxic. Literally, all. Is it me? Am i too sensitive? Do i end frienships too easily? Heres an example that happened today: my friend and i went to go see her boyfriend in a basketball game. When we got there, she immediately left me to go sit with him and i was left sitting all alone. She did wave at me to let me know where she was and she didnt specifically say i couldnt come but i didnt want to intrude since they never asked me to come eith them. (I also used to be friends with her bf but we arent really friends anymore (yet another friendship i ended)) i dont know what do you think? i come home crying nearly every day cuz i just want some real friends and i feel so incredibly lonely. Is it typical in high school to have poor friends? Do you think ill make better friends after i graduate? Im sick of being left out of EVERYTHING and its making my depression and anxiety worse. I know the simple answer may be "just make new friends" but i dont make friends easily because i have anxiety and im very shy and people dont seem to include me.